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I had to go to a meeting today that was very hard and triggering. I’m totally a mess from it. I started crying, I was half dissociating and half just trying to stop the tears, and had flashback after flashback - It got to eh point where anything I would have said would have been about the flashback or in a weird way… like saying “please please no more hurting (jane doe), it‘s not ok to ….” and then would have said the details of past trauma that happened in feb of this year. I left the place. I had to. It was not helpful that I could not stay but I was no longer in any place to do anything about it. The DA and the attorneys were not happy with that. I feel like I failed, like a sick freak. In the midst of the meeting, I found out my counselor did something small that I don’t like - and it really isn’t big. It’s no reason to end therapy at all. My T had spoke with the advocate that came with me about how she would be glad to keep seeing me and check in with her on how I was doing. They have a release to talk - but my T has always been super careful about talking with me first before talking with others, especially before agreeing to stuff. She had also talked with the advocate before returning my call about the meeting coming up. I would have totally understood if she didn’t have time and called no one back, but it bothers me that I had to hear from the advocate about how they had a lengthy conversation… about stuff that was all news to me. And then by the time the meeting came, everything had changed anyhow…. I felt really not ok. I wasn’t ok dealing with the meeting as is, my T said she would call be back before it, and instead, she didn’t but she did have the time to call the advocate and have a lengthy conversation with her…. The meeting was hard enough. The stuff about my T talking to the advocate didn’t phase me much in the meeting, but it did stick in my head.

Just after I left the meeting, my counselor called me. She started telling me how she talked with the adovcate and thought xyz was a good idea - I cut her off to say none of that is relevant anymore everything changed. It took me twice of saying that before she got the message. I told her I don’t need your advice on what to do about the situation although it’s clear you and the advocate came to come clear conclusion about what was best for me - and everything changed so that is no longer relevant. You didn’t call me back like you said you would. I had been counting on that. It’[s ok if you are too busy but you did have time to call the advocate, but not me.

I started to cry again - almost started yelling, but didn’t. She told me that clearly there was a lot I needed to tell her about what happened and changed. I was almost crying too hard to speak. I told her, “I needed you not for advice on what to do legally about the crime that happened - I needed emotional support. Instead, I didn’t get the support and I’m really uipset and nothing was done and everyone is mad because I failed and I fell apart. I don’t need your opinion and advice now on what to do legally. I have an advocate for that. I needed you to be my therapist. I needed emotional support.”

She said ok, and we should talk about it when we meet. She said she wanted to make sure I was ok now. I told her please don’t ever do that again. You know I don’t like that and that is not ok with me to talk to others without talking with me. You Can’t talk to the advocate ever again. Never.” She said she wouldn’t do it again.

I responded, “I don’t want to do therapy with you anymore.” I was half sobbing but still rather frank and calm. She responded “that’s ok, you can end if you want. You don’t have to do therapy with me. I will still leave your appointment open and if you want to talk about this, then we can talk about it then.” And that was it. She then told me I should be sure to not be a public place since I was clearly crying. That made me even more mad - I was in my car at that point, and it felt like she was assuming I surely was breaking down in tears in public. I told her, “you don’t even know were I was so that is not ok to say and assume that just because I‘m crying. That is not ok. Nothing is ok. You are acting like it is all ok and nothing is ok this is not ok.“ I started to cry again. She told me that she thought saying nothing was ok wasn’t helpful. I said calmly but s l o w l y, “it is not ok to hurt me and I am hurt.“ I ended the call abruptly.

I feel like a jerk. I’m overreacting. I feel really hurt by what she did, it wasn’t huge. I’m really hurting about the crime that was committed against me and the fact that I couldn’t hack it enough to deal with it today and deceide what to do.
I’m sitting at the park and I’m shivering. It’s warm outside and I’m shivering.

I’m so deeply scared right now. Beyond all reason. Nothing feels safe. Nothing feels ok. I know in my head I’m just stirred up and really, I’m reasonably safe right now.

I *want* to be mad at my T. I don’t think I really am. I just want to be mad at her. It makes nothing better. And I’m not really mad at her.

I want to feel safe right now. I want her to listen. I want her to help me feel safe. I want to be comforted. I want someone to say what they did is not ok and we will do everything to make sure it doesn’t happen again - not sit there and say that they are concerned a trial would make me fall apart. I could not even sit in the same room with the person who hurt me without flashbacks and shaking and even threw up in the trash can.

They just know I already had PTSD before this happened so it’s like well, we don’t want to make her worse… and that’s the very thing that’s feels the worst. At least right now it does.

And I feel so… I don’t want to see my T again. I’m sick of it. I don’t feel safe. I probably am very very safe. She didn’t really mean to do what she did and she is just human and immediately back tracked and said she was sorry and wouldn’t do it again… It feels like it’s irrelevant right now. I want to move on with life and not be this shaking crying mess and not be freake dout or mad at my T about something that really is small.

I wanted her to believe in me. I wanted her to assume if I was crying, I did leave the meeting asap and I did go hide in my car. I wanted her to assumer I at least handled my melting down ok enough to not melt down entirely with everyone. No one even knew I was having flashbacks - I just would shake and be u nabel to speak - and eventually said sorry I can’t do this. And started crying and grabbed my stuff and left. My T assumed much worse and I don’t know why she did.

I am tired. Nothing feels safe.

I want to feel safe right now so bad. Nothing is ok - this is not ok. I want that to matter.

I want things to be ok with my T. She didn’t do anything worth quitting therapy over. She said she was going to try to reach me befor ethe meeting but got stuck out of town. It’s not a big deal…

Maybe I just need to accept that this is not ok and I will have to just….

I can’t take it anymore. I have no idea what to do when something is not ok.

I don’t think my T believes in me. I don’t think she thinks I can do anything well with this.

I want a T who believes in me and believes I can manage and do well. It feels so important. I have no other options for a regular T right now.

I don’t think I can ever… how can this T ever really believe in me again? After I flipped out with the old T, she expects I do that again. Even when I’m not and I’m just sitting in my car crying and wanting so much for someone to say it isn’t ok, we will find a way to make this better.

Instead - I feel like the message is - it was more important to decide what is best for you without you, than talking with you, and this is as good as it can be because you are too emotional and clearly you are probably still at the meeting now crying hysterically there.

I do well in my life - expect for when I have to deal with the very directly trauma related stuff. So I understand why they just want it over and to get me to just accept that this is best because I get so triggered by it that a trail and all that might push me “over the edge.” But when it’s THAT very mindset that is freaking me out - not the trauma…

I don’t want to see my T or anyone else ever again. I’m so tired of it. She tells me she thinks I am doing well and supports in everything and then… then this…

I just want to be mad at her - but I’m not.

and I feel like a jerk for saying I don't feel like she is supportive enough opf me - she is already seeing me for free or reduced cots because my insurance wouldn't pay for anyone. yeah, like complaining about next-to-free help. and she was just trying to help. that's it. how can I be mad at her? after all she has done.

oh, how quickly I wan ready to quit. yesterday, I was so looking forward to seeing her today and I was ok with her not calling before the meeting (I didn't know she had calle dthe advocate.)

She is trying to help. She has been really helpful. She doesn't believe in me - at least not as much as I wish. so what? I can deal with that. It's better than nothing. Which are my options. T with her or nothing. She is helpful. This just hurt. But how can I complain about it if she is helping for free?

I hate me. I should have been able to do it better this morning. I tried everything to make them flashbacks stop. I can stop them. I really can. Please, someone please believe me...
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Please don't say you hate yourself. You're confused, hurting, and dealing with A LOT of painful stuff right now. Frowner I'm so sorry you're in such a bad place right now. Please don't berate yourself for what happened to you today. PTSD is not something you can just control at will. It takes time and a lot of work, and you have come a long way. I'm sorry things in your meeting did not go well, but you were faced with a difficult situation. Give yourself credit for trying. You DO need some emotional support in this situation. Anyone would! I'm sorry your T didn't call you when you were counting on her to. It's clear she cares, but it seems there are some misunderstandings/miscommunications. I hope you'll go back and try to work them out with her. I think she believes in you, JD. She is just worried about you. That is what I am sensing from what you describe. Please don't give up. You've come a long way! I believe in you and I know you can do this!! Smiler Hang in there, and please keep posting. Take good care of yourself. (((JD)))

I have no idea what to do when something is not ok.

janedoe, it sounds to me like you DO know what to do, you were in a private area, etc. it seems to me that you handled it well, better than your t thought you had, and that is a little insulting, understandably. i hope you are able to catch your breathe, and try to recover,

many hugs, and be kind to yourself, you are coping!! sometimes that is all we can do in hard doesn't all go away, and that stinks, i know.

(((jane))) jill

I wish so much I could reach through this screen and give you a real hug (or ten!) instead of just a cyber-hug!!!

JD, I can't even imagine how hard it was to go to that meeting. This IS a big deal. I am SO sorry you were having flashbacks and shaking, trying to hold it all in. Frowner IMO you were very courageous to go to this meeting at all, irrespective of any legal obligations or expectations of you. How disturbing to have to be around someone who traumatized you, and even more so during what sounds like legal proceedings against them for what they did to you. It has got to be expected that this meeting would be potentially extremely triggering, JD! And without the right support, which it doesn't sound like you got, of course you reacted this way. And FWIW, I believe you can stop the flashbacks...but I think the more relevant point is, you shouldn't be put into situations where you have to! So please, I hope you can go easier on yourself...back away from the "I hate me" do not deserve to be hated over this whatsoever, you deserve and need to be treated very gently. Smiler

And when I say that, I do NOT mean I think you need to be treated gently because of some inherent weakness or flaw within you. I think I might understand why it bothers you so much that your T seems to be afraid of pushing you "over the edge"...that would bother me too, it would feel to me like there is something wrong with my reaction. I mean, I know that you are working on coping with and healing the PTSD symptoms in therapy (sorry if I'm not saying that right)...but isn't PTSD a normal reaction to trauma? Isn't it the trauma that is abnormal? So when I say you need to be treated gently, I mean with respect for the harm that was done to you.

With that in mind, I would think that for this meeting, where you had to face your perpetrator, the focus should have been on protecting you from further trauma. JD, if I had had to go through something like this, I would have wanted someone with me who knows me inside and out, someone I had 100% trust in, someone I knew without a shadow of a doubt would be there for me. Instead, it sounds like you really didn't know the "advocate" who was assigned to you very well at all. And to top it off, right when you were at the height of the vulnerability and stress of the meeting itself, you find out that this person has been told intimate details of your trauma...and that the decision was made without telling you...I would imagine this felt like another violation, even with the release in place I would have wanted to know what transpired ahead of time so I was prepared and felt safe. So IMO your leaving and crying was totally understandable. And it makes sense that nothing feels safe right now...I'm so sorry you are feeling this way, it has got to be truly awful. Frowner

When you say that you want to be mad at your T, but you're it that you are angry about how she handled this, but you are still open to repair? That is how it sounds to me...and it sounds like she DID drop the ball, in a couple of really important ways. And IMO the fact that she is reducing her fee for you doesn't change that, you don't "owe" her to overlook your feelings...they won't go away anyway, you really were let down, despite her good intentions, despite being stuck out of town and not being able to call you...but it also sounds like the mistakes weren't fatal, it sounds like you are both willing to work through it. And that bodes really well for patching things up, eventually. Smiler

This slip on the part of your T understandably knocked you off-balance. You seem to be finding some centering for yourself with the horses...I don't suppose there would be some way for you to do a little equine therapy Smiler before you meet up with the other T again, or do anything more with the legal proceedings? Just to get a breather, find your bearings again, regroup?

And JD, can I please say one more thing? Obviously I am not your T...but FWIW I TOTALLY believe in you. Big Grin And your T should too. Your heart shines so brightly in your posts, even in posts like these where you have been knocked for a loop. I don't know how your T could miss it. I hope when the dust settles a little more, that the two of you are able to reconnect. Please keep us posted dear JD. Smiler

Lots of hugs,

I want to echo what the others already said so much better than I can right now. That meeting was a big deal and I'm sorry that you didn't get the emotional support that you needed and deserved. I think this is something that could lead to a real breakthrough with your T if you can bring yourself to talk to her about it. I know it's hard. Take care. Thinking of you. ((((JD))))
Janedoe, I'm so sorry for the hellish day you have had. But please don't hate yourself. You did the very best that you could. I know how awful is feels not to have the support you need from your T and worse that you now feel unsafe with her. Losing that trust and safety is a huge thing. I know this first hand from my recent disruptions with my T. I know that you tried your best and there is no more you can ask from yourself. I also know you are disappointed in your T and perhaps even a bit angry but that is okay, they are your feelings and you are entitled to them.

I'm glad you felt able to come to the Board and tell us about them. I hope things feel better for you in the morning and that you can get some sleep tonight. We are here if you need to talk.

Thank you so much everyone.
I did see my T. She was very kind, very understanding - I was a mess. I will write more later. On top of the rest, today is the anniversary date of significant stuff. I am ok. Just a mess of tears. I am almost delirious with grief right now. I must look like some weird combo of awful and silly. I don’t have any more Kleenex so I’m carrying a roll of TP in my bag today. Thankfully (?) I can take most of the day off. I’m not sure if that is good or bad… I think I'm finally out of tears but I look like I've been crying so I'm not much to do much today. I did call the T place and asked if I could come by sooner. Even just 5 minutes. I just want to remeber something safe and comfortable so badly right now...

(edited to take out one insigificant personal detail)
Last edited by janedoe
Wow. Life is a mess right now for me. There is a ton of heartache and pain and things that are not ok. I can’t even go into it right now… the meeting just tore me up and my life up. It’s is about legal action against the perp, and things about me - and they tore me up. I can’t say or write it right now -just thinking of it sends me into panic attacks for hours - and I don’t normally have panic attacks.

I am really struggling. My T says she thinks I’m regressing - in the way of like becoming unstable, declining, and having moments where I’m decompensate to the point of just sitting and rocking and insides my adult self wants my mom so bad… I want to be held and comforted and told I’m ok… and all I think of is I don’t want to be tied up again, I don’t want to be in something where doctor says I should have died. No more no more please no more…

I just am trying so hard to stop this spiral down. It’s new - never fallen apart in this particular way (certainly have fallen apart before - just not at all like this.) I’m trying to pull it back together and be ok. Back to where I was even last week, a few days ago…

My brother is getting married and I have some good opportunities and good things to do - even a triathlon soon that I may be healed (physically from a burn from last week) in time - but my mind an body and heart are in full PTSD freak out mode… come on jane…

I met with my T two days ago and she was so kind. She explained why she talked to the advocate and it made a lot of sense and sounds like her words went further than expected. She also helped me understand why the advocate did what she did - in a sense, they were all trying to protect me from this very decline - and yet it’s happening now, which is why the solution they wanted isn’t a solution and that’s freaking me out even more - this was supposed to be the way to give me space to stay ok and not be triggered… I feel sick about me.

we met again yesterday. She asked if we could - she is about to leave for a trip of a few days and then will be back for a few days and then gone for two weeks. She said she wish she wasn’t going on vacation now, and more important than me trusting her is just making sure I have support right now to get through things and she’s nervous that now it’s hard for me to trust her, and she’s leaving, and the sh*t just hit the proverbial fan in my life.

She has been very gentle and giving me lots of space… she keeps asking me what would be helpful to talk about - trying to let me go only where I feel ok going and prefacing the explanation of her actions and other things with “I don’t know if this helps and it’s ok if it doesn’t…”

My T was so adamant that is was OK to not trust her right now. It just really struck me how respectful she was of my feeling not safe with her. I asked her if she was mad or frustrated with me that after all this time, I am so quick to not trust. She said no, it made her sad, she hoped I could hang on to what was good and eventually feel safe and trust again, but it was really understandable… I asked her why wouldn’t it make her mad? She said she didn’t know why it would. It was ok to not trust…

Ok. It’s ok…

There has been this bigger theme in my life right now of working on being a little more ok, when things are not ok. Like that it’s ok that everything is not ok. Life doesn’t HAVE to be all ok in order for me to survive and have joy and live and love… I don’t have to fix everything - I can‘t. I can‘t fix everything and make everything that is broken all ok right now, and it‘s ok, life is still worth living… I have always errored on the side of trying to make everything very ok, even trying to be perfect, and usually in my panic to make things all ok so I don’t get hurt, I make it all a lot worse…

When my T and I talked about her being gone - which I knew was coming up, but didn’t seem like a big deal a month ago - I felt a pang of fear. Then we talked about how to get through that time, who I can go to for support… and for the first trip, she said she wants to call and keep in touch. She can’t call on the second but already asked someone to fill in for her and be someone who can help if I keep struggling. I first told her no, I wouldn’t call her, I’ll be ok on my own, and then I thought about it and said actually, maybe a time to check in with someone would be ok to have, just as an option… It happens to be someone I know a little - from doing a dbt group with my T and this other T a couple years ago…

I just want to stop shaking. I have so much to do and deal with. I’m getting physically sick. I want to at least do the tri if my burn heals enough - and not be sick to race or too emotionally wack to try and do it… it means so much to me. I keep telling myself: one thing at time, one thing at a time…
thank you for your words - oh, saying you believe me in me, like others too, brings tears (in a good way) and comfort... I don't think I believe in me... but thank you. it helps to hear that. I think you are right about trying to not hate me, it's not really helpful anyhow... I've been though enough, I don't need to punnish myself more - I still am so disgusted and frustrated with myself. I hate PTSD! I hate the trauma that happened! GRR!

Originally posted by More Than Fine:
I think she believes in you, JD. She is just worried about you. That is what I am sensing from what you describe.

I think you are right on - she was just concerned and trying to protect me in a way... I see that better now... thanks for encouraging me to go back and see her - I'm glad I did...

jill ~ oh thank you thank you thank you! you warm my heart Smiler

SG ~ your words really helped me pause and slow down.
And FWIW, I believe you can stop the flashbacks...but I think the more relevant point is, you shouldn't be put into situations where you have to!
yeah, I thought I would do better than I did - I guess I have more practice and work to do at stopping them... and I'm sick of being put into situations where I have to work not have them or at least endure them better! enough practice!
...but isn't PTSD a normal reaction to trauma? Isn't it the trauma that is abnormal? So when I say you need to be treated gently, I mean with respect for the harm that was done to you.
they totally didn't get any of that at the meeting... it broke my heart even more... it's so comforting to read it here. even as much as I fight it and try to heal and not have PTSD, I'm not fully ok yet... not yet...
And IMO the fact that she is reducing her fee for you doesn't change that, you don't "owe" her to overlook your feelings...
ya know, this helped me have the courage to tell her that I wish I was paying her and could compensate her more for all she does for me, for so many reasons, including that I now feel more like a jerk for saying this isn't ok... and my T totally said she hoped she would never take that into consideration as a reason to withhold how I'm feeling about something she has done - she made it clear, "it's my choice to do this for you and I want you to not feel like you have to hold back because of it." whoa. I can't tell you how glad I am she said that. Then I said ok ok stop being nice... in an almost joking way... but like a thankful way... and said "ya know, your kindness freaks me out too. I'm a mess." and smiled and said she was doing this because she feels hopeful and called to help as long as she can be helpful to me and that I feel like she is helpful to me. Smiler Smiler Smiler

oh, I am so eager to go be at the farm - and scared too - I'm so shakey - they and the T will probably notice, but I want to be there... I dunno what I will tell the eq T about how I am doing or how has my week been... I may be very vague and just say 'it's been awful, had to deal with really awful stuff on monday, I don't feel safe around even the most safe humans in my life, but I felt safe here before, and I want to just hold on to that and remeber that right now... so much..." and just hope so much I don't shiver and melt into a pile of tears...

thank you SG - your words of encouragement brought tears to my eyes - in a good way Smiler

STRM, TN, Kashley - oh thank you so much!!!

(edited to take out one insigificant personal detail)
Last edited by janedoe

Sorry it's been so go back to those horses, you have made a real connection there that has been so helpful, maybe you can draw on those good memories now. Don't worry about what to say re the equine T, she sounds pretty intuitive anyway. But FWIW I think what you had planned to say was pretty perfect.

Panic! I have so much panic all day- for the past three days - it is nutty. And very unlike me to be THIS paniked. I have no idea what to do anymore... I'm trying everything I can think of and I just can't do it. I can't even go running or biking to brun off some of this nervous enegery just yet - tomorrow I can (waiting for leg to heal enough) and that would help... I am so upset. I WANT MY LIFE BACK.

dear panic attack: please stop... I HEAR YOU. I KNOW. LIFE IS SCARY RIGHT NOW, but seriously, chill, at least a little please, so I can COPE better and get stuff done! never been so paniked in my life. ~ jane done.

(yeah, I seem to be in the weird habit of sometimes writting letters to my feelings. It kinda helps sometimes.)

sorry for dumping all here. I'm just so freaked and needed to vent or let this out or something...
Oh Jane Hang in there.

I think the letter writing to feelings is good and it helps get your thoughts out then I say go for it.

I'm so sorry these past days have been so terribly hard for you. But I think you are incredibly strong to push through them, because you are even if it may feel like you aren't.

I'm glad you're able to write things out here. I find this board healing and the people here are awesome support. Just reading some of their responses to you even made me feel better. So I hope you will continue to find support in these words.

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