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I've been going through so many changes in my relationship with my T and I thought it might help to describe them and get some feedback from you wise ones.

About 3 months ago when I was talking about some horrible thing from my childhood I looked up and my T looked so sad I thought he cared about me. I was instantly freaked and told a horrible story about myself which didn't affect him. Later we tried to talk about it in person and in email but I am still having trouble processsing it. I know that my T cares about people in general but I don't think he cares about "me" if that makes sense (but I've never told him that).

Since then I've had a lot of trouble looking at him during my sessions and when I cry which I do almost endlessly I cover my face and close my eyes. He keeps asking me what I'm hiding from but I don't answer. I know one thing I am avoiding is seeing him looking that way again.

Three weeks ago (just before my 2 week vacation) I told him it felt wrong to cry in front of him and that it had felt more wrong since the session that I noticed his "look/sadness/caring". I record my sessions (with his permission) and when I listened to the session on my vacation I discovered that when I thought I had said that "it felt wrong to cry in front of someone who cares about me" what I actually said was "it felt wrong to cry in front of someone I care about". I was stunned. I admitted to him before even myself that I cared about him. He responded immediately that I didn't get to pick his reaction, that I wasn't in control of others feelings, and that being in relationships meant that feelings positive and negative would occur.

Now I've had one session where I didn't bring it up and we discussed why it is difficult for me to express emotions. I'm still amazed that I care about him. I don't even now how to describe my feelings for him. They are not romantic or erotic but I look forward to seeing him (right up until the day of the appt and then I get nervous), wish I could tell him things, and I've even called him to talk to him without being in extreme distress. Over the last couple months I've stopped worrying that he's about to terminate me as a client every session or obsessing when he doesn't answer an Email right away. I know he'll get back to me when he can. I keep telling him I don't trust him when obviously in many ways I do.

Do you think when I looked at him and thought he cared about me that I was projecting my feelings for him? Should I try and discuss it with him? I am worried that if I start this discussion he will think I'm too attached to him or attached in an unhealthy way and want to terminate our relationship. I've talked to my husband about it and he's been completely supportive even suggesting I drive 3 hours home from our vacation to have a session if I needed to work things out (which I didn't).

I feel differently than I have for most of the 16 months I've been seeing my T.
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Hi Incognito,
I'm sorry it has taken so long to reply to you. I just ended a five week break with my T and our first appt back didn't go real well and I've gotten kicked into some flashbacks so my ability to focus on other stuff is fairly limited right now.

So this is shorter than I would like. But your feelings sounds extremely similar to what I went through. I had always realized that I longed for love and wanted to be cared for and protected. But I didn't realize just how scary it was to experience that until I started to get it.

I don't think you're projecting care unto your therapist at all. What you know of your therapy is by necessity of the theraputic boundaries, very litte, but that does not mean that he's not a real person. The theraputic relationship, while being unlike any other adult relationship we experience, is very real and can be incredibly deep and intimate (I know for me probably the deepest and most intimate I've ever experienced.) But that kind of closeness can trigger deep feelings of fear.

Forgive me, because right now I can't recall much of your background, but your reactions sound like disorganzied attachment to me. This happens when the very person we would naturally move toward for comfort is the source of the distress we're feeling. So that we are driven towards the person by our human needs which need to be fulfilled. But when we get close we are hurt so we learn to stay away the same way you don't touch a hot stove twice. But this adversion is formed on an incredibly deep nonverbal primitive level that tends to operate out of our consciousness.

So I'm going to agree with HB (I know you're shocked, completely shocked!) and say that you do need to discuss it. We can not know ourselves outside of relationship so the only way to bring these patterns and drives to the light so we can understand and change them by experiencing something different is to talk about our feelings to our Ts so they can help us see them.

And HB is right, eventually you stop blushing. And then you find yourself saying things you thought NEVER in a million years would I say that to my T! Big Grin

Thanks for your replies.

I had my session tonight but couldn't tell him about my feelings. I did manage to tell him that I was avoiding talking to him so he didn't learn too much from me so I answer his questions in as few words as possible. I also told him I enjoyed when he got something wrong. Eventually I admitted there was something I wanted to tell him but I wanted to figure it out before I talked about it, I wanted to understand it and all the ramifications. After a while I told him I didn't want to bring it up too close to the end of the session so we didn't have time to discuss.

Even though it wasn't a good session I feel okay with it. In general I'm surprisingly happy and I'm not worried he's about to terminate me because he is frustrated or angry.

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