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It was Tim's graduation today and my whole family went. Tim's mom was one of my very closet friends. We met through church when Tim was just two and my oldest daughter was just one. The first time we ever talked was on the phone and we talked for an hour and a half. We were sisters separated at birth. That hardly ever happens with me, just that instantaneous knowing that this is going to be a really good friend. We just skipped right to intimate close part of the friendship. When are children were little (we had our second kids within six weeks of each other, she made the mistake of saying to me that she had hoped we would be pregnant at the same time when I called to tell her I was pregnant. Smiler) we talked EVERY morning on the phone. We were a very important part of each other's support system and sanity for that matter. She was one of the very small number of people that I really trusted, knew would be there no matter what, anytime night or day (I know because I called at midnight once with car trouble when my husband was out of town) and I was certain not only loved me but loved me for exactly who I was. She had a bad family history of heart disease and diabetes and for the last three years of her life was in and out of the hospital. About 2 1/2 years ago, she had went in for her second heart attack and came close to dying due to some drug interactions but recovered and was doing well, going through heart rehabilitation and was getting back to a normal life. She called me just before I left for a two week vacation, and we talked for awhile. We didn't see each other as often because I had gone back to work and we no longer attended the same church, but it made no difference to the friendship just that we didn't see each other or talk as often as we used to. I am SO grateful that during that conversation we talked about how much our friendship meant to both of us and how much we loved each other. As a matter of fact the last thing we said to each other was "I love you." The morning after we got back from our trip, her family went to church and she stayed behind because she wasn't feeling well. When they came home she was dead in her chair. It was devastating for our family and hers. She was a second mother to my girls. And I was a second mother to her kids. I've always had a special relationship with Tim who is an incredible kid and we've got even closer since his mom died. I've made a promise to myself to be there for every major event in his life because he won't have his mom there. Which means even more after he told me that I'm the closet thing he has to a mom now. So we went to the graduation. It was incredible to see what a fine young man Tim has become (he's taller than me now and I vividly remember him in a diaper!!) but it was heartbreaking that Linda was not there to see it. She should have been and it just felt wrong that she wasn't. And I miss her so. I always will.
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Oh my goodness, your story brought tears to my eyes and a heaviness to my heart. I can only have imaginings about how you must be feeling - losing such a close friend. Makes my saddness re: my therapist seem so insignificant and trivial. How wonderful that you have had and continue to have this special relationship with her son Tim - attending his graduation must have been kind of bittersweet. One thing that I know is while the mind and the body is finite, the human spirit is infinite. I believe that your dear friend's spirit lives within and around you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I read your story I felt like I got hit by a bolt of lightening !!!!!!!!! I have come to realize that we don't know how much time we have to marvel in our magical connections with others - relationships so deep they defy all specificity. Perhaps I need to focus on understanding the humanness of my therapist and really just be at one with the magic of our journey together. Not sure that his makes sense but I have been enlightened - thank you for sharing this touching story.
Thank you so much. I do know I'll see her again some day, its just getting through the intervening time. And it was bittersweet. I am so proud of the man that Tim has begun and it is incredibly important and comforting that I am so important to him also. But don't think your sadness is insignificant or trivial. Important attachments affect us deeply and I certainly think your relationship with your T is as significant as my friendship.

But I am glad if it helps you to see a way through. We can forget how precious the people around us are and how much time we have. But it really helps me to remember that I only know the pain because I first felt the love. Grief is just the payment for our relationships. Thank you so much for hearing me, it was really good to be able to express how I was feeling.


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