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I hate weekends when I am feeling like I do right now. I feel lonely and I feel like it's hard to be good to myself. My T is unavailable on weekends. I do see her Monday and that helps but right now I feel so down. I have no plans for the weekend. I can't turn to my siblings anymore for anything because they are so mean to me. My friends all live out of state. I have my dog I guess. I have my projects. Not happy that it's Friday.
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I'm sorry weekends are hard for you Frowner I often do "bookends" with my T... contact her on Friday really quick over the phone, and I usually see her Monday or I'll connect (leave a message, have her call back, etc whatever I need). My weekends used to be and are much more occasionally now very dangerous and scary... that grounding sort of helped. Any way you guys could try that? My T is not available on the weekends either. My adjunct is though.

Could you think of some plans? My T has always encouraged me to get out of the house on the weekends and be near other humans. Even if I go to coffee alone, or read outside... just not to hole up. That alone has saved my life 2 years ago.

I'm sorry you're in a rough spot, and many of us will be around this weekend to support you. Hug two

Yes, I can relate to hating weekends too; although for me it wasn't to with having no contact with T; it was two days of achingly codependent living with my ex W. Coming home on a Friday night from work was depressing and the days dragged. Thankfully those days are over now and I'm loving my weekends again; and so will you I hope.

In exactly the same way as Catalysts T; mine urged me to get out of the house if at all possible, and just going into town to a coffee shop was the one thing she urged me to. And it did work; those trips out really did help, and i think Catalyst is right; if you could make plans to do even small things at the weekend it would help, I'm sure.

I hope this weekend is better for you Turtle.

hi turtle,
i hate weekends too Frowner
i used to think it was also because i was lonely, didnt have enough friends etc... but even now that i'm married and have someone to do things with... i'm just so tired in the weekends, and i end up getting depressed. its like during the week i can function go to work etc, because i have to, but in the weekend i fall apart... but in a way it is a relief to be able to do so....

i'm sorry i have nothing useful to say. i totally relate and i'm still struggling to even know what to do about it, or if i want to do something about it.

sometimes it is good to do little things that remind you that life can be good and enjoyable, so i hope you follow catalyst and av's advice.

hope you were able to look after yourself a little this weekend, and take it slowly step by step.


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