First I want to say that I feel terribly guilty posting this because I've barely been around lately, but I am going to presume on all your good will and post anyway.
I'm just feeling sad, depleted and a little overwhelmed tonight. A lot of it is my work schedule, I've been consistently putting in 60 hours weeks for at least a month now and it's going to continue at this pace, if not get worse until the release goes out mid-November (on the upside the work is going well and I'm on target so far). I ended up going to the doctor's this morning and I have an ear infection in both ears and a sinus infection. I'm taking antibiotics and using ear drops which is helping the pressure but I'm feeling pretty wiped and I have a four hour phone shift tonight. I'm actually typing between calls.
I feel really off tonight and then all the negative stuff about how bad I am at this and how I don't listen well, etc etc, starts sounding in my ear and then I get really frustrated with myself because this is NOT about me, it's about the people who call. Then I had a woman call who was going through a LOT. We really connected and she told me several times at the end of the call that she felt better because it was a relief to talk. I was so relieved that I ended up crying when I got off the phone.
And underneath it all, what's really making it difficult is that I am so missing my T, I don't know how to describe better than that I'm really homesick. I knew it was going to hard before it got better so this isn't a surprise or anything I can't handle, but it's still hard, you know? I'm just sad about not seeing him. And I think when you add everything up I'm feeling depleted tonight which makes me miss that hour with him even more as I always left feeling better, more confident and ready to take things on. I have to learn other ways to take care of myself now that I don't have that.
Honestly, I just think everything has piled up tonight and it's going to look very different in the morning after I get some sleep. But I wanted to be heard. And there are so few people who get why I have to go through a period of mourning because therapy ended and I know that you all get it. So I'm glad I could come here.
I miss him so much. I still think I've done the right thing ending therapy, but I really miss him.