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I hate when my T says the word INTIMACY or INTIMATE!

My T... today... in response to my saying that I call her so damn much to leave messages I've gotten to the "hey it's me" or "hey [ insert start of my message with no introduction at all ]" stage of communicating. I'm not even sure if my T introduces herself all the time. She says to me "That's what happens when people are intimate with each other". I don't even know what to say about that right now.

The word is just too much, too much something I have no idea. I have no sexual connotations associated with it so it's not a "giggle" sort of uncomfortable but a sort of... it's like if there was a BIGGER word than "connection", this would be the bigger word.

I don't like these sort of uncomfortable things pointed out to me.
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this topic... eep. Does your T really say "Too many questions" ? How could there ever be too many questions in therapy.

About & Erica - I ALSO HATE THAT ONE. Argh!.

RT - have you ever replied that you're not hungry, or just brushed your teeth? I'm cheeky like that... I would.

scars and turtle, I've heard those too, about the feelings then being told... what I do with them is my choice... not in that way though, but similar.

mudd - I have heard that one too... or "it takes as long as it takes". Which I refuse to accept, there must be a perfect time!!!

Arthenacus - You should look up a Bob Newhart Therapist Mad TV Skit on youtube... he says "Just stop it". I tell myself just stop it... my T will respond... it's not that easy.

Recently, my T said something horrifying that I just couldn't take in so made a joke which was "I'd welcome you" which is a bit too close to the core of my issues right now. But as a general statement I hate hearing "Take out the judgement" and I think OH, okay!! So simple... (cbt... Roll Eyes )
I hate when my T says...

...anything along the lines of asking me whether I might be able to rest, wait, ask God for help, etc., so I can stay with the experience and share while I'm in the middle of a crisis or suffering the medieval like torture of being torn apart by my disorganized attachment. This is my "are you serious?" one.

Also, "I'm sorry things are so hard," or "you're having a tough time right now." It's actually nice of him and I know he genuinely is sorry that things are sometime so painful, but when he acknowledges it as difficult, I immediately have this backlash inside, saying, "No it isn't!" with all the shame and self-loathing that goes with it.
"What do you need from me?" (If I knew what I needed to get better I probably wouldn't be in therapy-I would be out getting it!)

"Those two completely opposite things are both true but exist in tension with each other. You have to find the sweet spot between them." (Needless to say I am never anywhere close to this sweet spot and she doesn't tell me how to get there.)

"I can't help you if you don't give me the power to help you." (Ironically She has so much frickin power over me it is pathetic.)

"You need more support." (No sh!t Sherlock! Why do you think I am here? If I was able to find the support I need outside of therapy I wouldn't be trying so desperately to get it from you!)

(Yes, I am angry with her right now. Being angry is soooo much easier than being hurt.)
"What are you thinking about?"
-really? The reason why I'm not expressing what I'm thinking is because I don't even know how to come about it! Ugh. It really irritates me whenever T asks me this. Like ugh!!! And sometimes I'm not thinking about anything in particular! Do I always need to be thinking about something when I'm listening to her talk? Aye Razzer

"And how does that make you feel?"
-the worst thing she ever asks me. She is very aware about how much I hate this question. Such a typical therapy cheesy...i just really detest's like well, how would you freaking feel if this happened to you?! I always squint my eyes at her whenever she asks me that. Sometimes I think she asks me this on purpose just to irritate me lol.

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