Last week I had a great appointment with my T. I had a bad experience with my husband's family where they basically heard a story and accused me of hating their religion. Of course that is the same religion as T so it was very difficult to talk to him about it and he was so good to me helping me identify why I hurt so much and telling me he thought they overreacted. I actually wrote T the most honest heartfelt email to thank him.
This week I go back and everything seems wrong. I try and talk about something I'm worried about and T seems to suggest that it is not a big deal. I feel like he doesn't get it or how hard I'm struggling right now. I tell him I feel hopeless and he says he isn't (we have a backstory on the words hopeless and pointless and when I'm struggling I always feel that way about therapy). I manage to tell him that and he says he has an idea how much pain I'm in but I'm trying so hard to control it and not let him see it. I leave feeling like we didn't connect.
So last night I send him a snarky email (I usually do after a session) saying I felt like he made it difficult to talk about my pain after he basically ignored my first worry and then I tell him that he isn't hopeless because he doesn't care and really it makes no difference in his life if I get better or worse or live or die. I feel bad about the email and send another one later saying sorry.
This morning he responds to that email saying he didn't say or mean to imply that I wasn't in pain, that he does care, that he hopes we can talk about it tomorrow. I try and call him to talk about what I meant in my email and his machine cuts me off. He never gets back to me. This is also not unusual he only replies to emails and phone calls during office hours and often doesn't reply to a second email/phone call during the same day and since I have an appointment tomorrow he probably figures we'll talk about it then. I spend all afternoon hoping he'll call me back and after he leaves the office and I know he isn't getting back to me I send him an email telling him I'm never coming back. Sometimes something doesn't bother me and sometimes it makes me so furious and hurt (I'm referring to not him not getting back to me but I didn't put that in the email). I can't manage.
Now I sit. I want it to stop hurting. I've driven away someone who was trying to help me because he couldn't do enough. I don't know how I go from feeling so supported and connected to ignored and hurt in less than a week. I don't know what to do without T. I've been seeing him for more than 2.5 years. I've never quit before. I don't think he'll ever contact me now.