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A couple of people have asked me how things are going, so rather than take over someone else's thread, I thought I'd post a quick update.

I have been out of therapy with my P (whom I still miss A LOT Frowner ) for six months. I tried two other Ts and it wasn't a good fit. So that makes zero therapy in the last 2.5 months.

All in all, I feel okay. This is the time of year when my seasonal depression really starts to close in, though, so I'm trying to keep on top of that and address it before it becomes an overwhelming problem. Mostly, I'm reading a lot about Buddhism and experimenting with some meditation exercises, trying to be mindful, not believe every thought I have is The Truth Wink, that sort of thing. Going to yoga, trying to stay active, eat right, throwing myself into my gardening, and canning more tomatoes, applesauce, and grape jelly than I think we will ever be able to consume. Basically doing what women have been doing to deal with stress since the dawn of civilization. (Country at war? Scrub the kitchen! Keep calm and carry on.)

I'm finding Buddhist philosophy to be especially helpful. I realize now that pretty much everything that my ex-P was trying to teach me was based on Buddhism. It makes so much more sense when I go straight to that source, rather than try to read it under the guise of "CBT workbook" or whatever.

I have to admit that when I'm under a lot of (inner) stress and everything feels overwhelming and hopeless, I often have the urge to go kneel in a church and pray the rosary, because that's the way I was raised. It makes no sense, as I am no longer a practicing Catholic. I'm an atheist! But that kind of familiarity, the ritual of it, the repetition and predictability, I find comforting. So instead I am trying out meditation, repeating phrases over and over in my head (in a positive way, not all OCD/rumination-like), listening to CDs of Buddhist monks chanting... it's the same effect, but without all that death and suffering (and child molesting) that's so unpleasant in Catholicism.

Now that I finally Get It, I wish I could go back and have conversations with my P about all this stuff. Why am I so stubborn and dense? It is so frustrating for me to think how willfully obtuse and resistant I was in therapy. I was so blinded and preoccupied with my transference struggles, that I was totally missing what he was trying to teach me. Which is why, of course, I had to quit. It was getting in the way and I wasn't making progress... So, applying what I've been reading about Buddhism to this thought Wink... this is an excellent opportunity to practice self compassion. I am finding that there are many, MANY, opportunities for me to practice self compassion in my daily life. *sigh* Hopefully I'm starting to get the hang of it.

More later. Smiler
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Well, Echo, we seem to have a few things in common! We both do yoga, like Buddhist philosophy, and I just canned strawberry jelly the other day! Lol.

About missing your P… that one might take awhile. Not to be discouraging at all… but when people affect our lives deeply they can’t easily be forgotten. I think it’s a sure bet to say that you will never forget him completely, but I also know for a fact that the ache dulls with time.

really feel for you echo
as you know from my posts, I was working until yesterday with a T who was way out of her depth, and it DAMAGES us.
So I am glad you are not still working with him.
I would suggest finding a T who can handle strong transference and explain it from the first session, that it is something that can happen for you. It indicates underlying issues that may - well probably long term DO need attention.

I feel for you though.

I am actually glad you are OUT of working with him, he could really really have hurt you and messed you up. REally.

There must be some good T's out there, AG's for example, let's all go to him!! LOL

I admire you for being on your own with this all these months. Sometimes a break from all that intensity is a relief for a while.

I too practice Buddhism, I find it very helpful, and I am back to practicing every day.

Infact off to do some mantras myself now Smiler

hugs if okay
echo, quite interesting. my heart goes out to you, having to end because of the reasons you did, to not reallly resolve it....BUT, it sounds like the residuals you got from the time with him have helped you now. i am glad. that you said that you realize that everything you think is not necessarily, that is a big one there.

this transference is a big deal, and one many t's don't know how to deal with, i sense t1 did not in my case, and for reasons similar to you, i had to just leave...number one reason though, he had nothing else for me. my stuff was out of his level of ability. so, all in all, it was for the best.

not to say you need to plop back in, but if you do, there are other schools of thought, and even people who really specialize in this mindfulness stuff. that is THE rage here in the usa, it seems. it's what the p's do in their spare time, it seems.

and, it makes alot of sense, and eases the sole, i believe.

your quote: "We walked right past each other like we were invisible. I was dying to reach out and grab his arm and say, "I miss you. Do you ever think about me?? Do you ever miss me at all?" *sigh*

ohhh, how painful. and, the answer is, i am sure, yes, he does miss you and think about you. i can't help but think that humanity IS a part of a long term t stay, and they do develop a fondness, how could they NOT?? Smiler i hate the protocol of this therapy relationship, it is so awkward. i met my t1's eyes once, many years out of marriage therapy with him, and he just diverted the eyes. seems kind of cruel. i understand why they do it, and think about them, how hard and cruel they must feel to do it. i followed his lead, but would have much rather said hello and smiled and a 'hope you are doing well' kind of exchange. are they afraid we will 'get into it'?? and, maybe it would be hard to not want to catch up. whatever, but, yes, i am sure he was going with what he should do, not what his heart felt. (just the OPPOSITE of what they tell us to do...funnny!)

glad you are ok, and checking in here. and congrats being out there on your own!! but just know there are other people out there, other disciplines, so if you want or need it, there are no awards for going it alone. wish there were! other than the gobs of money saved!!! jill
i am sure you are right, bg, it makes logical sense, i just hate artificial things, and faking things. just rubs me wrong, but, i am sure it is the proper thing to do. and frankly, i probably wouldn't know what to say. so, just as well. this therapy stuff is really really a weird relationship. i can't think of one more unusual. i can't imagine being a t, i would be so horrible, i would just start crying right along with them...ALL THE TIME. how DO they do it, y'no, keep it together when we are just so pitiful at times. oh, my heart would just melt and i would have to hold them and pat them on the back until they were better. offering no good advise...just tears, and snot.


I was interrupted by my children and H unexpectedly coming home early when I was writing the original post that started this thread, and didn't get to the point - which was I was going to talk about my marriage/divorce and how I'm dealing with that without therapist support (and having some difficulties with friends over the issue). Then the thread kind of took a different direction.

I'm not angry at my ex-P and I didn't feel ignored when I saw him or think he was being cruel, etc. I ignored him, too. In fact, I've ignored him pretty much every time I've seen him in public. In my head I always have this idea that I could stop and make quick small talk, but then when the opportunity presents itself I completely freak out and pretend he's invisible.

The one time I saw him in public and actually talked to him (I said "Hi." Twice. Roll Eyes ) he sort of stood there smiling at me like he expected a conversation, and I just spazzed out and walked away. Ever since then it's the mutual "you are invisible" strategy. He's just doing what he thinks I want him to do, which is fine. It would be a little horrifying if he came up and started talking to me when my H or someone else I know was around! I'm sure he would never do that.

Anyway, I'm going to just let this thread go because honestly I don't feel comfortable getting into all my marriage/divorce stuff on here any more. But thanks for reading and responding. Smiler

I know you are letting this thread go and that is fine, but I just wanted to say that I read it and I can hear the conflict and pain that you are expressing. I can imagine that going through everything you are dealing with now without the support of your P is really hard. The mutual invisibility in public, while instigated by you would (I think) be so hard as well. Of course you wonder if he ever thinks of you. I know that I would.

Anyway, nothing super insightful here. I just wanted to let you know that I read and I hear you.
me too echo... I know that you and I have had a "misunderstanding" on the thread of insanity that I started...but I just want you to know that I hope you will feel comfortable posting if you need to about your marriage and divorce situation...if I've ended up freaking you out by my er, staunch positions, well, I can promise not to read or respond or both if that would make you feel more safe. Of course we all want to offer you all the support and friendship you need and deserve right now. Please believe me when I say, I post this out of care- though I realize it might not seem like that.. Frowner Maybe not wanted...or maybe, wanted...I have no way of knowing that- but I wish to offer what support I can, if it is wanted from this quarter.


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