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I'm facing breast cancer.

Every year I have been diligent in my mammograms. The last two years they put me on a 6 month repeat. Meaning every 6 months I go for a mammogram and an ultra sound.

About 3 weeks ago I had my bi-anual mammogram and ultra sound. They did not see either a tumor or cyst. Thickened breast tissue was ruled out. They found a area that is suspicious. This mammogram was different from the rest. The spot has enlarged.........

So I see my regular doc on Thursday. I'll find out what the next step it. I've decided that I won't do a biopsy unless I have an mri first. There is a new breast mri available

Prior to my mammorgram I sort of had a negative feeling that something was wrong. No lumps, bumps, tumors, cysts, or anything that can be felt or seen. Just one spot of concern.......

I just want it to be done with........ I have been tearing into everyone..... angry. I'm not fitting in. I'm paranoid at times and I walked out of my house last night and didn't return for 5 hours. I sat on a cliff at the ocean watching the water/tide crash against the cliff. I was sprayed with water each time.....

I didn't have the guts to jump... tho I did do some imagery. It brought me some peace. I went back home after the 5 hours...

I feel like I am slowly falling apart......
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I just want it to be done with........ I have been tearing into everyone..... angry. I'm not fitting in. I'm paranoid at times and I walked out of my house last night and didn't return for 5 hours. I sat on a cliff at the ocean watching the water/tide crash against the cliff. I was sprayed with water each time.....

I didn't have the guts to jump... tho I did do some imagery. It brought me some peace. I went back home after the 5 hours...


I am so sorry you are going through this. When I read this part that I quoted above it was sort of relief because I too have been the samw way. I fly off the handle very easily right now. Could it be fear that has us this way? I feel like I am fighting against the world right now. When people interact with me I feel that it is an invasion. I can't seem to find any peace except occassionally with my pet animals. They don't trigger these sorts of reactions in me.

I wonder what this is? Does anyone know? Is it grief? Fear? What? All I can say is it is MISERABLE and my heart goes out to you too Wisdom. I will keep you in my thoughts and I am so glad you didn't jump but sorry you felt bad enough to consider it.


I wonder what this is? Does anyone know? Is it grief? Fear? What? All I can say is it is MISERABLE and my heart goes out to you too Wisdom. I will keep you in my thoughts and I am so glad you didn't jump but sorry you felt bad enough to consider it.


I think it's overwhelm. It's all those things you mentioned. I can't deal with people when I am in any kind of crisis...but it is especially hard to be around people who are physically well and cannot understand what is freaking me out. Facing death is a weird place to be....especially when you have tried to take your own life or had someone else threaten to take it away. I experience self blame, shame and some kind of feeling that I deserve this and am being punished.
Trying to deal with all my physical stuff along with the mental health issues. WOW...Eeker It's hard to do both at the same time. Dealing with physical health issues always supersedes mental health issues. It has to be that have to stay alive so that you can recover from your traumas right?

Isn't life a weird paradox? It reminds me of Alanis Morissette's song....Ironic. eh?


My thoughts and wishes are with you today. I can't seem to add anything more, so I'll just post part of a poem that I really like, especially when I'm suffering. It's 'Morning Poem' by Mary Oliver.

And if your spirit
carries within it

the thorn
that is heavier than lead ---
if it's all you can do
to keep on trudging ---

there is still
somewhere deep within you
a beast shouting that the earth
is exactly what it wanted ---

each pond with its blazing lilies
is a prayer heard and answered
every morning,

whether or not
you have ever dared to be happy,
whether or not
you have ever dared to pray.
Thursday can't come soon enough. But then again I don't want it to come at all. I see my therapist tomorrow.

I experienced a forbidden peace while sitting on the cliff...........The waves, wind, seagulls, sounds, jagged rocks, water spray. I sat on the edge of the earth and became part of what was in front of me.

I'm tired. I'll visit later...


Hang in there! I was diagnosed with cancer a year ago this month. The waiting is horrible. I had to wait a month for the biopsy, then four excruciating days for the results, then a week to meet the surgeon, over a week to get a surgery date, etc. I thought I was going to give myself a heart attack. I'm young too, so I ain't kidding around here!

When the suspicious mass was identified, Dr. X told me he didn't think it was anything. To this day I am still not sure if he really meant that or was trying not to scare me. But I knew. I saw it on the ultrasound and it had a blood supply. Even though I was sure, I was paralyzed with fear when he called to tell me. I thought I was prepared and I wasn't.

The best advice I can offer you is to accept the help of those who want to help, even if you think you are strong enough to handle it on your own. And if you need help, ask for it. I have the typical British stiff upper lip and pushed everyone away. I'm suffering from the effects of that still. Make sure you trust your doctors. If you get that nagging feeling that something is wrong with your care, DON'T IGNORE IT!!!

FWIW, four months before I went in for that appointment, I too had a feeling that something was very wrong with me.

I'm wishing you the best.

Thanks everyone. What you all said is very important. You don't realize just how much....

Anyone ever try to scream as loud as they can while alone......... with no one listening? It's very hard to let go and scream freely. We are so conditioned to not expose that vunerable part.

A blood curdling scream........... A primal scream. Give it a try. It's a difficult thing

Gal, did you have breast cancer?


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