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i woke up this morning still a little drunk as i frequently do. but i felt a calm. oftentimes lately i get these intensly painful feelings when i think about T and therapy (which is ALL-THE-TIME!). i knew from the beginning the risk of letting someone get too close so i decided from the start that i would under no circumstances get attached to this cool dude. and i fought it and fought it and fought it. i won't get attached to this guy. and i fought it some more. but the painful stuff only got more and more painful. i'm talking intense pain like where is this coming from??? and i wondered WTF??? so i woke up this morning with "Let it Be" in my brain and a feeling of quiet surrender. i'm attached already, okay? i could scream! i can't fight it anymore, but i think that's okay. i think the fight is what makes me sick and it's what keeps me sick (one of the things). so, i surrender. and i think the pain is a longing. i kind of feel like i know what the longing is but can't put it in words. trying to figure it out. i do think part of the pain is coming to the realization that i think maybe i would have been better off if D just wasn't there. i would never have felt valued by a D (not that i ever did), but at least i wouldn't have felt rejected on a daily basis by a D. and i thought that all the folks provided was what they thought was needed, and i probably needed what they provided, but i needed so much more. i needed them to simply KNOW me. and they never even tried. Cat Stevens said it "if they were right i'd agree, but it's them they know, not me". they never never even tried. T knows me better than my folks ever did. maybe that's it ... maybe it's the longing for somebody to show me that i'm worthy of getting to know. and i'm feeling that from him AND IT HURTS!

i think back to when i first began therapy and always having this apprehension, like there was some hanging doom about to lower itself on me. i was afraid T would find the spot in me that harbored that emotional boil that somehow i knew existed but wanted to keep it tucked away where it wouldn't cause any trouble. keep it at bay and and even feed it once in a while to keep it happy. self hate. keep it tucked away and attempt to paint the illusion of happiness so others wouldn't feel bad. it's exhausting work. i'm really tired. so i surrender.

and i have been hanging on to the booze. it's been my happy place, only not so happy. just another struggle. just another feeding for the boil. at the same time, it's always been there for me. it's always been strangely and consistently available and there for me. my friend, take away the pain, make me safe from the boil for awhile while you paradoxically feed the boil. help me keep it at bay and paint the illusion and deny my true self. they talk about the symptoms of dependency and how you need to find a way to cut back or quit, but i'm thinking the dependency is the symptom of what REALLY needs to be pursued and attacked and extinguished. the root - self hate again.

and i'm writing all this and i think i'm coming to some good conclusions, and there's a spot in my heart that wonders if T would be proud. there's that longing i'm talking about. and it still hurts. only now, i surrender cuz it hurts a little less that way.

sorry this is so long. just lots of thoughts and feeling i have to get out. this site is a life-saver. .... i hope i don't get attached Roll Eyes
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so i surrender

(((closed doors))) You've got to the heart of how healing begins by surrendering to the attachment as hard as it is - well done!! Your T will be happy that you're going to stop fighting everything - it's just too exhausting and so not productive!! From my own experience it was when I accepted my strong attachment and told my dear T, the intense longing settled - not immediately but it happened! Now I can go 3 weeks without seeing her and I can still hold onto her in my mind and heart!

Breathe through that painful longing and accept it as mch as you can - it will lessen!!

You've definitely come to the right forum CD and developing an attachment to the wonderful understanding people you will meet will be a good thing!!

Take care and keep posting.
Hi closed doors,
Hope you don't mind me responding - I read and related to your post and while I have no answers, wanted to say that for me the intense longing has lessened.

You described so well what it can feel like. For me, the moment of relaxing into the wanting and needing was a turning point. And I was terrified that if my T knew I needed her, she would reject me, because I was so unworthy of connection.
I first brought this up in writing. I always say far more in texts and emails than in person. I wrote it out and carried it with me for a couple of sessions, then asked her to ask me if I'd brought anything with me to share... Eventually, I did it - she read it aloud while I sat peeping through my fingers. It was difficult, but at least she knows. And she reassured me that my intense longing for attachment was natural. And I have to admit that now this elephant on the room has been acknowledged, it's a little bit easier to explain how much I hate leaving sessions, any change and breaks.
Only you can decide whether to press send or not, but I'm glad I decided to take a deep breath and thrust my dog-eared confession in her hand.

Wishing you peace with whatever you decide to do.

Iris xx
Hi ((CD)) just as ((Iris)) has suggested if it's too hard to send it - print it and carry it with you any maybe tell her there's something you want to say but can't do it verbally then hand it over in person - from my experience 'in person' in far better cause you can peek through your fingers occasionaly and gauge the T's reaction!!! sure you'll go through your emotional hoops however!!!! spoken like a really mature grey haired old duck!!! I've done this CD as it's very hard for me to recognise/articulate my feelings!!! Good luck!!
((Iris)) i PRAY for responders so i don't mind you responding at all! thanks for your encouraging words! i'm glad to hear the longing lessens, cuz it really is very painful when it rears it's head. therapy can be so painfully eye-opening. yeah, i'm in the same boat of being afraid of rejection so acting all stoic and like i don't need you or you or you. Awww i'm getting all emotional now with you "unworthy of connection" comment. so sad people have to battle with this shit. thanks again Iris. i hope things are going better for you.

((Morgs)) i happen to LOVE mature grey haired old ducks! Cool thanks for the encouragement Morgs. i think i will bring it to my next session. for me it's too big of a epiphany if you will to send in an email. we'll see. i'm flip-flopping on this. i'm feeling rather vulnerable, like it will open me up to being the little girl above and i don't want to ever be that vulnerable. next session not until friday. it's going to be a long-ass week!

thanks again for your replies everyone! it's so nice to know i'm not alone! (tears of gratitude)
well, i emailed my original post to T. figured there's no way in hell i'll either speak it or bring in a copy of it. not enough courage here. but i think it's stuff we need to discuss, so ... whatever works in conveying what needs to be conveyed. he replied with a short note and "see you friday" ... so friday's like in one minute from now and friday's also like 3 months away! gulp! Eeker gonna have to find a boat-load of courage between now and then! probably seems like small-fry to alot of people here, but for me it's pretty huge.
T knows me better than my folks ever did. maybe that's it ... maybe it's the longing for somebody to show me that i'm worthy of getting to know. and i'm feeling that from him AND IT HURTS!

It is a shame when it takes a complete stranger to really "see" us for who we always were.

This will be your gain, and your folks loss.
probably seems like small-fry to alot of people here, but for me it's pretty huge.

Closed doors,
Not small fry AT ALL! Opening up like this and telling our Ts about these feelings can be incredibly scary and you were very brave to send that email. And there's nothing worse than the waiting period between sending an email and waiting to discuss it, so I'm glad you're here posting about it. I hope it goes really well on Friday and that you're feeling clearer at the end of the session. But no matter what happens, be proud that you moved through your fear to do this.

Awww ClosedDoors - lovely to meet you. I'm glad you found this site too. It's choc full of lovely supportive people who can understand your pain.

Good on you for emailing your T - I am sure he will be proud of you. Smiler

And I read a book called The Drama of Being A Child - and she puports that addiction is not forever - it's a way of masking pain so if you deal with the pain the addiction goes away. I'm not sure I'm 100% with her on that one but I do get where she's coming from.

Anyways, best of luck with your next session - it could be amazing - even if tough.

thanks (((AG))). i'm a good one at comparing myself to others and denying my own self-worth as it were. thanks for the dose of reality.

nice to meet you too, (((SL))). he may be proud, but he'd probably make me ASK! ugh. not sure i'm up for that task.

whatever happens, i'm sure my brain will twist it into something it's not. i'm good at that, too. at least i'm becoming more aware of it. i guess you can't do much in the way of change if you're not aware there's a problem, eh? Wink

thanks again for the support, guys. i'll update tomorrow.
i'm a good one at comparing myself to others and denying my own self-worth as it were.

Gosh, CD, I have NO idea what you're talking about, it's not like I do that all the time too. Big Grin (ok I HAVE to go find a sarcasm emoticon!)

(I addressed that part of what you said, because I have the same tape playing the same song in my head. It's important to hear feedback from other people on that stuff. Part of what makes this forum so powerful.)
Hi closed doors- nice to meet you! Having been where you are at- (in so many ways, including using booze to mask the pain, or allow the pain out in a more manageable way, perhaps) I really understood and related to your post. It's a long road, but it does get better, it does get easier in time. Having lived in the dark for a long time, the light (the caring of your T) will be very painful for your eyes to adjust to, and there may be times when you simply need to shut the door again (booze) and pick another day to try yet again to open it. This was an analogy my old T used to use with me quite often, and I hope it resonates for you as well. Just go slowly, and go easy on yourself. In time you will overcome the addiction, yet, not likely overnight.

hugs and support from one who is still struggling with addiction to alcohol- but making progress, as you are too, in your new incredible awareness!

hey (((AG))), thanks. it really is important to get feedback from others who know what you're talking about. not sure what people in therapy did pre-internet! must have been one HELL of a struggle i can imagine!

(((BB))) it's great to meet you, too! thanks for your response. thanks for allowing me to shut the door again as i'm pretty good at beating myself up for that as well. you probably knew that Wink.

thanks in large part to this forum i do have a sense of hope. it's a great place to go between sessions to get in touch with others experiencing the same kinds of stuff. otherwise, it can be SO long between sessions.

bless all your hearts!!!

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