I feel compelled to respond to posts. Some posts just ache for a reply - like the one that says, "I feel suicidal" but to which no one has responded. How awful is that? To not reply is akin to saying, "jump, jump!"
Others, well, I might get all huffy and puffy and believe that my two cents will save the bank. (They won't.)
Other times I want to start my own thread, because I am bursting with words and feelings and there is no one in RL to hear me. So I write. I post.
But after I click the "Post Now" button... sooner or later... my anxiety kicks in. I am sure I sound stupid. Or over-bearing. Or too opinionated. Or too needy. I am disagreeable and abrasive and wrong. I am over-exposed, too vulnerable, fearful, under-confident. And more.
These feelings build and build until it's all too over-whelming. Then I spend hours, late at night, deleting, redacting. And I am erased. My words, thoughts, feelings - gone. Then I am alone again.
This forum has been a life-saving island of support and insight. It has induced feelings of despair and rejection. I have cried both while writing and reading posts.
Why? I don't really even know any of you. Why do you matter? Why do I care what or if you respond? Why is it so easy/difficult to be open and honest with a group of virtual friends?
How long will this post stay up? I suppose that depends on my day-to-day tolerance and self-acceptance. Is it really just a self-esteem issue? I suppose so.
"Post Now"