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Ok,this is my first time here,thought I would give it a shot.I am a 23 year-old male in his first semester in collge.I have been dealing with depression for 2 years and I started seeing the school counsiler in October when I started preparing for school.She told me to get a counsiler through my insurance and I did and have seen her 4 times.

My issue is I feel my school counsiler is trying to get rid of me and only meet with me "periodicly" and she wants me to give her card to the new counsiler.What should I do?

I like both counsilers,but like the school counsiler more and I feel she is mad or impatient at me.I want her to like me again,her attitude toward me changed when I met with her yesterday.Yes she was still nice and professional,but not as nice and proffesional.I don't want to lose her,she has become like family to me after all she did for me in the short time I know her.

I also like the new counsiler to,but she is also of the opinion that I should be on meds.That is unacceptable to me and I want to do it the natural way.I am willing to work through my issues,whatever it takes as long as it doesn't involve drugs.I need some advice and I appreachiate in advance anyone who chimes in.
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Hi Somebody Smiler

Just a thought...

Is it possible that your school counselor is limited in how many sessions she can offer you? Or is she limited in what kind of approach she can use in working with you? I've been a student at 3 different colleges and in each school the counselors were required to work with a "solution focused" approach (where they use a particular formula to help a person identify their problem, set some goals, and create a plan for action) and it was my understanding that they are intended to provide short term support and/or referrals to other resources if necessary. In one college there was a 4 session limit, and in my other 2 there was a 6 session limit and then they had to refer me elsewhere.

I'm not sure if that helps or if it even applies to your situation but I thought I'd put it out there. Best of luck to you in making your decision about which direction to go.

No I haven't heard anything about session limits.I have seen her about a dozen times since October and while she has flat out said"I am not your therapist"she has said nothing about a time table.

Now that you mention it I am kind of worried.I just saw my new counsiler today and it was a very grueling session emotionaly.She is nice,but is putting alot of pressure on me to change quickly behaviors that have been so much a part of me my entire life.Now I have to go two whole weeks without therapy from either of them and it's tough,I don't know how I can make it through.

The school therapist sessions are only 30 minutes,but very relaxing,even though I always leave wanting to talk to her more.

With the new one,today was my fourth time with her and it was by far the most grueling and if this session was any indication of what is in store,I am going to need the school counsiler big time.I sent her an email,but she hasn't relpied back yet,I did give my new therapist the school counsiler's card.
i'm with everyone else, ask. some ts don't like to work with other ts, like orbit said some have limits.

and, if you don't like t2, you could always ask for another referral.

i have two therapists. they are okay working with eachother one is the 'primary' and each do different types of work. my insurance pays for that.

any time there is confusion my opinion is to ask.
Okay,about the school counsiler,I know she has a degree's from two major universities.I know she isn't my therapist and flat out told me,but I want her to be even though I know she isn't.

She is like a "career counsiler" and I guess I have reason to see her because I still haven't chosen my major.With her it's like she really helps me alot.Today I was horrible in both my classes because of counsiler 2's session.It;s not that I don't like her,it's just she leaves me emotionaly drained,despite making progress.

The school counsiler makes me feel better about myself,I feel miserable today.
unfortunately, no one here can tell you what to do.

my advice is finding out your options by listening to the advice here, talking to your counselor/therapist for clarification of what is and is not available and then make an informed choice using the facilitation of one of your available professionals. Write down what you want, find out what you can have or what can be negotiated.
My school counsiler dicided not to see me anymore because I made her uncomfortable with all the emails I sent her and my pattern of behavior.I understand it was all my fault,she did try to pass me off to another counsiler,but I decided against it because everytime I would go into the counsilers building I would be reminded of her.
I decided to just stick to my therapist and work on my issues the best I can.
I'm sorry to hear that happened Somebody. As painful as relationship troubles are, I think these things happen for the best in the long run. I hope you can do something kind for you deserve that and I wish you all the best. I'm wondering if you've found anybody to hang out with at college yet? College can be a great place if you make a couple of friends...or it can be hard it you are alone.
ALso, this is a great site to learn from others some of the great info on here whenever you get some time.

Hang in there with your T and I hope things get better.

Take care,

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