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I am starting to feel the full weight of this week fast approaching, and all I want to do is go to sleep.

Monday is the first official day of my summer break, and this is the first time in over 20 years I have nothing planned for the summer. Add to that the fact that my T is out of the office until after July 4th (8.5 days left) and you have one frustrated and freaked out R2G.

The chaos of the end of the school year is always exhausting, and I usually feel tired for the first weekend, but this is more than tired- this is the shut-the-world-out-sleep-till-forever tired. I am unmotivated to move. I'm going from my couch, to my chair and back. Last week here, the weather was rainy and yucky and I had to stay indoors, now it's beautiful and sunny and I should be outside, but I can't move. I mean here it is, nearly 2:30 in the afternoon, and I'm still in my pajamas.

I am dreading the next 8 weeks and wish my T were here.
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I too am in a field where one of the perks (which can turn bad) are long breaks. For me, if I can make myself start to exercise I will feel better. The tricky part for me is actually getting out of bed to start doing it. If I can make it about 10 minutes into walking or biking etc, then I start to feel better and can go for an hour or so.
Frosty, you do not sound lame and pathetic at all! I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone as one who fears summer break as a time of wastedness. I don't know how you handle the month long break, I'm stressing right now over a 2 week break.

I am trying to hear what my T told me to do a while back - give myself one small task to complete each day. Todays task was to put away the loads of laundry that are clean and ready to be folded and put away. There are three loads total. It is now 5:45pm, and I have made no progress on that goal Frowner I am so unmotivated.

I see my pdoc tomorrow, and his office is right near the grocery stores I shop, so I'm doing that tomorrow... sadly, I really have no friends to invite over, as the few friends I have are with their families on the weekends. I want to just accept that this is what my body needs after 10 rather intense months of school, but I haven't grown to that place yet, so yes, today is a staying-at-home-doing-nothing day. I hope tomorrow is better?!

Stoppers, I like the idea of exercise, and I actually started yesterday and just spent 10 minutes doing some ab work. I planned on doing it again today... we'll see. The challenge I have with exercise right now is that I'm not supposed to get any. Frowner Working on that with my RD at the moment...

I just want out of this funk. Even chocolate isn't tempting enough right now...

Maybe you need a day or two to just relax, sleep and do nothing? It might be good for you to have the down time and recoup from the school year. I too struggle with the lack of structure. It's like the less that there is planned the less I can get done even though I have tons of stuff to do. I can't seem to find motivation to do anything. Anyway, I think maybe taking it easy for a few days and refueling could help.

I hope these next 8.5 days pass quickly for both of us!!
Thanks ((((STRM))))

Only 8 days to go!

I totally hear you - the less I have planned, the less I get done, even though I have a ton to do! I did manage to get 2 loads of laundry put away, and I showered. I even exercised for 15 minutes. I will admit that I am really worried about tomorrow. Summer vacation hasn't fully hit me yet, but I know it will be there, square in between the eyes, tomorrow morning when that alarm does not go off at 7:00am...

To top it all off, I am no where near the goal that I am supposed to reach by Thursday when I see the nutritionist. Sigh. I will survive the week. I will survive the week. I will survive the week...
R2G...I think you should be pleased that you accomplished a few things today like laundry and showering and even the 15 minutes of exercise. Start small and work you way up to bigger things. It's a good feeling isn't it to see work that you have set out to do and then you did it!! Good for you.

I know the grass always seems greener ... but I wish I had a few weeks of vacation right now. I'm so tired. But I can understand how that big, yawning time period can feel overwhelming. Does your T have suggestions for you? I know she is away right now but maybe you can discuss this when she returns.

One day at a time. She will be back soon. You CAN do this!


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