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Good morning everyone,

After floating in a bubble for a day or two, thinking my T was giving me the gift of a lifetime - the opportunity to feel secure in life, now I have a different take on things. It's so interesting to see how I twisted his words to feel what I want to feel, hear what I want to hear. What he actually told me was that "it's going to be very hard for you to trust me." "It might take you a long time to trust me." He also said that it's okay for it to take a long time. But now that I'm looking back, I'm thinking that he's been trying to provoke me to anger and I can't go there with him and actually find it very threatening to my sense of safety.

I didn't ask what he was specifically talking about and will see him tomorrow and will definitely follow up.

I'm so sad. Frowner What's wrong with me? Why don't I process anger in the normal way like normal people??? Why can't I get angry with him? When I think about anger, it's like there's nothing there, there's a big whole in my brain. I wish I could access it, but I can't. I've been with him for 3 + years. If I don't trust him enough now, how long is it going to take me????? I could try to get angry but I feel like I'm manufacturing stuff. It's not the genuine-in the moment anger.

I remember AG saying something about how her T told her she wasn't healed until she could get angry with him. Yikes, feeling sad. Frowner

Sorry, don't mean to bring anyone else down.
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What? No, your T isn't giving up on you, Liese. Remember, he hung your HOPE ornament? I think he has hope for you to eventually trust him enough to be angry, to express that forbidden emotion with him. He knows it will take time and he is willing to do the work with you to get your there. He had already invested 3 years in you....he's not giving up on you now.
Hi Blanket Girl and LadyGrey,

Thanks for the support. Wish I could feel that forbidden emotion.

LG, read your post on another thread about what you went through and didn't want to highjack that thread. But I can highjack my own thread. So sorry about your ex and the baby and his mother and the picture. So incredibly insensitive of his mother. I would be speechless too. Had infertility problems myself at one time and know how painful that alone can be. Not to mention all the other stuff going on for you.


Dear Liese, i want to echo everything LG just wrote here. T aint giving up on you, He`s invested 3 years in you, and care about you alot, so therefore he wants you to know that ts perfectly ok to take all the time in world to trust him. (i assume that you on one level already does, dont you?) And Liese: Its nothing wrong with you. Not being able to express anger at T, are for most people an hard task. I relate alot to your describtion of it. I am sorry that you`re dealing with the different thought about what T said- the gift and all- but hey- remember: What you think of it now/feel about it now, will also change and be different. The notion we have of therpay, changes all the time. Sometitmes from an hour to an hour also. (at least i tend to twist all the good things T communicate, into something burdening instead, if i am having a hard time.)
Good luck in your session tomorrow, let us know how it went if you want to.

Don't panic my friend Smiler You're certainly not on your own here. I can honestly say I very very rarely get cross, let alone angry...and really cannot imagine geting angry with T. I once asked my T if it was necessary for me to get angry in order for me to process what had happened to me. Her reply was that everyody was different and her gut feeling was that I might never get truly angry. Phew!

From what you said it doesn't sound to me as if T is trying to provoke or give up on you - indeed it seems like the exact opposite. He's just letting you know that trust takes time and he's waiting with you as that trust develops.

Hey Monte,

Lovely post, Monte. So sweet. I want to ask him more about the ornament. Maybe I will tomorrow. And maybe he'll tell me I'm not a big jerk. When I saw it, I thought he put it there, right in my view where I typically gaze and comment on things, just to torment me, to see how I might react. Why can't I see it as a nice gesture?

If only I could stop the insecurity. Always been a problem. If only insecurity was attractive. Who said that, Holly Hunter??? Anyone remember that movie?

It's hard for me to angry for the reasons that you have a hard time getting angry. Sometimes I just feel like there's a piece of my brain missing. I hope I find it!!! LOST: One part of Liese's brain. Please contact me through the forum if you find it!! LOL!

The anger, though, is no joking matter. For me, my suppressed anger is a huge problem. A couple of years ago, one of my children almost died because I was ignoring my suppressed anger and ignored other warning signs. Thank the Lord, my child did not die but let me tell you that it could easily have gone the other way. I scare myself. I want to access my anger. I want to know what is going on in my freakin mind. It makes me so angry that I can't get angry!!! Ohhh, maybe I'm making progress.


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