There's been a LOT going on, in therapy and on the inside, and two things happen. When I feel needy, I pull back. And when so much is going on inside I tend to look more inward. And I know I talked about this happening at Christmas but it's continuing and I didn't notice it until a friend pointed it out.
I was really at a point where I had seen so much progress that I was actually thinking that I was "better" (a thing which really doesn't exist; we just learn to deal with things better). Then the "mom" stuff reared its head, and I know from long experience that there is some very diffcult painful work ahead. And it's going to hurt like hell. I feel a little worn out at the thought of having to do more emotionally intense, confusing work. It's like I'm struggling enough that I'm not capable of giving as much. And I don't want to feel it, so without even realizing it, I'm shutting down and for some reason it's hard to talk about things when you're shut down.
My relationship with my T has me really confused right now too. Which feels so wrong after the session I just had giving him my gift. But I think that's part of the problem. My last several sessions with him have been really amazing and I'm feeling very close and like, finally, I get that the relationship is a real one. I don't think I was able to see for a long time my T's depth of caring and involvement or even how much he liked me. And now I'm realizing it. But in some ways, feeling like this is making it even worse I can't have more. You know when I thought I was the world's largest pain in the tush and he just wanted me gone, the boundaries didn't matter as much (although I still railed against them) beause in some ways it didn't feel like they were keeping me from anything.
At a recent session, we were actually discussing the boundaries and my T told me that sometimes the boundaries can be frustrating for the T also. That they get to meet fascinating people but are limited in what they talk to them about because the therapy has to stay about the patient. He was very careful and I don't believe he said anything wrong but somehow knowing that maybe I'm not the only one that doesn't like the limits hurts even more.
A month or so back, we had a session in which we discussed my attraction to him and my erotic feeligns. And one of the things that came out during that session was my reluctance to have any sexual feelings, they all feel wrong. And that to want anyone to desire me in that way is also wrong. My therapist told me that this was a chance to experience a healthy sexual response in a safe relationship. Which I really believe this is a safe one. Since then, I think I have been allowing myself to feel what I feel about my T without judging it. And I have come to recognize that while it would be very wrong to act on it, the response, in and of itself, is a healthy one. This is a man who I find physically attractive, who has been there for me emotionally in a way no one else has been, including my own parents. Is it really so suprising that I might want to express my feelings that way? Which I think has all been a good thing but has made me more aware of the feelings so to speak.
Then at our last couples session, where to be honest, I was already having a difficult time, because the man was looking six different kinds of fine, my husband suddenly decides to bring up sex. I now hold the world record in longest blush ever. It was just lovely discussing the subject with all three of us in the room. My T was discussing how closeness and intimacy, enjoying each other's company, and a deepening relationship will lead to expressing it physically. Which I totally got, but that emotional sequence is in many ways what has been happening emotionally between my T and I, and although I get it rationally, emotionally it's hard to understand that in one case it leads there and in the other case, you're forbidden to go there.
I had put in an emergency call to my T and he called back after a longer gap than usual from his cell phone and it sounded like he was in a car. We talked for several minutes (I was feeling scared about not being up to facing the grief over my mother) and got off the phone. Ten minutes later, he called again, but when I answered and said hello several times, no one replied. While I wrestled with the temptation of having an open line when he didn't know about it, I could hear his voice over the radio and what sounded like the voice of a woman responding although I couldn't understand what either of them was saying. My conscious won and I hung up the phone and I sent an email to my T so that he knew it happened. I was glad that I did the right thing and hung up, but it once again really rubbed the fact in my face that I am such a small part of his life. That he talked to me for a few minutes, then went back to his "real" life and to the woman who can have all the things with him I can't.
And I'm really confused, I'm having a hard time sorting out what's from the past and what' the present. I do believe that so much of the intensity of my feelings and longings are about what I didn't get in the past and my need to mourn them. I mean, that's what its been about so far and I have been healing due to the mourning. But I also think that as the relationship has deepened that I am also engaging on a more on an adult level. Which I guess is good since part of the point here is to grow up and get independent. But it's confusing feeling all this about him and not being sure which feelings are about today and which about my past.
And although I thought that I had safely put it away, getting closer is triggering my need to run again. That allowing myself to get this close will only bring pain. And it's really ringing true because part of my pain is because of getting closer, although I realize that the dynamic I experienced before and that I fear now is much differnt from what is actually transpiring between my T and I.
And last but not least, we had a mixup about appt times and I'm waiting to hear from him so I don't know WHEN my next appt is.
I really need to see my T and sort this out.But I feel like a disastrous mess and sometimes the thought of going near him again and feeling all this is just sucks. Part of the reason that I don't want to go near him is because I know he'll provide what I need to walk through the pain. But right now that doesn't sound so appealing. I just feel like the world's biggest basket case.
I KNOW I've made progress, but right now it feels like it's all just been a delusion on my part. So that's how I'm feeling in all my glory. Although I'm not losing sight of what I need to do to heal and knowing that experiencing this pain is necessary to healing but it's one thing to know that and another to do it. Now, don't you feel better about how you're handling things?
I'm glad that no matter how scary and overwhelming it can feel,that I have people I can talk to and admit feeling this overwhelmed. Thanks.