I have been struggling to talk about a specific trauma thing that happened in my life. Except for the first 12 hours the first time it happened, and once with my old T when I was in a dissociative state, I simply have never been able to actually speak the words of what happened.
During the first 12 hours after the first time I was hurt by a person in a position of authority and trust (who yes, hurt me more than once) I was checked out/examined by a doctor who documented a lot (to be vague) and then spoke to a police officer. I didn't get far in speaking to the police officer. I won't go into why. After I shut down with the officer, I swore to myself I would never speak of what happened. Everything inside told me that it was not safe. I told myself, "no one can know."
But it didn't work out that way. The jerk had access to me again. I told him go away, I reached out to someone who knew me, and I couldn't say a thing, but they said that I looked terrified and I kept saying please don't leave me alone with him... and they refused to leave me alone, no matter what. They were still told to leave and I was left alone with this jerk, but the person who had been with me raised a stink about not being able to be with me, and just knew something had to be wrong for me to be that scared. It caused someone else to go back into medical records and the doctor who had examined me before, had documented enough that they put two and two together and figured out what happened. Damage was done again, but serious action to protect me was taken too - without me saying or doing anything. It was good that they did. (And they did it in a way that very much protected my privacy too). When I found out that they all figured out what I thought no one would know about, it was very hard. It didn't help me talk of it.
Today, I called my T and told her in my own words part of what happened. She is very ok with me leaving her any messages to tell her anything anytime. I just called her and started talking. I didn't say a lot of what happened. I just told her of one part. It was all I could do. I explained I just wanted to try to say something.
I did. I said something. I didn't even say much. But I still said something. I needed to.
I'm shaking and I feel weird and sick and very tired. My head keeps begining to think all kinds of things and then I just stop. My body feels a million feelings. I start to think maybe this was a bad idea. Yet, I haven't been able to tell her in her office, and I had to say something... I needed to for me... I feel like crap. Yet I'm still glad I said it. I have no idea why. I'm very surprised by how many awful physical sensations and feelings I am having. I also feel some kind of small relief or release. I feel like some kind of wall I have been running into over and over with great pain, melted. I don't like what is coming through, but I am tired of all the walls I have in my own self with myself. (I'm probably not making much sense at this point.)
I'm scared. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I'm losing it, maybe I've triggered myself becoming flooded with more than I could, maybe need to call my T and tell her what's going on now, maybe I need to tell her nevermind (ha, too late for that) maybe I need to ask for a call back or maybe I just need to reassure myself I'm not crazy... or maybe I am. I don't know. Any feedback/advice/input/thoughts or anything would be much appreciated.