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I don't know what to think of it yet. I yawned A LOT in the first hour. I couldn't help myself. The people in there seemed so vulnerable. I wanted to protect some of them from the world at large for some reason. I felt I didn't really belong but I could be wrong.

My T INSISTS on me doing DBT. She is a highly trained DBT therapist. In the 3 months I have seen her I haven't had a session where she doesn't mention DBT several times. I want to work on the trauma that is hitting me pretty hard right now. Abuse from my past. She says I have to learn this DBT stuff first before she'll work on the trauma with me.

I am trying really hard to stay open minded!!!

Plus the leaders of the group are in my T's consultation group so they know a lot about me without even meeting me. That was really awkward. I felt immediately that they did not like me. I realize that that was probably a projection on my part. I hope it was anyway.
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Hi turtle

DBT offers some really good ways to keep yourself functioning while doing trauma work.

I noticed some really interesting things in your post thought. Like a tendency for high concern for protecting and caring for others, assuming people don't like you (definitely projection because I know a bit about you and have warm and positive feelings for you Smiler ), and you don't belong, and being frustrated that it seems like this is diverting you from your trauma work. In fact I think this is great for you because it will allow you to build coping skills to do that trauma work. I recall you've lost your parents recently and are estranged from your family. My circumstances are similar and means you need a huge reservoir of internal strength and resources to heal while you're building other support networks.

So I think if you can push past the boredom it might end up being a really useful experience. Keep us all posted xx
One of the benefit of DBT with you T is that the two of you can use it in your T sessions. You will learn coping skills that will strengthen your ability to tolerate overwhelming emotions and to stay present in the moment. It's amazing what you will begin to notice.

I understand the desire to get the trauma from the past out and over with. Several years ago, I tried to get my T to let me schedule a follow up appointment to an already schedule appointment because I needed to work through a trauma memory but she refused. At my next session, she handed my a flyer for DBT and suggested I take the class. I responded through my sobs by asking "what you are telling me is that I can't talk about what I need to talk about until I am better able to handle my emotions?" My pdoc concurred and I submitted to the plan for the next six months. I didn't love it, I prefer narration, but I learned a lot. It wouldn't hurt me to pull out my materials and review it again as I am dealing with some intense trauma stuff. Oh, it also compliments what I've learned on MyShrink about how to handle high activation and learning to stay in a zone of tolerance.

I hope the consultation group you mentioned does not become a hindrance to your receiving therapeutic benefits.

(((turtle))) Brave of you to go, but sorry you felt pressured to do it. I'm kind of on the other side where my T has never really suggested anything (outside of spiritual stuff) to help me learn skills to regulate, and there are times I wish he'd recommend a group to me, but I certainly would feel a little scared with the vulnerability of everyone knowing about me already and also being given an ultimatum is hugely scary for mom reasons. Anyway, as you seem committed to trying it, I do hope you get a lot out of it. I'm sure it's not for everybody, but I've heard of others on this forum getting a lot out of it, so I certainly hope, if you stick with it, that when the time comes, it does help the trauma work go more smoothly. I can get hugely dysregulated by it at times, and I'd want anyone I cared about to have access to resources that would help make it better. Though, not to be pressured. Frowner That's really rough.
I fell sound asleep yesterday after writing this. I was so tired from all this DBT/emotional stuff!

Greeneyes: *Blush* Yeah you nailed it on the head. I do have a lot of work ahead of me. Hey, but at least I see it coming. lol. I will keep you posted for sure

Deeplyrooted: I find your response to be most encouraging! I have decided to commit fully to this program and get the most out of it that I can. I have to admit the acronyms threw me off a little because they seem so corny and gimmicky but I guess a lot of people feel that way to begin with!!

anonymously: Yeah I do feel pressured into it. My T pretty much says it's DBT or the highway. Yet in the long run I see this as a very caring gesture on her part. I didn't see it that way at first of course! But I get now that she is offering me the best she knows to help me. I am starting to see how it could indeed be helpful.
Are there DBT skills groups near you?

I think it's awesome you went despite all your fears. It was so sweet that you felt protective of some of the other members. Even if you are not exactly like them, maybe you can still get something out of the experience. It sounds like the people here who have done it found it helpful. I might try it. My T is like Anon's. Sometimes I wish he would suggest other things. Well, he does. He tells me to take a bath or take a walk or listen to music. Stuff like that. Do good things for myself. That stuff does help.

Keep us updated re: your experience.

I am so sorry for the slow reply. LIke I have been saying I am bad at tracking down what and where I have posted on this VAST forum. I need to may be stay in one room. Then that way I won't get so negligent.

I will certainly let you know how it goes. The thing is I have a dbt trained therapist which helps a lot. If they aren't trained in DBT that can be a problem I guess. But you could ask him about it.

Good luck! I've been in DBT group before and had found it very effective. I'd be scared too if I was going in with my T's consultation group - but I think it may help that they know some about you. And... Ts are always (trying) to work in the best interests of their client, so similarly your T's consults would work in her best interest - their best interest is her, her's is your care.. Care snowball! Smiler I really hope you will be okay. I found it took me a few weeks to figure out the flow. I spent a lot of time getting to know everyone's shoes.
Thank you Cat! You're always so supportive of me and it doesn't go unnoticed.

Yeah it is unnerving being in skills group with her consultation team. I mean they know A LOT about me. When I started with this new T I was not in a good place and she told me that she consulted with them a lot about me. So I know they know a lot. I have to set shame and pride aside to do this. I feel like they could easily be judging me right now. Ugh

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