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my self confidence: 0 points / my self hate: 47,000 points - once again, my self hate is rather huge and winning this battle. Roll Eyes

I have no self confidence, and I think my sensitivity about that, or lack of self confidence itself, is ruining my relationship with my T. I used to have a little self confidence, more than I do now. By self confidence, I don't quite mean the same as self esteem. But something different that I can't explain too well.

This is probably going to be the post vague and confusing post ever - but I need to vent or express something somehow somewhere... hoping it helps me just stop getting so scared about this.

I think I ruined everything with my T. I probably didn’t. I keep telling myself this can be worked out. But I’m really concerned. Everything is going downhill fast. I don’t know what to do.

I can’t type out what happened and what went wrong right now… I type out that in a nutshell, it seems like my T doesn’t have confidence in me with something really important, that I could change, that I could learn to be different. My T is very supportive of me, totally accepts me, and I believe that as much as I can. But confidence in me… that’s different… and really, the real issue is my total lack of self confidence. Somehow sensing an area that my T doesn’t have confidence in me about, is making me really scared and mad and frustrated – because I already feel that way myself, and I needed? wanted? her to believe in me so I could learn to do that… and something came up where she realized I had been handling something much better than she thought I even would, for about 7 months now too, and I realized she didn’t think I could handle it… and so whatever small amount of self confidence I had, fell apart, and I’m really… just hurt…

And it took a lot, but I finally got so stuck and shut down about this, that I had to tell my T it bothered me, and what was going on with my lack of confidence and how much it hurt that she didn’t have confidence I could handle something I already was – but that I don’t blame her for it, because I don’t see any reason to believe I could have handled it… not really… I just did… and I don’t know how… and yet I’ve struggled with so much else… so it makes sense to think I couldn’t handle this one tough thing that has been going on for 7 months… and yeah, she knew about it, she just didn’t know how much I was already dealing with it…

I know I’m being vague – it’s just to keep this shorter and try to get to the heart of it – which is that I have no confidence in myself. And finding out my T didn’t about something… well… it hurts so bad… it’s like expecting rejection, then because I so expect it, it happens… I didn’t think my T would have confidence or believe I could handle this, and sure enough she didn’t… and in a way, I wish I hadn’t handled this thing in my life ok… just so it all made more sense to me right now… and I actually lived up to the low expectation my T had for me… but not really… I’m glad I did ok with it. Yet now I have no confidence. This is totally backfiring.

And telling my T I felt so hurt… It didn’t go over well. She wasn’t defensive at all. I just am worried she thinks now she can’t help me. But I’m so stuck in the middle of so much in this – that I’m probably projecting at least 80% of this on to her, and I can’t even tell what is what and that simple act of project so much – well, I just feel even less confident and capable.

I want out of this spiral and I don’t know how to stop…

Somehow this all has hit something very deep for me, and I think for my T too. It just seems like something is really hard for her about me saying I felt really hurt that she didn't believe I could handle something I already was handling, and just fine. And she said I was right, and then just got quiet and looked so sad and then asked if I wanted to take a break from therapy - but yet saying she wasn't confident about my containment skills - which all left me utterly confused. And she said she was mixed up too.

maybe she needs a break.

this is not good.

I didn't mean to trigger her. I know I'm not supposed to protect her, or take care of her, and I can't, but still - it sucks to even think I probably triggered her. crap.

Outside of this issue, things are going really well between us.

It's human to lose hope at times. My T is human. I can handle human. Can't I?

I think maybe she lost hope in her ability to help me. She might not have, but it seems like it. (again, could be tons of transferance and projection going on here - pretty much just a matter of how much that is going on) It seemed like that just for a moment, but still, it feels terrible.

I wasn't really even looking to her to have hope and confidence in me or herself or... I don't know...

It just hurt.

I want things to be ok again. My T says they are not ok between us and she's really sorry. Frowner I want things to be ok. I think part of me healing is walking through things not being ok... but ugh... this just feels so bad...
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((((((JaneDoe)))))) I am sorry you have lost your self confidence and that your T didn’t believe in you. I can understand how you would feel hurt and rejected. I wonder if it was just that she didn’t realise you were handling it so well rather than she didn’t believe you could. I’m really glad that you were able to bring up with her how much this hurt you, though from what you have said it sounds like she was having trouble with you telling her this. Her looking sad and asking if you would like a break may have been because she felt she had let you down and she really cares and wants the best for you, though I can totally understand that is not what you wanted or needed to hear. Are you able to contact her at all and get some reassurance of her reaction?

I am sure she hasn’t lost hope in you JD, I think she may be disappointed that she was so off the mark. It sounds like you have been doing really well with whatever it is and that is something to be proud of.

Hope you can work it out with her.

It's human to lose hope at times. My T is human. I can handle human. Can't I?

It is totally human to lose hope at times, and yes, your T is human.

Example (might help, and sorry if it doesn't)

My last session with my T, I left frustrated, and by the time I got home I was pissed off. She finally landed on a big "secret" and hit a sore spot at the same time. As she noticed my annoyance with what she said, she paused for a moment, and then shared that she might sound annoyed by what we were talking about, because it is something she is dealing with herself, and is working hard to work through so she isn't as annoyed. She also told me to tell her if I am upset/hurt/frustrated by her reaction, so we can work through it. Which I very much appreciated. And I hope that if I do end up in a position where I'm bugged by something she says, I can bring it up and talk about it.

Unfortunately, by the time I got home I was a sobbing mess of tears, and was incredibly frustrated that she hit a spot so hard that I couldn't breathe. She has so much more confidence in me than I do, and in this area, I think she is starting to get annoyed with me, which pissed me off. And being pissed at her really, really hurts.

I am moving between feeling anxiety/panic, to empathy that she is human, to sadness, to complete loss. I am tempted to call her and ask to have a phone conversation, something I've never done before. But I don't think I can. I'm still too emotional about the whole thing, and feeling scared that she's not going to work with me anymore if I don't change, and feeling scared that I'm not changing fast enough for her.

So.... you are not alone. Yes, Ts are human and they have the same emotions and feelings we do (they are generally better able to work through those or keep them in check when working with us clients.) Yes, it hurts when things go awry. It hurts like hell.

I really hope that things do turn out to be ok between you and your T and that this rupture gives you something to work through that will only end up solidifying your relationship. And in hoping this for you, I'm now realizing that I can have the same hope myself.


I'm really sorry that you are feeling so low and that whatever this issue is has caused a rupture with your T. I really hope that the two of you can work through this and come out the other side stronger than before. I really believe that you can. I know there have been times where I felt so discouraged about something that went on between me and T and though for sure that I had ruined everything, but in working through the rupture we built an even stronger relationship every time. I wish that for you as well.

Please keep us posted as you are able.


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