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Hi... I am sitting here and thinking about my session today with my T and I realize that I just love talking to him. Even when I'm scared, or anxious or sad, I still love talking to him because he makes it all okay. And it's okay because he gets it and understands where these feelings come from and why I have them. I love learning from him.

He teaches me about feelings and emotions. I have a hard time describing how I feel because I am deficient in emotional kind of words. Today we discussed anger and he asked me what does anger mean and what does it tell us? Anger is a defense, a coping mechanism. Many times when we are scared, or in pain, or disappointed or frustrated we get angry. I know I do this. I was doing it this weekend. I had to face going back to the camp where oldT conducted his special camp and register my son for general camp. I had to do that on Saturday. I was so angry all day Saturday. I can see that it was a cover for my fear and pain. Can't show that to my family so I get angry. It's easier to explain. I wanted to just breakdown and cry a few times but I don't have the time or the place to indulge. Then what happens is that I get angry with myself for being unable to cope and turn the anger on myself, which over the long-term has contributed to depression (aside from all the self-loathing etc).

Then I mentioned anxiety and how I have always struggled with it. T asked me why do we get anxious, what does it mean? I was unsure so he explained that when we feel unsafe or in danger or threatened we experience anxiety as a warning to us of those situations. I told him I have felt unsafe my entire life... so no wonder I've always struggled with anxiety.

OldT never discussed any of this kind of stuff with me. He probably had no clue. We talked some more about the abandonment and the behavior of oldT and my T said he has never seen the level of cowardice he sees in oldT before. He has seen Ts who are just mean and abusive but not so cowardly. We discussed the letter he is going to write to oldT about oldT's declining my request for a last meeting and oldT's offer to "consult" with my T instead. My T does not want to meet with him. He said it would be a waste of time. I would agree.

He asked me what I wanted and why I wanted to meet with oldT and I told him that I was stuck in my grief process and I needed closure. I needed a final termination session, one where I could say what I needed to, where I could go back to the "scene" and say good-bye. To see the dog and say good bye. I told my T how important this felt for me to do. When I left my oldT's office that day in August I still had the appointment with him in September, after his vacation. I didn't know it was the last time I would be there. I didn't know he would later also terminate my son. I didn't know that I would never see that lovely sweet dog again. My son didn't know either. I got that email the night following that horrible day in August cancelling all future appointments. My T really did understand. We talked about how Ground Zero is so important to the families of people who were lost in the terror attacks, and also to those who survived that horrible day. How people just keep going back and how important it is that there is a sacred place for them to grieve there. We also talked about those who lost loved ones in Vietnam and never even got a body part back and how important the Memorial Wall has become for them. It's somewhere to go to connect with the grief, with the loss, a place to mourn and to leave mementos. My grief has been so complicated for others to understand because no one died. Part of me died. But there is no body to bury and no gravesite to sit by and to leave flowers. But my wonderful, wise and caring T understood everything. He took notes and will write up a letter for me to approve on Thursday before he sends it out. I also told him that I need for him to mention that if I cannot get the closure I need through a meeting with him (OldT) then I would be forced to take another less pleasant road for oldT in order to find the closure I need. My T said he would not use such a veiled threat and would make it plain to oldT what would happen. He is being so totally supportive of me and it feels so good to know this. I told him that I really need to close this chapter of my life because I have so much I need to talk to him about and I can't get to that until I have the closure I feel I need.

We also discussed some of my work problems and my crazy boss. My T told me that I WILL get to the point where I will stand up to my boss and he will back down. He really believes I will be strong again one day. I hope he is right. For now I just have to trust and believe in what he knows.

I still feel close to him tonight which is a really good feeling.

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I love learning from him.

Ditto- TN!

I too just had a session with T. Isn't wonderful when they "get you"- when they really understand and can give you what you need.

Even through the disruptions, the caring is there, and he is willing to do what ever repair work is necessary to get us back on track.

To be held like that is awesome.

And with that kind of love- support, you will grow, you will get stronger, and until then, just bask in the kindness.

My T again brought up how much my txt meant to him, and that he loved it, I wrote, "You are exactly who I need you to be, my loving T". And he is. This is what I hear you saying, TN. And that means he is safe, and no matter what happens with ol shit head, (sorry, can I say that) your loving T will be ther for you, emotionally holding you and hearing you and working to keep things safe for you until you feel it yourself.

Hugs and blessing to you TN Smiler
I still feel close to him tonight which is a really good feeling.

That emotional security that your lovely t gives you is so wonderful, isn't it. Thank you for sharing this. I am so glad he hears you so perfectly.

I have a session booked on friday where we are meant to discuss my complaint letter to ex C. Urgh. Very hard. Still hurts. I went to stay at a place this last weekend where I went three days after the ex C actually ended with me. I was given the same room and I sat there remembering how much physical agony I was in during that weekend in November and how visceral it was. sweetP said that she was actually on the run from me, that she was compassioned out by the sheer scale of my traumas and just was on 'run away' mode.


we have been through so much TN , this last year.

We shall come through

We shall over come Smiler
Thanks Mayo, Yaku, LG, STRM and Sadly...

My T is happy with the work we are doing for now. I know he wishes this chapter with oldT would be closed so I can move on but he also understands the importance of closure and I think he is trying to respect my needs and wants in this.

I am actively working on trying to hold onto him for longer periods of time when I am not with him. Thankfully I can see him twice a week because going more than 4 days right now seems impossible. There is a Monday holiday approaching (Memorial Day) and I guess I will have to give up that Monday appointment that week and try to go 7 days in between. I know it would be okay to call him or email if it gets too difficult. That helps. My T knows how hard it is for me to hold onto him and he once teased me that he hoped I could hold onto him at least until I got to the bottom of the stairs. And the time or two he walked me out I was able to hold onto him until I got back to work LOL. It's mostly okay unless I have a really bad session or oldT somehow intrudes too strongly in my thoughts and I get really scared.

We are going to work on the letter tomorrow and I hope it will get mailed by Friday. Hopefully, oldT will be smart enough to chose a meeting with me over a meeting with the licensing board. Thinking about all of this is making me so anxious.

Thank you all for your good wishes and supportive comments.


I just want to say how wonderful I think it is that you are taking on oldT and not letting him get away with how poorly he treated you. It would be so much easier to just tuck your tail between your legs and hide but you are being so brave and courageous and taking the bumpier road of seeking justice. I really admire that.
I am so glad newT is helping you get closure and I hope oldT takes his head out of a certain dark, disgusting place, so you can move through. I am really so amazed at all you have done in just a year! I am trying to learn to keep my T. Sometimes, I have conversations with him in my head, but it's challenging, because only about 25% of the time is it internalized real T. Another 25% of the time it is T from my good dreams. And 50% of the time, Evil Projection T (sorry, I laugh everytime I write it, because I usually tell him Evil Projection Dr_, but when you add "T" it just reminds me of the pregnancy test. I can't evil keep T past the door of his office most days, so I think getting to the stairs or parking lot or work is a REAL accomplishment!!! Good wishes for your Friday appointment, TN. You deserve this wonderful T in your life. You really do!

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