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Tears are streaming down my face as I type this.

I wish I could hug my former T right now. I received two hugs from her. One was wonderful and the other was bittersweet (at termination).
I wish she were able to hug me now. I really miss her and feel like I need her words of encouragement, touch, and comfort. I would love to look into her eyes and see the softness.

I'm feeling overwhelmed. Things at work have been crazy busy and I'm not getting much sleep. Also, my kids need me a lot. I have been shopping for school supplies and running many errands. I've also been working on coordinating the children's drop off/pick up times at two different schools and attending meetings and picture days. My T training school starts later this week too! Yikes! I'm actually going to get to see clients in two weeks. I just read my professor's syllabus and I'm about to keel over! Eeker
I have another class in addition to that one too that I haven't read the syllabus for yet.
Ugh. I step at a time....
deep breaths....

I still wish former T were able to hug me. I guess I'll just have to think of things that she said to me over the years.

On another good thought...I have new T this week, so hopefully that will go well. I'm pretty sure I won't get hugs from her...she's not the type...and that might feel awkward to me with her for some reason....

I think I'm going to bed.

For anyone else needing a hug...
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Thank you, Draggers!
I needed to read your message this morning!
Hug two

Both of my kids had bad first days of school. They were crying before bedtime. ugh. It's so hard to see my kids struggling.
It's also difficult to get going this morning and be positive about today. I need to work on that though.
I'm glad I have therapy soon.
ok...I better start in on some homework before the children get up. kitty just gave me a kitty type hug after he gave me the sweetest look. Sometimes cats can be sooooo sweet!
I'm still wanting a hug from former T.

One of my first assignments for the semester is to write in a journal. When I asked my prof. to give me a little more detail or guidance on what to write, she told me I should think about my former therapy sessions and how I'd like to be as a T.
Of course, now I'm thinking about past sessions and missing former T.
I might run into her next week when I take one of my kiddos into the same clinic. I hope I do run into her. I just want to look into her eyes. to reflect on sessions until I drift off into dreamland in my bed for the night.

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