So, I've been going in therapy (psychoanalysis 3 times pr week) for almost 4 years now with my lovley, steady, old T. (startet mainly because i was depressed) He has been my light and my rock - and also the "source" of lots of frustration and grief. It's been a great - and very difficult- jearney, with lots of paternal and erotic transference involved, all the way. Still is. (lol this was my attempt to give a "short background" about my story )
ANYWAY : allthoug i am getting quite used to the ups and downs in therapy, i am having a very difficult time right now - the last month actually - because i feel like i am loosing contact with my dear T.
At first i blamed T for being sort of distant, tired and more silent (more than usual anyway) than before. That it was "weird" to be there. Like he just lost a bit interest in me and/or is tired of me. What he SAYS is that he doesent feel distant at all, and that he feels that he is the same as always. I cant really tell whether it is me, or him, or both of us that is "different". Its confusing.
In yesterdays session i told him the nights dream where i appear to be a rebellious and difficult child (the way i was in fact!) and where i enter his office and is "acting out" and he respond by holding me (litterally) - and it feels so good and safe. Almost as if we were close again and there was nothing "wrong" with our contact at all. I felt so reliefed when i woke up, but it boothers me that it was "only" a dream and it is not even reflecting the reality of how i feel about therapy these days. Rather the opposite!- that my "difficult and childlike" behaviour is pushing him away. That the distance grows when i am like "this". He`s respond to the dream though, was that i am, he suggested, "glad that he holds me/ loves me, even though i feel that i am difficult and bad" (!)But i dont FEEL that at all. It was a dream scenario i WISHED would happen, not a description of how it actually IS.
Problem also, seem to be that i dont feel able to change this thing. I go in to see him, and all i feel is these growing rebellious/needy/difficult-child feelings, and its like i push him away deliberatley, and still something inside me is screaming: "hold me! love me!" but what i am actually doing is only provocing the opposite reaction from him. I make him silent and mayby angry. At least annoyed. And i cant really blame him, if he feels that way.
So, why the heck cant i controll this impuls to push him away when i need him the most??
Now this has happened before, and it always worked out one way or another eventually, but i am so confused that it`s happending again now, after such a long good period. Espescially because I dont GET IT, why i do this, and where these feelings comes from, and i really hate that i have "the power" to push him away. It actually makes me angry that he allows me to do that, and seemingly without recognizing what is happening in the room. And i am a little afraid to talk to him about all this furhter now, as i normally always will do, because i am scared that it will push him even further away. That he gets tired of what must feel like i am complaining about him...
I just miss him so badly right now and all i seem to do is destroying the precious vercontact.
Thanks for reading. I will be very thankful for any input on this (and sorry for my bad english, i am out of training!)
ps: I forgot a bag with a painting that i made at his office yesterday, and it`s so obvious that i "forgot" it, because the painting was ment as a gift for him. At least i fantasied about giving it to him. But i am too emberrassed to ever give him any gifts at all. So i texted him and just said i forgot my bag there and if he could just keep it until i see him again in a few days.. i am so stupid.