I want desperately to "give" something to my T. I'm not talking about something tangible, but some part of me. All I do and have done for the last 4 years is TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, TAKE from her. She has been the most attuned, loving, accepting, understanding, T in the world, holding all the appropriate boundaries. I truly am blessed to have her in my life. I have and continue to struggle with many of the same issues a lot of you here talk about: is the relationship real? Do I mean something to her?, Can I trust it, Will she abandon me, Am I lovable etc. I am so attached to her that I swear sometimes I feel like a giant piece of velcro stuck to her side. My avatar really does reflect how I so often feel both in and out of session. Once again, I take, take, take and take, and she just gives, and gives, and gives.
So, I have this strong, gut-wrenching, need to give her something. But what do I have to give her? She gives me so much and has made my life so much more meaningful and beautiful but, I give her nothing in this relationship. I know I give her money for the therapy, but what else do I give? Sometimes I cry so hard and feel so pained with the lopsidedness of the relationship because I want so much to give. I want to teach her something, affect her in some heartfelt way, change her life for the better. But because of the limits of the relationship, I have nothing to give. This makes me so sad.
I'm having a hard time putting words to this, I just hope somebody gets what I mean.