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I am feeling really split right now. Half of me is like "everything's fine, I'm ok" The other half is completely wrecked. I'm still waiting to hear back to see if he really blocked me this morning. But if he really did,then he wouldn't have got my mail asking if it was a mistake. feeling very weird.
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He emailed me this morning, saying a bunch of stuff about my emailing angst. It felt like he was saying everything was all my fault, but I can't tell. I wrote back quickly before I would chicken out and fester, saying that I felt he was balming me, and quoting things he said in past that had casued me confusion on the issue. I got the mail back. It was marked blocked, junk mail, rejected, giving up by the administrator. I wrote back to T asking if it was really true.siad I thought it was agressive of him to block me. He never responded yet. I am really scared.
It comes through that you believe he cares and has good intentions toward wanting to help you, even if he doesn't seem to "get" it all the time. He tells you directly things you don't want to hear (like to focus on your marital counseling). This is a question for you, because I've never directly interacted with your T...but would it be consistent with your T's behavior to be indirect, passive-aggressive, and avoidant rather than directly address an issue? If not, it was probably a mistake.
spam is usually silently blocked the first and every time - usually - unless he tweaked the filter or something in some really super involved way. If (and a big IF) he did do that, it would feel really agressive to me too - like passive agressive. Not direct. Hurtful. He doesn't sound like he's been that way in the past.

I don't think your hurt and pain over the email stuff is at all your fault. If he is dealing with all of this by blocking you without warning, that is just crummy and wrong. However, he may not be... and I know that waiting to find out for sure is hard... Does the possibility that he blocked you feel scary because it feels possibly like he might be abandoning you in some way? He's still there.

I'm so sorry this happened. Frowner hang in there sweetie. You deserve lots of kindness.

~ jane
Yeah. Like the time I recounted a dream about an ex-Pastor (also friend of T's) to T and in less than 24-hours that Pastor accepted my friend request on Facebook after ignoring it over 1.5 months. Just coincidence, but maddening! He might be frustrated, but I'm sure he's not angry. T's get this projection stuff all the time. I'm sure it's par for the course and they don't take it "personally," or else they redirect themselves away from that counter-transference when they do.
Well, I can't send anymore mail to T. My apology keeps just coming back. I guess that solved that problem. Can't help wondering's kinda weird. I have this really vivid mental image of T furious saying, "I do not have *time* for this crap from you!!" Eeker Even though T always reassures me that he has never been angry with me.

I gotta try to go get some things done! I simply have to make myself, physically make myself!
Body- get up! Move. Do stuff! Any stuff. Just pick something!
so glad to hear this BB - was feeling for you. Glad it is sorted. I often have to tell my P - "I think you are not replying to my request for you to phone me cos you are fed up with me and annoyed that I ask you to phone but infact I know that you are just doing that because you are busy and will phone when you can.I know that. I trust that now."
but some days I bounce back into insecurity again and have to talk myself through it. Easily done.

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