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Fine I admit it too lol. Let's see last semester I sent T an email at night around 830ish telling her I quit n I couldn't do it anymore, she wrote back around 1230ish the nest afternoon, I cried for half an hr, realized I needed to hold it together so I could get through my nxt class cos we had a test, ran to the clinic at 415ish demanding to see T again cos I knew what I did was stupid and in no way shape or form was I ready to leave! So that all adds up to about...14 hours of "being done" with therapy cos I knew I couldn't quit after T emailed me back.
ETE - that made me laugh!
I think I recognise myself in that one - I put my shoes on and said I am going and then realised that I still needed my hug, so asked for a hug, still mad at my T, he hugged me and I said mid hug, well I might be cross with you now but I still like my hugs. And of course, changed my mind on the quitting. Smiler
HUGS so get to the heart of me....
This thread made me smile. Smiler

I quit by txt once (ok 3 times) but once when I was driving. T called me to talk, and by the end of the conversation I had unquit.

This last quit was much more serious- about 4 days more serious.

T offers hugs- but they are empty hugs. Nothing heart melting at all. I don't even feel em. So I don't know the point of them. Feels like a pat on the head. He would never win me back with a hug.
with guru T I quit dozens upon dozens of times. some quittings were longer than other ones. once, I was really serious about it, and almost really did. came very close. then I finally, really did quit. With cowboy T I have almost quit only once.

to quit or not to quit- that is the question... have no intention of quitting with current T- he is clearly helping me.
I have never actually quit with T. I have expressed those feelings of wanting to quit dozens of times. One time, I expressed feeling like I "had to" quit for the sake of my family and he thought I was actually quitting. Freaked me the heck out, because I went in here and he was talking about how we should work through ending or something.
i talked about it being hard and thinking about quitting once and it went... horrifically. but sometimes i will mention like wishing i could quit but knowing i can't or whatever - my ts will let me do what i want. i think i'll never quit because I'm 100% sure they won't let me back. i admire those of you that have quit and gone back because i can imagine the shame is difficult to bear - I know it would be for me. it takes me a lot to get to the point of quitting or giving up on something, i will beat a dead horse into the ground until it's gone then keep beating the dirt until i get to the other side of the world sometimes.
I haven't quit though I've definitely had times where I question my own sanity by staying. I took a two week break at one point during a major rupture that didn't seem to be repairing naturally. I cancelled last week because I needed a break. Like Cat, I'm pretty confident if I definitely quit that T would not take me back. I feel like I can't quit because I can't take another failed attachment figure relationship, but at the same time I need help untangling the mess that has become my therapy (or at least it feels a mess).
I've "quit" several times in the past 2 years and only stayed away for 5 weeks. My P always welcomed me back graciously and never asked questions unless I raised the issue. I've never really felt ashamed that I quit until recently. In the past, I felt it was a necessity, perhaps an attempt to protect myself from being hurt, having been hurt before in therapy.

Recently I said I was going to quit again but went back after 2 weeks. As we talked about it, and we've had some very good sessions over this issue, I realized my P thought he said something that triggered this latest desire to quit.

He looked a little sad as he said that so I've decided I'm done with just quitting. When the time comes to end, I know it will be difficult to go through it formally, but I owe that to him for being there and never just quitting on me.

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