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My sincere apologies for starting out on this wonderful forum on this note. Fact is that my troubles actually led me to this forum and so I cant help but let it out to the great members of this forum.
Let me start by appreciation all of you members of this forum and to commend the beautiful contributions you all are all making and offcourse the initiator of this great forum. I hope to be able to make my little contributions to the forum as time goes on and as I learn of the therapies.

Meantime, permit to seek your advice to the problem I ve brought upon myself

Three years ago, I met a pretty young lady and we fell in love eventually and since then our relationship has grown stronger, although her mother has been very opposed to it because she is opposed to our faith. As at the time we met, my fiance was already a university graduate with a degree in Finance but I was an undergraduate student of economics in the university and she confessed that her Father the only parent who was indifferent to the relationship would object to her marrying a person who is not a university graduate. But since I was already in the university and hoping to graduate in three years time with a degree in economics we felt that it wouldn't be a problem. We however decided we will tell her Father that I am a graduate of economics in case he asks, and that was exactly what we did cause he did ask the daughter and then me when I met with him and he was impressed.

Its been 3 years now since then and am currently in my final year of study. We however decided we should get married and so 2 months ago, we visited the Dad to inform him of our intention and he welcomed it but asked us to give him some time to get back to us. Unfortunately for me, he went investigating me- my background, my work, my academic qualification, etc. He found out the truth, that contrary to being a graduate of economics, I was actually a final year student. He felt really very disappointed and he has even threatened not to support us anymore. He is the only parent like I stated earlier who is not opposed and now I have hurt his feelings.

I dont know what to do now. I ve been scared and depressed ever since he found out and am greatly disappointed in myself for ever choosing to lie to him although I was afraid I could loose his daughter. I really need all the help I can get in dealing with this mess I ve put myself into. Our relationship is on the line as well my REPUTATION.

Please I beg for your advice as am really worried and confused.

Many thanks in anticipation of your help.
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Hi, and welcome. I'm not really a person in a position to offer you any advice since I know nothing about you or your situation- so you have to take this very much with a grain of salt. But if I were you, I would follow the idea that honesty is still the best policy. I'd go to her father and tell him honestly that you know that he found out about the lie, and tell him very honestly all the reasons you did lie (i.e. badly wanting his support for the relationship, etc) while admitting at the same time that you feel it was not right to do. Be humble and honest- this time. If you feel sorry about your lie to him, than you could offer a sincere apology as well. I don't think there is too much more than this that you can do. I know being brave and honest and up front will be very difficult- however, doing difficult things and facing up to the mistakes we made in relationship to others typically strengthens those relationships that are worth having.

I'm so sorry to hear that things are so hard for you.

BB, I am so grateful to you for taking your time to respond and offer that heartwarming advice. I am not a regular on the internet but my worries actually led me this time to search for help on line as there are not much persons you can trust to confide your problems with this days and not be worried about what they would do with the information you ve let out to them.
Suprisingly though, of all the sources I ve posted this problem of mine to on the net, only this forum and only you have responded which I greatly appreciate. Because I was beginning to wonder that the lack of response from anyone might just be an indication that I have crossed the line of no return (ie, no hope), but thank God you finally responded to me and responded very well. I will do exactly as you adviced and I ll do so without delay.
As your catchphrase says, for me you ve proven to be a sturdy shelter and your advice, a treasure. All I really wanted was to hear someone say to me, THERE IS HOPE and that's exactly what you ve given me. Once again, thank you Blackbird and I hope to maintain a friendship with you and other great members of this forum.

I am one of those who should have replied. When I went to do so, I saw your post, BB, and thought...hrm, well, what BB said was exactly perfect. I've been stewing over something useful to add, but since I don't, just want to cheer you on jbee. I think it's admirable that you want to have a good relationship with your fiance's parents and I truly believe that being honest about how you felt and feel, admitting the mistake and asking forgiveness is the best route. I hope your fiance's father can see how much you truly care about her and accept your sincere regret.
Aren't you friends all so wonderful!!! I can't believe how free and great am feeling and you can't imagine it either. That there exist a place where you can find friends you can share your problems with and yet not even one of them reminds you of how stupid you were to have made the mistake in the first place is truely amazing and encouraging. I love you all Friends. I must confess to you I couldn't hold back some tears as I reads through your post, I almost started feeling bad for stating that no one responded to my problem. It obvious to me now that there were more people that were ready to help than I needed.

Thank you Blackbird, Thank you Yakusoku, Thank you Draggers and Thank you all Great member of this forum. May God bless you all for your love and kindnesses for fellow man.

Hi Jbee,
I just wanted to say welcome to the forum. I agree with what the others have said, that being honest, even about why you lied in the first place is the best way to handle this. I hope that you are met with an understanding and forgiving response. I am so glad that you are finding an acceptance here which is helpful to you, that's what we're all about. As Jane said, we'd love to know how it goes if you're wanting to speak about it. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.


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