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Hi all Smiler
I´m not sure anyone remembers me.
I have been here on and off since 2010 but I don´t write much. Sometimes it´s difficult because English is not my language.
Many of you have helped me enormously through bad times, I´m afraid I have not been as much help, I´m scared to write something wrong because of language misunderstanding. But I try, even though I have to use google translate. I know that many of you have experienced transference and i´t helps a lot to hear from you.

I´m transferencing again with old T. It feels wonderful, but i´m also scared of it. Something she said has hurt me before. My emotions were all stirred up and was out of my mind for months. I stopped seeing her. I was all alone with those crazy feelings until I met new T at the the psych ward almost 2 years ago. When I became better I felt I had to see old T again, despite all, we had been doing good work together before the storm.

I have been seeing her since August and recently I have felt the transference is coming back. I love her so much. I used to see her at the hospital and that was free of charge, now I see her at her private clinic. That is expensive and I can only see her every other week.
I also see NewT the other week and I´m doing group therapy with my psychiatrist once a week. But it´s not the same. I miss old T terribly between sessions. What do you do when you miss your T and can’t see him/her.
Thank you for reading,
Little Me
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I'm sorry to hear you miss your old t.
I miss mine too! I was with her for 2.5 years.
I left her almost a year and a half ago. I still think of her everyday!

What I do to make it easier is to picture her face and a few positive statements that she made to me over the years. I admit that I do have a few pictures of her as well as a saved voicemail message. I look at the pictures and listen to the voicemail to get my attachment fix.
I have a new T now, but it's not the same. My new T is a great T....I'm pretty sure we don't have the same type of chemistry that former T and I did though.
I hope in some way it gets better for you, Little Me!
Hug two
Thank you Athenacus
Sorry that you miss your old T.
I also think of T everyday. I have photos of her and looking at them helps a little. I also have a CD with her voice, mindfulness meditation, I listen to that and her voice soothes me.

Why did you leave your old T?

I stopped seeing T December 2011 because she hurt me. I started seeing her again August 2013. Now transference is back. I am embarrassed to say... but last two sessions with old T I have been sick. I made myself very sick by taking pills, before going to session. I don´t know why I do this. I think I find it very difficult to tell her how bad I feel, so I have to show her. I also find it comforts me how caring she is when I´m sick… pfhhh…. I think I´m really crazy.
Little Me, I hope you can get to a better place emotionally. One thing that helps me before sessions is to write down things I think I should bring up. Even if I don't get the list out, I think about them in session and am more likely to talk about them than when I don't make such a list. Maybe doing this before session could be an alternate way for you to address your needs with your T.

Other ideas:

What other ways have worked for you in the past? Making yourself sick is not healthy and not a good idea. Is this something you can bring up with your doctor or therapist?
Making yourself sick is not healthy and not a good idea.

Little me, I want to add that I made this comment out of concern, and not condemnation. Everyone has unhealthy behaviors at times. I am concerned about this one, though, because it could be dangerous to your health. I hope that you will be able to address this successfully.

I also understand about missing your T. Mine was on vacation recently, and that was very hard. I am sending good thoughts your way and wishing you well.
Exploring, thank you for your advice, good thoughts and concern.

Writing things down before sessions is a good idea, or journaling. I used to journal my thoughts and sometimes I gave it to T in sessions. I have also sent it to her in email. That was before this long rupture I had with her. Now I find it very difficult to write. I don´t know why I find it so hard. Maybe I have to push myself, just to write a little each day, maybe just one word, one sentence.
Writing here and getting response from you good people also helps.

Last session with T, I knew I had to tell her about this, that I was making myself sick. I was sweating cold sweat, and shaking. She knew I had been very anxious the weeks before, so maybe she thought it was anxiety symptoms. It was really hard telling her about it. This is embarrassing and I was full of shame. But we talked about it and together we tried to understand why I do this.

Wish I was seeing her this week.

- Little Me

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