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but I left work, went to the grocery store to pick up supplies for dinner, went home, installed speakers in the rear deck of my daughters car (the bracket adapter finally came), pinned two pairs of my daughter's pants to hem tomorrow night, cooked dinner for the family (husband ended up late at the office so he could not cook dinner as planned), ate, unpacked daughter's dorm room monitor/TV to test, found User's Guide for her tablet (doesn't get it until she gets to school)to figure out the interconnects between the PC and monitor/TV, located cables locally. When I'm done posting this I'm going to bed. Big Grin So if by chance you are waiting for a response from me, I apologize. Roll Eyes

We're leaving Wednesday to drop off my younger daughter for her freshman year at college, and coming home on Thursday so I probably won't be around much the rest of the week. (Don't hesitate to ask if you need any moderator tasks, I will at least be checking email.)

I'm doing pretty well about dropping my baby off at school, but not as well as I thought. Smiler When I was grocery shopping, every time I saw someone with small children, I had to stop myself from going up to them and telling them to enjoy every moment they could, it goes so fast! I did manage to stop myself, but barely. Big Grin

Someday, someday, I will have once again have time to post. It's my dream and I'm not giving it up! Bad Computer

to all!

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AG... you really are superwoman! You cook, sew and then do all that techie GEEK STUFF too! Can you be my mom? My parents never even understood how to turn on the stereo! I'm only slightly better with the tech stuff in my house.

I'm sorry it's hard letting younger daughter go off to college. I can't imagine at this point. I have a few years left. I totally get your impulse to run up to people in the store. You will be fine though and if you are not... you can come here for support or call that wonderful T of yours. He is there for you.

And... we will be patient until you settle down and have time to post again.

Many hugs
(((AG))) I second TN. I'm sure there will be a line here of potential adoptive kids. You are a superhero of a parent.

Boo is only three right now and I hear that line all the time about enjoying these years. I've kind of had practice at the separation with my sisters' growing up, but they never "went off" to college, staying local, so I know if/when Boo is ready to move away, it will be quite an experience. We miss you here, but after you're done taking care of your lovely family, for sure take some time to be good to yourself before worrying about us over here! We're not going anywhere. Big Grin
Thank you all so much for the kind words and all the support. The van is all packed. My daughter and I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls, then I tucked her in one last time. Now I'm going to have a good cry and go to sleep.

I am so very proud of her and I know that she will flourish; I am just going to miss her. I am just extraordinarily blessed to have the children that I do.

Love, AG

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