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Hello fellow people... Sorry it’s long and may have some misspellings; English is not my first language
Doctor – psychiatrist === T-psychologist

I am in really bad shape now, and feel really bad, and really need some others opinions on this!

Few weeks ago I was seeing my T one a week and doing activity plan, like going to the gym, eating breakfast keep away y from coke cola, drink more water and so on... And it was working I was finding myself in better shape than I have been in many months ,after a got like a breakdown in dec 2010 , and I know I was a handful to him and sending him sometimes e-mail between sessions, not often ,

He has facebook and other thinks open and we life in a small place so I see him sometimes in the street or driving, and he does not care if I see his profile or not, I have only 2 times looked at his facebook and in the second time 3 weeks ago, somehow (would NEVER ask him to be my friend) it happened anyway and I honestly don’t know how it happened, I know our boundaries about things..

Then after we had like meet 4 week in a row and I was finally doing well and then this facebook think happened and I didn’t even notice it I sent him fb friend request ., I meet him usually on Wednesday and asked him to call on Monday, about something letter I needed from him for next appointment, and he said in the phone call “I thought you were asking me about the facebook friend request” I was like WHAT are you talking about, I would never ask you to be my friend on facebook,.

We were finally back on track after my suicide attempt, and when we meet the next time, he said “ok fine, but it was still friend request “ (like he thought I was really going to ask him ) and I still don’t know some how by accident it happened ...

And then he said it was time to meet every 2 weeks , and said it is waiting list and so on was the reason , but I felt like instead of talking about that he felt like I crossed some limit, that he was like pushing me away , I broke down like a little baby crying and all , I felt like my safety was taken away from me, for me it was like a life line, that when I felt really bad , I knew I still could count on my time to talk to my T about my issues , because I really have not many to turn to. He “said don’t be afraid, it is going to be ok, you can ask the clinic for phone message to me and I can call you back or e-mail me”

But the strange think happened somehow my world fell apart I don’t know how or why, I just 2 weeks before I told him how much these sessions means to me and that I can deal with my son, and I haven’t felt better in months knowing that I have these weekly sessions, so I was so surprise that he made these decision to make them further apart, I told him I just don’t see the point to of anything , and he said “does your life activity depend on weekly sessions “ and me crying, I said he could not image what it is helping me, and let me say that I am NOT in love with my T or have other feelings just he is my T and that’s all.

I do have a doctor I started to see in January, I can trust him but its completely different sessions and therapy, they did talk in Jan and agreed that my T would help me this way and the doctor to value the depression, anxiety and medication .

So I had no choice but accept this and see him again in 2 weeks, and I did , I asked him if he could call me on the wendsaday I did not see him, he agreed seemingly , then on Sunday I felt really bad and sent him e-mail (before he would reply with good words and that would keep me going) saying how bad I felt and because there are some problem in my work (nothing to do with me) but it has made me anxiety really bad and I have not slept unless I take double my sleeping pill, I told him this and that I just don’t know how to deal with this I don’t want to hurt me. On the Monday I called the clinic and asked that he could call me , he did call me BUT he was so angry , saying I had to talk to someone else , like my family , but he knows that is not possible or you should go to the mental emergency, (he knows that is not possible either) , I did not send him any mails for like 2 weeks and did not ask him to call because I did not want to seem imposing myself on him, so when he reacted like this I just lost all my air out off me, then he said he will call me next wendsday because I was not meeting him, he did call but its not the same 1o min and he was like tired, and I was at this point just falling deep in depression , because I have sometimes so much inner pain and anxiety and no one to talk to so I close somehow down and end up in bed, tired after nothing, I meet my doctor and he wanted to chance my meds.
And I am trying to “find” someone else to talk to find an I don’t know really just something or someone, I sometimes just want to give up...
I told to my doctor I am sick of all and you and the T will give up on me, he said he would not. And recommended I would see my T once a week for the next 6 weeks,

I was finally going after 2 weeks and the bad phone calls to see my T, but he had some emergency at home the day before and had to chancel all appointment that and the next day, So I then sent him e-mail when he has another appointment and he did not reply, and then I called the clinic in Tuesday and asked if he had booked me the next day and he did, but I was started to feel like stalker to get appointment, and asked if he could call me..

Then I meet my T and told him I cant do this and I felt like he was getting tired of me and he or like missing the compassion I don’t know how to put this in right words, I told him I sent him mail and he did not reply, and in the phone call the day before I told him what the doctor recommended to see him once a week for 6 weeks, and he agreed but I felt he was not very happy, he said if I will see him once a week then he would like I did not e-mail him between, I had already said I will not contact him between sessions if we meet once a week, he said it can damage our therapeutic relationship if I make to much demands on him, but until now he has been easy with me because he knows I have no one, I have looked for support in many things and it has worked , So I told him do you want out of our contract if I want to kill myself I don’t have to call you, he said if you are on the edge or have taken a lot of pills and you regret it ,then you can call me.

I feel like I have lost something or some support, I do like that I can now see him time being once week , but what if he does not like me, and is forced to “see” me, I feel so bad, and my doctor came with the idea when I feel so bad I should write down my thought and feelings and then take them and show my T ,, I think I use that, but I don’t know , I am just crazy paranoid or what, how can I know if my T is just now so tired of me and wishes I would dump him, should I not go in next session and see what he does , how can I know if he cares ? Greetings and hugs...
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Thank you for your kind words..
It has taken me 2 years to trust him, and he is the first T to really help me, from deep depression and staying in bed to go to college and 50% work, and everything was going so well untill summer of 2010 . Short version =
12 years ago was the last time I was in hospital because of deppression ,and I started to work, and a nurse went in my medical records and started to tell people about my past and I complety fell a part, and it did not help my then boss called the nurse and asked her about me and my past, and kept asking me about my past.,, this made me relive my horrible past and from then my life has been up and down , I reported the nurse and my boss ,I moved to another place in the work ,but I am not open person, and dont trust people, so people wonder why I moved in the work place, so Its like I have had crisis after crisis and I am even tired of going up and down like jojo ..

I am so sorry you are having to go through this!
I can't email my T between appointments either (new boundary, still hurts a little) and I know how frustrating it can be to not know if your T is REALLY there for you or not. It does sound like he wants to hear from you if there's ever an emergency though, which is good.

You have been with him two years?
I will tell you something I have only shared with my T before:
One day when I was just really, really struggling with myself and my situation with my T, full of doubt and frustration, I was just quietly pondering and praying about it, and these words came to me that I would never have thought of on my own: "trust in the process." Well, I didn't even know what the "process" was referring to, but as I struggle along and keep going, I see the wisdom of those words. My T isn't perfect, but I see progress, and I know that I'm working my way towards being "healthy."

I'm not really sure why I felt like I should share that, but I hope you don't feel alone here. You matter, and your needs are important.

Hugs to you,
I feel like I have lost something or some support, I do like that I can now see him time being once week , but what if he does not like me, and is forced to “see” me, I feel so bad, and my doctor came with the idea when I feel so bad I should write down my thought and feelings and then take them and show my T ,, I think I use that, but I don’t know , I am just crazy paranoid or what, how can I know if my T is just now so tired of me and wishes I would dump him, should I not go in next session and see what he does , how can I know if he cares ?

Anna, I know many of us see ourselves in those doubts you expressed. I went through a phase where I was SURE my T was rolling his eyes when I wasn't looking, was bored or frustrated with me, or was relieved when I was late as that would mean less time I'd be there, etc.... But that weight on me also came as part of a painful hunk of transference, and once I identified what the transference was all about, I didn't feel like my T dreaded me anymore. (Transference being from my father rejecting me and [my perception] dreading being around me. I felt like my dad must surely hate me, so he dreads being around me, and when my T triggered this, I felt all the same feelings towards him.)

I would encourage you to keep going - and to write, as your dr. suggested. Smiler This may be a difficult phase that could actually bring you to another level of healing. Some Ts just can't/won't show their caring in ways that we'd like or even recognize. When my T told me I could no longer email him 2 weeks ago, I was devastated, so hurt I felt like I couldn't even see straight. Now... (when I'm more calm and rational, hehe) I see how it's actually brought me to a better place, and that he made that decision for the good of both of us, not just him, as I initially assumed in my hurt and anger. It was a bit of hell for a while though, not gonna lie....
So please, know that you have support here with this amazing group of people, and let yourself feel the strength that comes from the support.

(((Hugs to you, Anna)))
Hi anna, I'm so sorry about your past and how much you're hurting *hugs*
I can understand why you are so distrusting of everyone else, people around you broke your trust in bad ways, you just learnt how to defend yourself. The first time I read your reply I felt your T wasn't the right person for you, he sounded way too unpredictable and not safe enough for you to anchor on him, but after learning it took you 2 years to trust him... that's a big investment and you shouldn't dismiss it so quickly. Most Ts do want us to succeed and get better, it's their job, you should trust it. You don't need a perfect T, like in all relationships sometimes things will feel off, with a "good enough" T you can improve. As long as you feel progress is/can happen don't give up.
I'll think about you. Keep us posted.

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