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My children's father and I have never managed to be amicable. He has his story and I have mine but short answer is that we despise each other. Despite this, I have been the one to support the connection between him and the boys. After an incident at the weekend I decided after ten years to change my mobile phone number so that he could no longer contact me.

To help my older son I set him up a facebook account and put him on to talk to his dad. The same derogatory, abusive stuff came up. I decided to close the account. I have warned my ex that if it continues I will change my son's phone number so that he cannot call him. I said that he is welcome to write letters(he lives a state away)

I'm finally doing what I have been blamed for, for the past ten years. I feel awful doing this to my children, but if it was anyone else talking to them like this, they would have been gone long ago.

I know this is a strong, protective thing to do, but boy do I feel like an absolute heel.

deepfried- I didn't want to connect this post to yours because i think its apples and oranges but I think I know a tiny slice of how you feel.
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If he is being abusive toward your children then you have to do what you need to do in order to protect them. It may be that it feels awful because you aren't used to standing up to him so this is going to feel different and strange. That doesn't make it wrong though.

I hope that he can put aside his animosity and focus on the relationship with his boys, but if he can't then I think it is very admirable that you are willing and able to stand up for them. (((hugs)))

He isn't abusive towards the boys, just to me. However he also tells them inappropriate and in my opinion untrue things about me and our relationship. It really badly confuses my son and affects our homelife.

I am actually safe from him, because he moved away a few years ago. He won't come around because frankly, he is not that motivated.

( As a kid, I used to fantasize about my parents getting divorced and my dad taking me away from my mother. I often wonder what my life would have been like if he'd had the balls to keep her out of my life. )

Thanks for this BlanketGirl, part of me feels like I'm doing him damage, when on a base level I know he is better off not having this destructive influence in his life.

Both boys have had counselling, but not in a regular kind of way.
Supermel - I think you have done the right thing. I feel like you have tried for ten years to keep your kids close to their father. If he is continually badmouthing you and abusive and relaying that to the children, then I don't blame you at all for cutting him off. Sounds like he needs some real counseling. Good for you fo standing up and protecting your kids.


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