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As background my parents have never been able to accept my feelings and opinions. My mother thinks no one should ever feel anything but happy and she is angry and punishing when I am negative. She is also narcissistic. They are both very critical and spent my entire life telling me I was too fat, unattractive, too unhappy, too sad, etc. Lately they have started talking about my eldest daughter's size, commenting on her grad dress etc.

Last week at my daughter elementary school graduation my mother decided to say "did you gain a lot of weight recently or did you gain it awhile ago and I'm just noticing know"ànd "oh I guess I didn't realize how big you were until I saw you in a dress". I got more and more angry over the weekend. Yesterday during my session I talked about how angry I was at my mother for what she said and how powerless I felt because I couldn't do anything. My T asked me why I couldn't get angry at my mother or stop seeing her. I said she would never accept my feelings and I wasn't ready to cut off my children from my extended family even though they weren't helpful to me. The immediate problem is that I am supposed to spend the long weekend with my parents at the family cottage and then my parents leave town for about 3 months. I am not sure that I can go and not be angry. My T suggested I try and draw a line where I tell my parents that I am angry about their comments about weight and appearance and I don't want to deprive my children of the weekend with them but they can't say those kinds of comments.

I decided to try it last night and it did not go well. I wanted them to agree to stop talking about weight, body size, food etc. I didn’t even get through the sentence before my mother started laughing that I could be making such a big deal about what she said. My parents told me they wouldn’t come with my family this weekend because they didn’t want to upset me. I said I would like them to stop with their comments anywhere. Then my mother told me she has no idea why I am so sensitive, why I am so unreasonable, why I don’t address things when they happen and then make such a big deal out of them. Both my parents assured me that they have never said anything to suggest that my daughter is overweight, that I am the one that thinks she is and so I misinterpret what they say. Some of their comments are just jokes and why can’t I take a joke. I told them that I had spent about 15 years as an adult trying to communicate with them. What I had learned was that no matter what I said and how I said it they told me I misunderstood or was too sensitive or wasn’t remembering the facts correctly or wasn’t presenting my upset correctly (I waited too long and should have said something right away). I told my mother that she had never accepted any responsibility for what she said or did and I couldn’t remember her apologizing. My mother told me that I am her only child who could never apologize so there is no way she would ever apologize to me for anything. She also never tells me about the many things I do that hurt her feelings and instead she writes angry letters to me that she never sends and she doesn’t know why I don’t do the same thing. By the end of the call my mother was sobbing as she apologized profusely for anything she has ever said that might have hurt my feelings. She apologized for caring so much. She promised to never say anything ever again about my weight. She wants only the best for me and I should tell her the minute something upsets me. I guess so she explain why I shouldn't be upset. She clearly feels like I have wounded her with what I said and therefore she went with the dramatic martyr-like behaviour.

After a half hour like that my mother went out. My father called me back to talk to me some more. He is more reasonable and has some sympathy for me. He could at least hear some of my complaints. He acknowledged that my mother has trouble thinking about anybody other than herself and loses her temper easily and lashes out at people. He asked me to cut my mother a lot of slack because she had a difficult childhood and he is worried about her health. I told him I had a difficult childhood and it was made difficult by my mother being unable to accept me having any feelings other than happiness. I said that I had been SA’d as a child and they hadn’t noticed and that when I finally told my parents about the abuse as a teenager they did absolutely nothing but my mother did accuse me of making up stories. I told him I wasn’t the happiest or easiest child because I had to deal with all that by myself. I was glad I got to say some things to my father but I'm not sure it makes a difference because he is really concerned about my mother and we ended by discussing how angry and upset my mother would be when she returned home and how she might respond to that.

I keep trying with my parents and failing. My eldest daughter told me that her therapist and her talked about how her and my relationship is a lot like my mother and my relationship. She thinks I am very negative and critical and comment on her appearance. I am having a hard time.

Sorry for the super long post but I have had a terrible 24 hours.
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How awful, but I gotta tell ya, you're conversation with your mom KICKED BUTT!!!! I was practically cheering you on over here as I read it! You were so honest and forthright with her, not letting her manipulate you. Way to go!!
She sounds very manipulative and ... maybe this is harsh, but my T would call her toxic. Someone that pulls you down and is harmful, in effect, to your emotional health. And yeah, like BLT said, enabling father.

But your eyes are open - and you are NOT your mother.
Mine is much the same - makes SUCH rude comments about my weight, hair, and even sexual things to me about how I eat peaches, for example. (UGH. Talk about causing issues!)
Recently said about a cousin that has put on some weight, "Well, I certainly hope he makes himself more presentable before the reunion!"
It was the first time I ever heard her make a comment about someone else, and I was just floored at her insensitivity.
I lost 35 pounds, saw them last week, and everyone commented on my weight loss EXCEPT mom and dad. I wasn't surprised, but still!

Anyway, I digress, sorry!
I just really like how you handled things, and I admire you for the strength you showed.
And I know the comment from your daughter may have hurt, but you're honest and aware of things your mother will never acknowledge - you and your daughter will have a relationship so much better because of that!


Setting boundaries with family is so freaking hard. I had a recent situation where I walked out of a family dinner because of the arguing, cursing, and meanness that was flying about. As I walked out, removing myself from the chaos, not reacting at all, staying calm, I was the one called immature and childish. Funny, considering I wasn't the one yelling profanities across the room, or throwing plates... And I wasn't the one who called afterward saying one of the cruelest things... that was my mom, calling me, telling me something so heartbreakingly cruel I won't repeat it here.

I tell you this because I am almost to the point where I need to make a drastic change in order to take care of myself, something I am still afraid to do. Only because of T am I able to take some baby steps toward taking care of my self in the way I wish my family would have.

About nine years ago, I completely cut myself off from my parents and siblings. I was incapable of handling their abuse anymore, and I finally was able to move out on my own. After they stood there watching me pack and move (not helping at all) it pushed me to the tipping point. A few other incidents of meanness and name calling and I had no choice but to cut them off.

It was the best thing I ever did. The hardest thing, but the best thing. For the first time in my whole life, my parents saw someone follow through and not just make an idol threat. After about six months of no communication, I slowly started answering their emails, and responding to them. Very clear boundaries were set by me, some of which are non-negotiable. Which is why at the recent dinner, I walked out. They crossed my most important boundary so I left. I had to let them know a few days later, that if that behavior continues, I'll have to take a break from family time for a while.

As hard as it is, and as painful as it may be, I would not be heading to the cottage with your parents. I know it's different cause you have children in the picture, but think of the example you are setting for them - showing your children that there are some behaviors and words that are just not acceptable, and that no one should have to face. Like your parents, my dad is the softy, trying to convince me that I "need" to do this or that for my mom's sake, since she's struggling. What he, and her for that matter, don't realize is that I'm struggling too. And taking time out to take care of myself is not something they may like, but since they can't (literally, they aren't capable of it) take care of me, I have to.

You have to do the same thing. You have to take care of yourself and your family. If that means finding a compromise, and going up to the cottage for one night, staying at a hotel, and just spending the day with your parents, so be it. If that means not going to the cottage at all, and doing something fun with your kids at home, so be it.

It isn't easy. It's painful and hurtful and hard. But you're worth being treated like the kind, caring, wonderful person you are.

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