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Hey folks,

I haven’t been around much lately so I hope all of you are doing well. I’ve had a down day. I’ve been going to a new T for the past month and she has been great at letting me talk (and cry) about my transference issues with my former marriage T. My new T has been on vacation…or actually planning her daughter’s wedding so I haven’t bothered her with any emails. I think not talking about this for three weeks is why I’m so down today.

I don’t feel like thinking rationally tonight. I know there can be no relationship between me and my former T. I understand why I grew close to her and wanted to see more of her…and know more about her. But tonight, I just don’t care. I am retreating to the safe and painful place where my former T means the world to me. I wish I could talk to her. I wish I could see her….actually, whoa, ok…here is another reason why I’m not doing so well tonight.

This just hit me when I said, “I wish I could see her”…I saw my former T at the public pool this past weekend. And for people who are dealing with the kind of transference I’m dealing with, seeing your T in a bikini doesn’t help. I don’t know if she saw me. This was so unexpected and I was so caught off guard. I was standing knee deep in the pool, looked up and she was standing right in front of me, looking at me. I quickly turned away and tried to convince myself that that was somebody else. So I’ll let you be the judge if she saw me or not. We were 4 feet apart.

Anyway, saying this last part, I am able to laugh a little but seeing my former T in a bikini is not what I miss. I miss talking to her. I miss opening up in hopes that maybe she’ll open up to me too. And occasionally, she did. But only to emphasize a point. Because our sessions ended so abruptly (me telling her that I saw her more as a friend and the following week she ended individual sessions) I never got to say everything I wanted to say. And at the time, I didn’t know everything I wanted to say. But I’m clearer now. Given the chance I would tell her that she is so important to me. And I will always care deeply for her. And I will never forget her. She will always be an important part of my life.

My former T/marriage T has invited me to come back for couples counseling because my wife and I are having real problems. In my session a few weeks ago, just before my new T went on vacation, she advise me to never go back to my marriage T for couples counseling OR individual because it would be too painful and not do me any good. My rational side knows she’s right. But I’m not rational tonight so…One day I would like to go back and convey all these important thoughts. I also want her to know that her asking me to leave hurt me deeply.

I needed to get all this out tonight. I don’t have another session for over a week from today so I still have a ways to go. Thanks for reading.

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I'm sorry. That must have been incredibly distressful to run into your old T like that and I know I would be tempted by such an offer to go back, to have any sort of connection with my transference figure that I would be allowed. However, her unwillingness to work through the transference, rather than avoid it makes me agree with your new T that it might not be "safe" to go back there. I wish I had something I could offer. I'm sorry things are so hard and you are on a break from your current T, which doesn't help either. Frowner
I understand this so well! I also have ended with my former T almost two months ago and I was actually doing okay with it until a few weeks ago where I started missing her more and more. I don't have transference, she was just there for me and offered help when no one has done so in years...or ever actually.
She offered me to come back if things with my new P don't work out but I know it won't help me, therapy-wise. I had my reasons to leave and I still think those are good reasons but I miss her as much as I can miss someone I don't really know.
Maybe you could write a letter to her and get it all out but try not to expect a reply. By the sound of it, your former T wasn't very comfortable with your transference issues.
Didn't she say hello at the pool or did you turn around too quicky for her to say something?

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