Monday is the first official day of my summer break, and this is the first time in over 20 years I have nothing planned for the summer. Add to that the fact that my T is out of the office until after July 4th (8.5 days left) and you have one frustrated and freaked out R2G.
The chaos of the end of the school year is always exhausting, and I usually feel tired for the first weekend, but this is more than tired- this is the shut-the-world-out-sleep-till-forever tired. I am unmotivated to move. I'm going from my couch, to my chair and back. Last week here, the weather was rainy and yucky and I had to stay indoors, now it's beautiful and sunny and I should be outside, but I can't move. I mean here it is, nearly 2:30 in the afternoon, and I'm still in my pajamas.
I am dreading the next 8 weeks and wish my T were here.