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I've had bits here and there posting about my very difficult ending with T2. She projected so much, did not ask my feelings or thoughts on things... I've said this all before.

But what I've been left with... The unbearable pain.. Every night, holding me hostage while I try to fall asleep, consuming and breaking every moment of silence. I cry, and cry, and cry.

It was an elevator fall from feeling like I had space to be listened to, to be considered, to be given the benefit of the doubt, to be spoken to gently... As it had been for 3 solid years. There was re-traumatization (and I do not say these types of things lightly) and such negligence due to her (admittedly) own things entering my therapy.

I now feel like I don't deserve a voice in the world... That out of everyone she powered my voice and was so much support in my learning to find my own self love. She told me it was so important I be heard.., and in the end could be hear me, and has refused any contact that may have helped us reconnect.

It'a not fair. I'm sorry not to add detaila more right now...
But to really grow from someone's support and later be told in no uncertain terms they do not want to be close, they do not want to know you... Is heart destroying. It's awful. I never want to be close to another human being like that again, I never want to trust cheer leading in my endeavors if ultimately its a farce. T2 seems happy (and already told me is relieved) not to hear from me anymore (and no it wasn't excessive she just could not skill-wise manage transference or CT she's only had 5yrs T experience and I started with her when she only had 2).

Why did this happen? I tried to be perfect, I tried to fix it.... I have been processing this deep grief, anger, suffering, heartbrokenness and shock for so long. The pain is unbelievable and its so hard to find another T who will work in a team.

I feel like I deserved this... I'm too much, I'm too intense and anyone that knows me well enough sees I'm such a dirty scum of a soul sucking leach that I've always known I was. It validates my darkest fears that my parent didn't like me because of the very root of me - I'm too much. Their substance abuse didn't help.

T2 said on the phone once and I was curled in her office corner the day before begging her not to get defensive (while she is in my far saying "well.. What? Have I said something out of line about my feelings? They are my feelings so I don't think I have". She told me"you don't have to take care of me". To which I responded okay... But in my head I heard the mantra of my life "if I don't take care of them first.,, what if I ever need their help taking care of me?

Sorry this is long. How do you survive being human or at least being smoke screened in to being treated human only to find are nothing, you are trash, you aren't even hated because that would require care... My existence is indifferent.

I don't know how to go on with any of my relationships even the ones I can clearly recognize being humanized and respected because I hold the dear I will be found out... And the last woman on earth I worried would do this.... Did it. Took me feeling valuable on the basis of being alive to demonstrating with clear signs (so many clearly established changes and "relief" (her word) to have less of me. I'm working my butt off not to run from T1 or life I just don't believe in trust anymore, or love, or respect.

I don't even feel good enough to speak, eat, breathe or exist anymore. I tried to be perfect, and then continued to and nothing would change. I am a failure. T2 even said "the therapy failed" several times. I invested so much of my blood sweat tears and years in to that and for her it's a shrug (I see it) and for me it's.,,, a personal failure without enough words to say my pain over it.

Why??! Please help.
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Dearest Cat,

I went through some of this with Manatee in the end... not all of it, but quite a bit - just - suddenly you've fallen from this really secure place into this HOLE and it taints everything. I felt like my body had been injured. And actually ended up with a couple of random strain injuries I had to get treated, just from... nothing.

It takes time, but what will happen in time is that the perspective will shift and you will see that this is everything to do with circumstances and her limitations and nothing to do with the very root of you. That is intrinsically valuable.

'Relief' from her was probably relief from the sense that she was failing you, hurting you, didn't know how to help you, felt self-criticism on these points and did not know how to answer that criticism. Maybe she ended up projecting negatively on you as a result. But the root of you... is something precious that needs care, and you took it into her care, which is what an excellent therapy client does - someone who is committed to living, to living a beautiful and loving and full life. That's you.


I know this is a really hard thing to do but I think its crucial for you to step back and realise what happened with T2 is NOT your fault. She is unable to admit to her own failings and mistakes and insteads blames you for them. IMHO that is an appalling way to treat anyone, but to treat a patient that way is incompetent and utterly disgraceful.

You are human. You have enormous worth and value and deserve to heal from this awful pain. I know you are stuck in a hole of shame and self-hatred that seems unending. I also suspect this experience with T2 is triggering a lot of unresolved thoughts and feelings from a different time in your life. It can get better Cat, you just have to find a way to hang in there. THere are good people in the world and people who do love you.

Sending my love, hugs and thoughts xxxxx
I agree with both Jones and Green Eyes...and you...she doesn't have the skills or experience to handle your issues and can not admit it to you or maybe to herself. I hope you will soon find a T that will work as part of a team that you need to have happen. I understand what you're saying but you are valuable.

Hug two

I am so sorry you are feeling this depth of pain. I know right now that is all you can see. But, I wonder if in the future your perspective may shift as Jones has suggested.

I know I have always struggled with all or nothing black and white thinking patterns. I think that is fairly classic for those of us with ED's. I wonder if you can look to and value what you did learn in the first few years with T2. It sounds like for a time she was great with you. I do think you outgrew her abilities and she did not have the skills necessary to handle that. But that is a reflection on her not you.

I hope you can believe that you are so very much worth something. The help you have given to me and others on these boards stands as a loud testament to your worth as a person.


Thank you guys! I'm still feeling absolutely crummy and crushed right now Frowner It's hard to talk about because... the emotions are so deep and so... painful. Frowner

((Jones)) It is a hole... I'm sorry you went through such the same thing w/ Manatee. I am trying to switch the perspective. I have mantras, I have little tags in my house that say 'I forgive' so I'm reminded... I don't want resentment in my heart and there is a lot there. I hope the relief was from that she was failing, she was just so cold and removed... I wish I could have tape recorded it. That I feel it was more.. relief not to deal with me. But... I'll never know. Thank you for your sweet comments about being a good client. I so do try my best to get better.

((GE)) [I have another thread to reply to you on, my apologies for taking a bit there, I'm having a hard time w/ what I wrote] It's so hard not to believe it's my fault. It's so hard to hear her lack of ownership, which she's said even to my own T I believe. It was a horrible way to treat someone, thank you for the validation. T1 was able to validate that also saying "You just don't say that to a client". I've always been very accurate in describing what people have said (at least that is something T1 has said she has noticed)... so I know she believes a lot of what I say. Just getting out of the ICU/hospital 2 days prior to seeing T2 was when she was exceptionally cruel. Thank you for reminding me to hang on. What happened with T1 triggered the core of my issues, that's what has made the transference so deep, that's what made everything she did so re-traumatizing... but she couldn't stop or see it.

I can't begin to tell you how devastating it is..

((hopeful)) I really, really, wish I could crawl in her mind and find out her perspective on things. It was... heartbreaking to hear the things she'd been saving up for years to tell me that she thought about me. Her personal life just stopped her T filter. It scares me because... I like upfrontness. T1 is very upfront. Thank you so much for reminding me I'm valuable... even if I can't see or face it.

((puppet)) thanks for the hugs my sweet Hug two

((Jillann)) Jones is usually a right on target sort of girl - she's yet to make predictions for me that don't come true (she's a jewel, you are too). It is classic for people with EDs to be black and white (that's why DBT was used at my treatment center to help with the ED, actually). I did outgrow her, but I loved her. She's said she loves me (both my Ts have, in contextual reason and because we both understand the meaning/context of it all). Which is triggering because my parents always said... we love you, but we don't like you. Which seems to be... where I am with so many people. No one wants me to die and rot in hell necessarily, but they don't really like me. Not everyone, just the people I ... trust. Thank you for saying it is a reflection of her... t1 keeps saying the same... it's so hard to change this tape in my head. Thank you for your kind words about my worth... I'm hanging on to that statement.

I'm going to try to do something to nourish myself. I haven't eaten all day. I just... I'm feeling intensely... I'm trying my best.

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