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That's a first for me. I've been so sad about my family and my meeting with them this weekend. I wrote my T about a comment I made jokingly that hurt my daughter's feelings and how I was just like my parents/family. He wrote back and told me I wasn't and then we talked about it tonight. He started by saying well one difference is that you apologized and discussed what you meant when you hurt her feelings. I realized I didn't, I apologized and then started to cry and left the room. I can't remember what happened next but I didn't address it with her except to tell her she should have known I was just joking and how obnoxious is that.

I didn't want to talk anymore but couldn't change the subject. We were silent a lot and then I told him I wanted to go home. He said well you don't just want to go home or not talk or you wouldn't still be sitting here. So I told him I thought he was laughing at me when he smiled when I was really upset. You wouldn't still be here if you thought I made fun of you. I said maybe I would because I'm so stupid I keep coming back and seeing if it is different. Then he said that he started the session talking about my daughter and the painful incident I had with her and he hadn't been condescending about it. I started to say well you started by saying I must have talked to her about it and I didn't because I'm a fucking awful parent and by this point I was screaming so I said this is crazy and I ran out of his office. He didn't say anything while I left and I sat in the hall for a few minutes trying to decide whether to go back in and he got his coat on and came out (I'm his last session and the time was almost over). I was so embarrassed to be standing there I just stammered I'm sorry I lost my temper and left.

I hate myself. I hate how I parent and how I can't talk to my T.
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Listening my dear Frowner that sounds absolutely awful, I'm so sorry.

I don't know what to say because I don't want to make it worse I just wanted to let you know I hear you and please be gentle with yourself if you can. I've left a session before too, with T2 because I could not handle how angry I was with her and angry with me. The emotions were just too much. Frowner

Thanks Cat

I just hurt so much right now. I feel like he was daring me to quit with that you wouldn't still be here if you thought I was making fun of you. I don't think he gets that I'm afraid that I'm still there because I'm in some awful re-enactment of my childhood where I keep trying to get my parents to care about me and treat me differently than they did and I tie myself in knots trying to figure out how to make it different.

As for the parenting issue I know I am more angry at myself and how selfish I am that at him for pointing it out to me. I'm sure he didn't mean to point out what I didn't do because he started by trying to show me how I was different than my parents and he probably didn't realize that I wasn't and his questions just showed that to me. I lost my temper at him because I couldn't hurt myself any other way.

The emotions were too much.
Hi Incognito,

I am sorry that your T made you feel like he was daring you to leave and that you felt he was laughing at you when you were feeling so upset. That sounds very painful to experience as we can make ourselves feel really vulnerable with our T's. I am also sorry that he assumed something that wasn't right that in turn caused you more pain. I hope that this is something that you can work through with him next time you see him. I can totally understand how sometimes emotions can just become so overwheming.


Recently, when I wanted to talk to my T about something but was really afraid, I wrote him some notes at the beginning of the session to tell him that I was scared. And he got really serious and said, okay,let's talk about this. And then, I started to change the subject and said, I don't want to talk about it.

And then my T made a comment similar to what your T said, like, that I did want to talk about it. He had a little smile on his face and I felt - for a second- that he was making fun of me, that I was playing a game by saying that I didn't want to talk about it to get him to "chase" after me to drag it out of me. I knew the truth was that I did want to talk about AND I was scared to talk about it.

Why was it so hard for me to admit to myself that I wanted to talk about it? I don't know.

Anyway, as far as the parenting. You learned what you learned from your parents and its all procedural memory. You should watch that video that Alpaca posted. It's very fascinating. You know, it's a cycle and it just gets repeated and repeated BUT YOU are the one breaking the cycle. I make a million mistakes all the time with my kids and am feeling like a big failure right now actually. But we have to get up and keep trying and I think, I hope as long as we are willing to listen to them and say we are sorry, I'm hoping that things will turn out okay.


Thanks Butterfly and Liese.

It was awful last night and I left him a message after my session last night saying I wasn't coming in next week and trying to explain how I felt. This morning I'm not even sure what I said last night. I called him again and told him that I knew I was really angry at myself and that I had wanted to talk about my miserable childhood and have him be understanding about it and I just felt petty and selfish for wanting that and then it just got worse because what he did say about my daughter made me realize how selfish I was being about her. It is terrible to realize how much I try to be different than my parents and how much I still fail. It is different with each of my children too. I fail in different ways because they set off different things inside me.

I don't know why it is so hard to admit that I want to talk about things. I guess because I'm afraid I'll start talking and one day he'll respond how my family did and tell me it is my fault and I'm doing things wrong and being selfish and self-absorbed. I think that way about myself anyway and I'm afraid of what will happen when he realizes it.

Hugs to you both
I just hurt so much right now. I feel like he was daring me to quit with that you wouldn't still be here if you thought I was making fun of you. I don't think he gets that I'm afraid that I'm still there because I'm in some awful re-enactment of my childhood where I keep trying to get my parents to care about me and treat me differently than they did and I tie myself in knots trying to figure out how to make it different.


Gosh your way of relating to your T resonates very strongly with me. I feel like I can't start talking until I am comfortable and safe, and getting comfortable and safe occurs very rarely, so then I bring that up and it feels like, all I ever talk about is feeling safe in therapy when I know there is other stuff that needs to be dealt with.

So, I have very little wisdom to impart since I seem (?) to be in a similar boat... all I can say is that, at times, I've resorted to basically forcing myself to bring up certain things. Even if it doesn't feel 100% right, at least the conversation feels a bit more fruitful in the end.

For what it's worth, I think he might be saying things like "but you're still here" as a kind of encouragement, because clearly, if you're showing up, there is a part of you that wants to continue to do the work.



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