We talked about what is going on now and I could do so with a clear head, without fighting.
She said I'm processing much outside of session right now that I'm coming (just recently) to integrate, validate, work through some shifting.
It's not at all as though I'm done therapy, but I'm learning a new way to feel and how to feel that way I think so when we do go in to the intense stuff my regulating outside of session will be improved - maybe even less self-harm, less eating problems...
I'm in to a heap of hard things right now that we can't work on until I can handle little bites and some things are dissolving on their own passively. I just wanted to share, I'm not sure how often others have felt like this.
It's also hard, when I'm feeling good... to justify my therapy. Has anyone had that? One good connected session and you think "finally... I'm done" when really it's just beginning.