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Here's a good story. I have a son with mental health issues. After divorce I sought counselling from several sources, each with different areas of expertise. I made sure my children were each on the road to recovery with support systems in place. After all of this, it so happened that my afore mentioned son needed to go to a special school and a part of the deal was that my whole family needed to engage with a health service connected to the school. I did not recognize our therapist. It didn't emerge until well into the therapy that we knew each other three decades ago. He was my favourite and he liked me too. In our therapy we got to the point where we both seemed to struggle with very strong feelings for each other. He got off the case. We have not specifically acknowledged the previous connection because I wasn't certain of it and I don't know if he was either. But since then, so many memories have emerged for me and it's like my whole life has been a whole bunch of jigsaw pieces floating around in the air, and after meeting this man again they have suddenly all dropped into the correct places. Misplaced memories now have meaning. Pictures from my childhood now make sense. It's like my whole psyche has been ripped open and I've had to sort through it all. You see, age disguised us. We didn't recognize each other.
The problem is, he's divorced too. I have been going over everything in my mind constantly. I've been trying to figure out whether this is transference, but it can't be because he is the object of all these feelings. Now I don't know if there's any possibility of ever being able to even discuss any of this with him, since he's been our therapist. It is a very fascinating and difficult experience. It has driven me to much research and study, provoking me to become a psychologist myself so that I understand more.
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