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The PsychCafe
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Hello all.

I disappeared from the forum last December and have been off in non-forum land for quite some time, but (as some of you no doubt have found for yourselves) I just couldn’t keep away. The forum is after all my AF how could I think that I wouldn’t come back Roll Eyes

Just wanted to say hello and apologize to anyone who might have wondered why I just disappeared without saying goodbye. It really was a matter of going THEN AND THERE and I’m truly sorry for not explaining.

For what it’s worth, my reason was that I was becoming heavily influenced by other people’s experiences of therapy and found it was affecting my own therapy. So I decided to absent myself and see whether I couldn’t do therapy without the constant leaning on others here for advice and support and a kind of filling in time between sessions. On balance it was the right thing to do, though I missed being around you guys Frowner.

You might be pleased to know that I am still in therapy and still with T number 32, since July last year. (LL hears a collective sigh of relief, what not even a tentative T number 33 in between? Big Grin)

I think I can reasonably confidently say that this time I’ve finally found the right T (or the closest I'll get to the 'right' T) and that at last I’m actually doing ‘work’ in therapy, instead of chasing my tail just trying to find a T with whom I could work. It’s going well enough that I now feel ok about coming back here again, more sure about what therapy is all about for me and so more able to participate here properly.

This just to say hello. I shall catch up with everyone’s threads over the next x amount of time, expect some mass posting from me in the near future (got a lot of time to make up for Smiler)

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Hi LL...

It does my heart good to see you here again...


As you can see we have added a lot more emo's since you were here last!

I am thrilled to hear that you are still with your T from last summer and that he seems to be the "right" T for you. I completely understand your need to take a break from the board in order to focus on your relationship with your T. It seems as if you spent the time wisely.

I look forward to reading your posts (however long or short they may be) once again.


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