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I ran into her! I ran into her!

Cloud Nine
I was at a community event in a crowd of people. I turned around and there she was! We both said hi and went our separate ways for quite a while. After I fed my kids at this event, a couple of my family members watched my kids, so I could have some socializing time. I talked to some friends (while drinking beer...probably not my best idea). I didn't have too much, so I wasn't drunk, but I was buzzing. Anyway, I saw former T talking with a a few guys. I was brave enough (due to the beer?) to approach former T and thank her for guiding me and being there for me. We had a great friendly discussion. She introduced me to her adult sons and asked how my kids were. Then, asked where my kids were seeing as she saw them with me about 30 minutes before I started talking with her. I felt a hint of therapy type questions, but other than that it was general chit chat about my T schooling and her social calendar of events for the summer. She asked about my social life. I just shook my head and said something about not having much of one.
Former T gave me that boost of confidence that I needed that day about school. It was wonderful to see her and talk with her! I didn't get a hug, but that's ok. I felt like our conversation came to an awkward end due to a disruption. I am still wishing that she could be my mentor and that we could do mentor/mentee type of things on a regular basis.

This what I found on the internet...
From the American Psychological Association web page on mentoring...

Successful mentorships often evolve into friendships with both partners learning and providing support for the other.

Later that night I did something I didn't think I would ever do and I Facebook messaged former T! The beer was long out of my system, so it wasn't that. Also, it wasn't a friend was just a message. I had this urge to just let former T know that I enjoyed our conversation, to have a great summer and that I was getting back to studying and writing for school. I never expected her to message back. The next morning she messaged back that she enjoyed our conversation as well and basically good luck with school. I has so happy that she messaged back!
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I'm analyzing and reanalyzing my conversation and written response from former T. Why do I do that?
Brick wall

I know former T knew I had been drinking, so I believe she was assessing me with some of her questions. The conversation was still pretty great and I did feel a boost in confidence after I left her, so I know it didn't turn out horribly. I looked at the message that she sent back to me and realized that she just picked out three things from bottom to top (bottom, middle, top) of my message and reflected those things back to me. Then, I started thinking that it was just reflection and she didn't really mean what she said and that she probably didn't care and maybe felt obligated in some way to respond to my message. Or she really did have a nice talk with me and enjoyed it as well and took the time to respond back.
ok...I'm driving myself nuts...
I need to go do homework on not a lot of hours of sleep.
I'm looking forward to a break in my schedule in two weeks. I need it!

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