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I had a terrible session tonight. I didn't know what to talk about. On Monday I told my T about a really difficult conversation I had with my pre-teen daughter. She was really angry and told me that other people had parents who were strong and happy and didn't cry all the time. She also told me it was odd that I went to therapy. She was angry that I never told her I did not get along with my mother. Basically she was angry about a lot of things. I listened to her, did not get upset or angry, told her I loved her, talked to her pretty freely and told her I was sorry I was not always what she wanted in a mother but I did my best and I was always willing to hear how she felt.

In many ways that was a nightmare of a conversation for me and represented a lot of my biggest fears about failing as a parent and damaging my children. I actually felt good about how I handled it. I was empathetic and did not feel hurt by her comments or angry about them. I have spent the last couple of days feeling good about my parenting and thinking how much therapy has helped me accept my childrens feelings even when I cannot accept my own.

Tonight I did not know what to talk about and my T kept discussing my daughter, how I felt about what she said, whether I was worried that she was suffering as much as I did as a child, did I feel like a failure. I told him I did not want to talk about it but he kept going. I was so upset because I feel like there are so many things I am struggling with and he wants to just keep poking at the one thing I was feeling good about. Of course I am worried about my daughter but I do not know why he has to crush my sense of accomplishment.

The worst part is I know that he waits for me to start talking and because I did not talk about any of the things I am struggling with he talked about what I had last discussed. So even though I am angry it is still my fault because I did not talk about something else. I wish I could redo the session or not go back unless I have something specific I am ready to talk about (which probably means never).

I hate feeling like he is trying to hurt me.
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oohhh, incognito. What a painful discussion and how beautifully you handled it! I wish your T could see that you accept for yourself what a wise mom you are being. If your daughter did not trust you and feel safe with you- she would never be able to share all those feelings with you, but would be forced to suppress them and repress them, just as you were forced when you were young- and you are stopping that painful legacy. I deeply honor you. Please let me say, that you are a wise parent to recognize this and not be defensive with her. She is blessed to have a parent who can accept her anger at you- and though she doesn't realize it- a lot better off than a lot of kids with the "happy" parents who may not accept their kid's anguish at all, but force them to suppress it in order to "stay happy." Yes it's a victory. I am sorry that your T didn't seem to be able to celebrate it with you. Likely he was busy trying to get at your residual feelings of pain from what your daughter said, so that you would have a place to do the same thing- but that's a difficult thing to do when you are feeling good about such a wonderful accomplishment. It sounds like he just should have saved trying to give you a place to vent about how what she said made you feel- maybe saved it for another day? I don't know. Therapists get really freaky about us keeping our sad feelings inside. Roll Eyes They always want us to talk about how bad we feel, get it out of us.

hugs, and deepest respect- and thanks for the reminder, as I need that one constantly, my daughter is *always* mad at me, and I'm trying to do the same thing, let her tell me and share it with me- ooooh it is hard not to get defensive!


That's important to discuss with your T that you felt like he was trying to hurt you. It doesn't sound like he was really listening to you, IMO. And, IMO, you shouldn't have to talk about something you don't want to or aren't ready to, therapy or not. But, then again, I've been in therapy a long time and haven't made much progress. So take that for a grain of salt.

I just want to echo what the others said about your beautiful parenting. At the end of the day, you are a human being and being honest and genuine with your daughter is probably the best gift you can give her, warts and all.


If your daughter did not trust you and feel safe with you- she would never be able to share all those feelings with you, but would be forced to suppress them and repress them, just as you were forced when you were young- and you are stopping that painful legacy.

I agree with this from BB. And also with what Liese said about T not really listening. Ts have off days too! I do think it's important, if you think you can try, to let T know how that conversation felt. I can't usually do it at the time, but when I tell T these things afterward, he is able to clear things up with me and even apologize for when he has made mistakes. (((((incognito))))) I hope you do know what a good mom you are.

I agree that your daughter must feel really safe with you to say all of that to you. It sounds like you handled it well.

I'm sorry your session didn't go well and you felt like you weren't able to talk about what you needed to. I've been there and it sucks. I'm sure your T would welcome any discussion regarding how the session went. I hope the next one is better!

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