I am so touched by the care and concern from all of you. It feels really nice. Thank you.
I am doing better so far today. It was a “processing session”, and while nothing really huge stood out it was pretty emotional again. I would start to feel the emotions well up and then they’d quickly fade away. That happened several times today. At one point my T asked why I was resisting in being able to say what I needed to say to my mother (you know when you get the urge to cry and tell someone how much they hurt you but since you were never allowed to it just gets stuck in your throat?) I instantly replied, “I probably got a spanking if I protested for my needs as a small child. It would be viewed as a temper tantrum and that was never allowed.” My T just looked at me and slowly nodded her head. So that is the kind of stuff I am processing lately. Very pre-lingual time of my life and even when I could verbalize if I protested, to my mom it mean that she was a bad mother and she couldn’t bear that sort of guilt so she dished it right back onto me instead. She had a sly way of doing that and I don’t think she was aware of the consequences and toll that it took on me.
I did get to a point today when I was talking about how I needed my mother to hold me and it became about wanting my T to hold me and really wishing that she could. It was a moment that I knew that as much as I didn’t want to say it I knew that I had to. So I forced the words out of my mouth and she totally accepted it and we discussed it comfortably. She told me to take a few minutes and imagine her holding me and what that would feel like and even though I do that all the time at home, I never do that in her presence so it was a _little_ awkward I guess. Even though she couldn’t physically hold me I did feel a sense that she was (symbolically) holding me at the end of that session. And then I cried as I was leaving.
There is something about boundaries that I am noticing too and I don’t know how well this is going to make sense because I am still having a hard time with comprehension and translation right now. I’ve never been a boundary tester. In fact, I stay so far away from boundaries I don’t even know where they are. So even though I have not pushed the boundaries my T is setting them for me now because they are necessary for me to know where my place is and that I _have_ a place and it is not supposed to be some chaotic (non-boundary) feeling like I am used to. So I am learning that boundaries are good not just for protection but they establish and ensure a sense of well being and belonging. It’s very interesting.
So once again, thank you all. I am still struggling with articulation and writing, though I am sure you’re not seeing it as much as I feel it. It just won’t flow.
So thanks again for all the thoughts and ((((hugs)))).
Oh and AG as for the drive; sometimes it helps me unwind after session, sometimes I have to sit in my car for several minutes and pull myself together before I can drive, sometimes I find myself so agitated that I take it out on other drivers, sometimes I just cry half way home, and sometimes I am just numb or completely wiped out by the time I get home. It varies. And for the drive _to_ therapy I don’t like it other than knowing where I am going.
Originally posted by River:
Not being able to process stuff is kind of scary cuz then you don't really know how it may come out cuz you know it will eventually, when you don't want it to.
Yeah, that scares the #$@! out of me to be honest. I so bad want it to come out in my T's presence because I feel safe with her, but I keep resisting for some reason and it is so frustrating because I've even hollered at myself at home not to long ago to get it out. "Just come out! I can deal with it I am not afraid of you!"
I hope this wasn't too long and that it makes more sense than I can gather.