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**Possibly triggering due to weight/eating disorder related content***

T1 (who I do phone therapy with and who hasn't seen me since 1997/98ish) told me today that I am supposed to weigh 20 pounds less than what I currently do.

I was pretty quiet as she said this. I know she was just referring to a height and weight chart but still, it sort of stung a little to hear her say that I SHOULD weigh 20 pounds less than what I do.

On the flip side, I have T2 telling me that I should only work on losing ounces, not pounds and not be worried about achieving a particular weight, but instead just lose slowly and really pay attention to how I feel about myself and not worry about what the scale says. It feels so much better to hear that sort of thing than to hear, "You are only 20 pounds overweight".

anyway, I think T1 regretted saying that to me because she said, "I hate that I cannot see you right now. You are very quiet. I know this is a sensitive topic and here we are at the end of a session again ending with a sensitive topic. What are you thinking?"

and I said, "Should we schedule our next appointment?" and she said, "Oh no! You are changing the topic!" and I said, "I don't want to talk about this anymore". She said, "That's what I was afraid of. I was trying to be positive and encouraging saying that you don't need to lose more than 20 pounds, that 20 pounds is not that much overweight...all you have to do is some regular exercise, nothing extreme".

and i said, "Yeah, I know".

and then we schduled an appoitnment. She asked me if I would text her later if she had said anything that stirred up some emotions in me. I said sure.

Then we got off the phone. A few mins later I got a text from her saying, "Will you text me and let me know what your plans are for the day?I'll check back in an hour". I think she is asking that because since I only work part-time right now, I have a lot of free time on my hands which can be very bad for an eating disorder. I thinks he knows she stirred something up in me and perhaps made a mistake in telling me how much weight I NEED to lose in order to be considered, "Normal".

I am torn between wanting to comfort her and say, "Hey, no big deal, I'm fine, no need to worry" versus wanting to be true to myself and tell her that it did upset me to hear that and that it was embarrassing for me to hear that, even though she was very sensitive in how she said it. I do prefer honesty over lying, so if she thinks I need to lose 20 pounds, okay...I suppose that's what I would prefer to hear rather than, "you are fine the way you are" if she doesn't really mean that. I guess Im just wishing she didn't think I need to lose 20 pounds. But she does. and I am embarrassed.

Sorry this is so long and rambling. I'm just really stirred up right now.
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LG- it is very distressing for anyone with eating disorders to have their weight addressed so directly. Also, weight charts are so inflexible - they don't take into account your build, bone mass, and curvy ness, what is right for you. I am currently about 8 pounds heavier than my weight chart weight but am actually the right weight for me, as I feel better than I have ever done. So you can factor that in. What weight do you feel your best at, like things go right for you in what you eat.

And yes, if someone said something like " you need to lose eight pounds to me" I would be well upset and triggered. I want people to say how happy they are that I look so good and so well etc.

Anyway, personally the only way through this is to be honest and tell her what you felt.

but you know this. Smiler
Thanks, Sadly.

I know there is so much more to take into account with regard to weight, and I am also reminding myself that T1 hasn't even seen me in like 12-13 years, so I have to take whatever she says regarding my weight with a grain of salt.

I know that I carry more muscle than most women because of my training in body building over the past few years, and I also realize I have huge boobs and my frame is pretty curvy. So I can handle a bit of extra weight.

However, I also know that I do have a lot of fat to lose.

I guess the embarrassment comes from the fact that for T1, in her mind, I am 20 pounds overweight. I am embarrassed that she said to me, "I can imagine how uncomfortable it feels to carry around that extra weight". I picture her with this vision of me as this gross fat blob sort of wobbling around with my giant body and my giant extra 20 pounds of fat. I hate that she has this disgusting image of me in her mind.
Ugh, I agree she should have thought better in the way she made that statement. I'm currently about 35 lbs above my ideal weight range. Frowner For my build (athletic and busty), I should probably be at the top of that weight range...but I'm about 55-60 pounds above the last time I felt really good about my body, which was as a senior in high school...I had a lot of people tell me I was way too thin in high school, though, even though I was not near the bottom of my weight range for my height. I was exercising regularly and losing 1-3 pounds per week until I started therapy. I don't know how to make myself do it right now through this depression...I just can't seem to do anything but the bare minimum people expect of me right now.
I'm so sorry that your t's comments were so triggering LG. I have my doubts about it. Didn't you mention somewhere that you do body-building? If that is the case, than you would naturally be a lot heavier and not look it, due to muscle mass, which is actually healthier weight, right? In other words losing a lot of weight as in pounds not ounces if you have a lot of muscle would be bad for you. (If I'm wrong, or you want me to delete as it's uncomfortable, just say so and I will be happy to modify my comments. It just doesn't seem like she handled the topic well, and bringing it up at the end of a session- well.
I'm sorry you are feeling so badly about it. I would trust your T2 who can *see* you and seems to be more sensitive to what you want to accomplish on the ED issue. You are working really hard and deserve to feel proud of yourself, not shamed by stuff like this.



Thank you for the reply. I don't think you are wrong. You are correct, focusing on losing pounds is really not in my best interest (not only mentally) but because I have worked my ass off to build up some muscle and it would be silly for me to strive for a particular weight rather than focusing more on how I look and feel.

T1 just texted me and said, "concerned that I said something that might have been insensitive or upsetting at the end".

I really don't know what to text back. I don't want to put a lot of energy into reassuring her but I also don't want to let her know how ashamed I am.
Originally posted by yakusoku:
Ugh, I agree she should have thought better in the way she made that statement. I'm currently about 35 lbs above my ideal weight range. Frowner For my build (athletic and busty), I should probably be at the top of that weight range...but I'm about 55-60 pounds above the last time I felt really good about my body, which was as a senior in high school...I had a lot of people tell me I was way too thin in high school, though, even though I was not near the bottom of my weight range for my height. I was exercising regularly and losing 1-3 pounds per week until I started therapy. I don't know how to make myself do it right now through this depression...I just can't seem to do anything but the bare minimum people expect of me right now.


I know how hard it can be to work out when you are feeling depressed. I spent about six months avoiding the gym and am just now getting back into it and it really takes a lot of pep talking to myself to get myself to go. Pulling oneself out of a funk is about the equivalent of climbing a mountain in my mind. Its not easy to do and takes so much of our energy. In the end, it is always good for us to have put in that extra effort but I completely understand how difficult it is to get motivated.

I knew you would understand how upsetting this was for me.

I have to remind myself that T1 just isn't that experienced in eating disorders and at least she has realized her blunder and is expressing concern as opposed to leaving me hanging.

She texted me again a couple of rather rambling texts about where her intentions were and how she was clumsy and then she texted again, "Sorry".

I don't think I will text back at this point. I just sort of want to sweep this under the rug.
Originally posted by permafrost:
Well, I've seen a picture of you and you look by no means overweight!
To be honest, I find her comment very insensitive and unprofessional, especially if you have an eating disorder.
Why would she say that? What was the context?

I probably weighed 20 pounds less in the photo you saw, PF. SO yeah, I do need to lose weight. Its just that its hard to hear it.
Originally posted by permafrost:
Well, I've seen a picture of you and you look by no means overweight!
To be honest, I find her comment very insensitive and unprofessional, especially if you have an eating disorder.
Why would she say that? What was the context?

Oh, and the context was that I was saying that none of my clothes fit and I have to lose about 30 pounds to fit into the majority of my warddrobe. She was trying to say, "hey, you don't need to lose 30 pounds. You are only 20 pounds overweight, not 30!" Her heart was in the right place.
A lot of my problem is the only exercise I can do involves walking with my daughter, who hates to be in the stroller. I used to work out in my living room when my daughter napped, but she won't nap half the time anymore and my sister is camping there. It will be much easier when Boo is a little bit older and we can play sports together or she can be safe on the playground while I shoot hoops and keep an eye from a distance. That will be at least a few years from now. I just need to get motivated and at least walk, even if it won't make much of a difference. Not living next to a 7-11 when I'm depressed would help too. It seems I am either eating one meal a day or downing junk. I can't seem to manage just 3-5 healthy, normally portioned meals/snacks. It was so much easier when I was in school or had a full-time job, because I had a consistent schedule. Doing childcare, my schedule for eating, resting, exercise, any other self-care is inconsistent on the best days, nonexistent on the others. I can't eat while I watch them the way I can post on the forum. Rushed/stressed eating makes me really ill for some reason.

Anyway, sorry, all about me for some reason again. Frowner I really think that even a T who doesn't know much about ED (and I don't know anything about it myself) should be sensitive about telling a client, especially a female client, that they "need" to lose any amount of wait, and especially to put a specific number on it. In context, yeah, you brought it up, but there are number of better ways that she could have replied like trying to get you to focus on the positive aspects of you trying to be healthier, rather than certain numbers and fitting in clothing.

I totally get how living next to a 7/11 could be dangerous! I live near a gas station and sometimes pop in to buy candy and junk foods. There really isn't anything healthy in the whole store!

I also understand how having a child would impede on your ability to work out at your convenience, or at all!

and yes, T1 should have been shifting the focus to helping me feel better at this weight and being healthy rather than a particular number. I was actually just saying to her that for the first time in 20 years, I am getting period every month. I think perhaps the reason I was not getting a period every month for the past 20 years was because I was underweight, and maybe I didn't actually have PCOS. I'm sure that you, of all people, can understand what a struggle it can be to feel "normal" when you aren't getting your period more than 3-4 times a year. I sort of wish T1 had focused more on that as a positive thing instead of saying I only have 20 pounds to lose in order to be normal.
LG - Yeah, I haven't gotten a single one since I went off the pill in October. I used to get them every six weeks in high school and then in college, they went every few months and now, I don't even ovulate or get them at all. Frowner I think if I got to a healthier weight, I would get them. Then again, if the college NP's opinion that my hormone levels indicated PCOS is true, getting to a healthy weight is going to be a real struggle.

I have had to ask T to stop texting me once. I texted him just after a session (at like 10:30), because I was having trouble feeling safe to drive home. I got home and started journaling and he texted me at like 11:40 pm, so I responded, then he responded (I was still really activated, so I guess it was good that he was trying to help). Then, I responded a last time and said we "really need to stop texting," because the guilt and shame over receiving his care at nearly 1:00 AM was too much. At that point, each text, I had said, "We can discuss tomorrow," or "No need to reply." So eventually, I just had to be very direct that he needed to stop texting me. LOL.
LG, i'm so sorry about the insensitive (just not thought about carefully) comment your T made. i am even more sorry to hear you say that you're worried that she had this 'disgusting image' of you in her mind Frowner Frowner i'm sure she didn't, she was only speaking out of concern for you. which i know that you know too, so i'm not being very helpful am I... just sorry to hear you say that about yourself.

crap, why cant we all just like ourselves...?!

Thanks again, ladies. Smiler

I'm doing okay. Trying to remind myself of these important things:
1. I AM technically 20 pounds overweight according to the medical charts. That's just a fact, not a subjective opinion about my that my T was making.
2. T does care and she immediately picked up on her blunder and has apologized profusely for it.

Trying not to get too wrapped up in worrying about T thinking I am a big flat blob. I am still an attractive woman and she doesn't know what 20 extra pounds look like on me, so even if she was making a personal judgement about me, I would have to throw it out because she hasn't even seen me.
I am so sorry that this happened to you. Frowner Believe me......I understand how painful and embarrassing it must have felt.

I want to say though, I applaud you for talking about it to begin with and even more for being willing now to go back and talk to her about it. When the subject of my ED comes up I immediately clam up. It is sooo hard to talk about especially right now, as I am at the high end of the range for my height and my T is tiny. Frowner

I really hope you feel better after talking with your T. Did you try to reach her after asking her to stop texting?
Originally posted by seablue:
I am so sorry that this happened to you. Frowner Believe me......I understand how painful and embarrassing it must have felt.

I want to say though, I applaud you for talking about it to begin with and even more for being willing now to go back and talk to her about it. When the subject of my ED comes up I immediately clam up. It is sooo hard to talk about especially right now, as I am at the high end of the range for my height and my T is tiny. Frowner

I really hope you feel better after talking with your T. Did you try to reach her after asking her to stop texting?

Thank you, SB.

I didn't end up reaching out to text after I texted her to drop the discussion. The truth is the desire to talk to her isn't there. Instead I just want to lose the 20 pounds and thats all I can think about. Talking to her is the furthest thing from my mind right now.
Originally posted by LadyGrey:
The truth is the desire to talk to her isn't there. Instead I just want to lose the 20 pounds and thats all I can think about. Talking to her is the furthest thing from my mind right now.

I know this place well....When I feel it, I try to remind myself it is the ED trying to take me down. I really hope you can talk to your T even if it doesn't feel good at first. Whatever you decide, please be kind to yourself.

Grrrr....this subject makes me soooo angry!

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