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The PsychCafe
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We're six weeks into the eight weeks of training for answering the crisis line (last two weeks were both on handling suicide calls) and last night I did my first apprenticeship shift. You are on for a four hour shift and actually answer the hotline with a trainer listening in who can help you out if you get stuck. So it was the first time I ever took actual phone calls.

It was really amazing and a very powerful experience for me. I had 11 calls in my four hour shift which is considered a pretty heavy load. My very first call came about 30 seconds after I sat down and was the call I was dreading above all others: a sex call. I was worried with my background that I would get really upset and not handle it well. But to my surprise although my radar started going off I was pretty calm and just a minute or so in it became clear what the caller's purpose was, so I very calmly told him that I was uncomfortable with where the call was going and I was going to hang up now, goodbye. And then I hung up the phone. (That's what the training said to do.) I was worried I might have overreacted but the trainer said, you handled that really well. I saw my T this morning and I told him about it. I was feeling good because instead of freezing and feeling powerless, I actually was annoyed that the caller was misusing the resources of the hotline and very clear about hanging up but without going into a reactive rage. And then my T pointed out something I hadn't thought of which was that in a situation in which as a child my boundaries were consistently overrun, I was able to clearly state my boundary and act on it. Which was pretty cool.

Then I got my first real call, was pretty nervous, talked way too much, and got the call model backwards; asking questions when I should have used statements and using statements when I should have asked questions. Big Grin But once that was out of the way and the trainer and I had a good laugh at me, I settled down and did fairly well at the rest of the calls.

The trainer was answering all my questions but wasn't giving me a whole lot of feedback throughout the four hour shift. So of course, and I know you'll all understand this, I was getting more and more worried I wasn't doing too well. But when we hit the end of the shift, she had to file a report on how I did in my file and she showed it to me before she put it away. There were a number of categories and she gave me mainly Es (for excellent) and a couple of Ss. And she told that I was very genuine on the phone which was also the comment she wrote on the evaluation. And then she smiled and said, you're doing great, now it's just a matter of getting more experience. I floated out of the building.

When I got in my car, it hit me, I can really do this! Don't get me wrong. Everyone around me, including my friends, my family, this forum AND my T all expressed their confidence in me, but I realized that I hadn't really been able to believe it until I did it. And I was just flooded with this intense sense of gratitude, that I had actually healed enough to be able to help other people. It feels like a miracle. And then it hit me that I was grateful I could experience all the feelings flooding me and so happy because I knew I was seeing my T this morning and he would totally get how major this was. There was a time I just would not have believed it was possible for me to be doing this, it is such a gift.

And I had a really wonderful session this morning. My T and I talked about my shift and how I was feeling about it and boundaries and were really comfortable and very attuned.

And I was able to share with him that I had woken up in the middle of the night and made the connection between realizing that I could do the volunteer work and why I feel like I need to leave therapy, at least for a little while. I need to know that it's really me, that the changes I'm experiencing are really a part of me and that I can still implement them even away from my T. I am so aware that without him this healing would never have happened. I told him that I was able to be present during the phone calls because he modeled that so well for me, that I was using neural networks that he co-created. So I need to separate and experience that I've really taken these lessons in and made them a part of me. Don't worry, we also talked about the fact that it was going to take me a while to work through leaving, but it was more affirmation that I'm right about it being time to go.

I am so very blessed. Thanks for giving me a place to be able to say this.

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Everyone around me, including my friends, my family, this forum AND my T all expressed their confidence in me, but I realized that I hadn't really been able to believe it until I did it. And I was just flooded with this intense sense of gratitude, that I had actually healed enough to be able to help other people. It feels like a miracle.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, AG. I am incredibly thrilled to hear that your experience at the crisis center has allowed this particular reality, of how much you have to offer, sink in on such a profound, real level!! As one of the people you have been helping all along, I am deeply grateful to be here to see you take flight. It does feel like witnessing a miracle, after all. Beautiful!! Big Grin Wink Smiler

AG that is such a positive and inspiring post! I am so glad for you and it’s really heartening to be reading about the amazing end result benefits of therapy. And to hear how well your crisis line initiation went - well done you.

I really like the way you are so self aware that you are putting yourself to the test, so to speak, to find out whether the positive changes you have undergone are actually ‘yours’ - (I believe they are, just from reading your past threads, but of course it makes perfect sense that you need to verify this for yourself.) You are a living reference manual of all the right things to do in regards to therapy, including ending it - it’s so good to have such a wonderful role model! Thankyou for sharing so much on here.
And then my T pointed out something I hadn't thought of which was that in a situation in which as a child my boundaries were consistently overrun, I was able to clearly state my boundary and act on it. Which was pretty cool.

Wow AG,

That is absolutely fantastic. The fact that you were able to do this so well- speaks volumes for you and your and your attuned relationship with your T. Eleven calls- holy cow.

It is absolutely wonderful how you can take the worst of your life experences and turn it into a gift to help others, that too is one of my goals.

As I was reading about your sex call- I was thinking that my response would have been two words, then slam. You kept calm during a tough, potentially triggering event and took full control of the situation. I am so proud of you! Be proud of yourself, too. Big Grin

Have a great day!

Congratulations! The sky the limit!

Reading about your experience with your T makes me realize just what I missed in my last therapy experience. A few things went wrong initially and then it went downhill from there.
Now I am with a P who I know will help me build my self and know without a doubt that its ME who is doing the work, is growing, and is capable of living life in a healthier way. I learned some things the hard way and backwards.

I am very delighted for you! This is a great accomplishment and proof that good therapy can be life changing.

AG How brilliant to read your post. You are totally awe inspiring with what you have acieved and your levels of calmness and competency. The sex call would have triggered me 100% - yet you have dealt with it perfectly. Well done and keep believing in yourself. You will no doubt be helping so many people out there.

You guys are amazing!!! Thank you thank you thank you for providing me with a place to celebrate this. Your recognition and affirmation mean more than I can say. You guys get just how big a deal this was, thank you again for all of your caring responses.

Helle: I must confess that your two word response did cross my mind, which made me even more grateful that the training provided us with a response. Wink

Monte: VERY Buffy moment, I liked it (although I must confess to not being a stilleto girl, more the flats type. Big Grin)


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