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Today I sent my T a text. I asked him if I was just a number, a client, a case, a file and that I was that as a child patient for years in the hospital having skin grafts and I don't want to be a thing that people 'attend' to and then walk away. I was really blurting stuff out. [I do that sometimes, it is like a release valve, and he is safe enough and has proven to be safe enough, for me to do it.)

"I don't want to be any of those to you. I don't want to be 'I attended to case 13". I want to be a real person.

I am not even sure what I mean by that. All I know is that it if FULL OF FEELING."

Then when I realized that I was coming across all cross and annoyed, I wanted to say: I am not really mad at you because I feel safe/trusting/warm towards you.

BEcause I was wide open, I texted the truth:


And sent it.


I mentioned the 'love' word. Embarrassed

I am SCARED and intrigued too.

He just texted back to say that there was a lot in my text and he was sorry I was struggling. I see him tomorrow.

I know it was not WRONG of me to say I love him. I do love him. How can I not? He listens, is caring, feels for my pain, is there for me consistently, is safe, respects me, is sweet and kind. Of course I am going to feel love. I have a heart. but to SAY it?!?!?!?!?!?!?

well 'text it' to be accurate

I KNOW therapists get twitchy when you mention the L word.

But it is ALL about love.

If he didn't feel love for me and me for him, I don't think this therapy we are doing would work.

So maybe I have just forced this discussion about love more out in the open.

Still I feel strangely nervous and scared of seeing him tomorrow. Confused
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I think it's always nerve wrecking telling someone you love them, especially when it's a T. I love my T very much but I don't think I would ever have the guts to say so, unless I'm on an emotional rant and just blurt it out. Kudos to you for saying so! I know my T cares for me a lot, but I don't kow if it's love she feels for me. She hugs me, she moves the strands of hair out of my face and on occasion shes placed her hand on my cheek; very motherly gestures. So through that I know she really does care, but then again, the counseling is and the way the Ts work with the students here is a little different (the school is very much based in the power of relationships, especially with students and faculty; it's normal for professors to invite their students to their homes or meet with them privately for a cup of coffee in the library or something if they need anything).

If I told my T I loved her, I would feel a little scared and embarrassed but I think that's normal in any type of relationship. From the conversations that we've had, our T sounds great and I don't think he took it wrong in any way. I'm sure all will be fine between you too Smiler

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