Can someone tell me if this is a fake it til you make it situation?
I want my parents to enjoy their visit. If I feel successful in making them happy, my safety, wellbeing and happiness are more likely to be satisfied. I love them, miss them, and would like to have a good time. A childlike part of me is convinced that I have ultimate power to make or break this situation as good or bad.
I want my therapy to be successful. If I feel like if I do the things my Ts are suggesting and we came up with, I will be happy with myself. My safety, wellbeing and happiness may be satisfied but it's going to take a lot more work than just submitting to my visitors. I'm willing to do the work but don't know if my level of trigger will allow it. If/when I regress or difficult things come up because of this I'm going to feel at fault.
There is no one in the entire world more dangerous to be disappointed in me than myself.
Um... so what about me? WTF do I want? I just want to make everybody and everything happy, I want to be successful. What is my measure of success? It feels like no matter what I do I've set myself up for disappointing my expectations.... either with therapy or my relationship.
I want to want myself to be safe, to be happy... I want to have boundaries because I genuinely feel entitled to my separateness and my feelings. It feels like the skills I'm working on take the 'me' out of my actions, I feel like having them here takes the 'me' out of the relationship. I know I can't do my new skills from a genuine regard for myself place... so it is a fake it until you make it thing....
Does this make sense to anyone? Having a laundry list of opposing things to do and you want to do all of them and the only reason why is because doing them will make you feel better. I'm lost.