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Well, in therapy this week my T and I discussed my anxiety and continuous worried thoughts. She kept reminding me that it doesn't do me or anyone else any good to worry. We did some breathing and relaxation/energy exercises. We talked about being present and living in the moment.
I struggle with this immensely! I grew up in a family of worriers and people who think about/ calculate all of the negative consequences and possible outcomes. It's like I've been trained over my life to be cautious and over analyze things. To train myself to do something else is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do!

Can anyone relate?

Also, I admitted to my T that I have a date this weekend. I told her I was nervous and I don't have time for a relationship, so maybe I should just cancel the date. She reminded me that maybe I could just enjoy the dinner date and live in that moment and not have to think of a relationship. hmmm...why didn't I think of that? It almost seemed like she was encouraging me to go out.
I felt good after session thinking that I can just go out and have it be a supper at a restaurant and I don't have to have it be anything more than that if I don't want it to be.
Well, that was yesterday.
Today I told my sister I was going out with this guy (she met him briefly last week when I was out with her and we ran into him) and she started in on her fear/worry stuff...such as make sure he doesn't poison your food or drink (ruffies?) and keep your eye on him.
Also, today I told my mom that I had a date and I got somewhat of a lecture. It was more like this...divorced women who have custody of their children need to be careful about sex, dating, and the people they are bringing around their kids. Women could lose custody of their children for being promiscuous. There is a double standard in court, you know. My mom reminded me about putting my children before my needs. BTW-I don't have the kids this weekend.
After listening to all this...I felt hot all over and a sense of shame wash in and over me. What the hell was that? Where did that come from? I'm totally thinking about canceling the date. I'm feeling fear and a sickness in my stomach.
My mother has told me from little on that I need to be good and I need to be a saint. Sometimes I struggle with that. I feel like I'm trying sooooo hard to be good that I'm making myself nuts. And when I try to be saintly it's like I'm denying normal human stuff.

Here's a bit of background on me
**possible triggers?**
I live with my parents and have since the divorce over 2 years ago. I have the majority custody of the kids. My children have never met a man I've dated (there have really only been 2 or 3). I only have had two men over to the house when my kids and parents haven't been around.
My ex was abusive toward me and I was in that marriage for 13 years and that relationship for 17 years. He was the only person I had been with sexually until after the divorce. He cheated on me several times.
I had a couple CSA incidents as did my mother and grandmother (their situations were much worse though). I think I still feel shame that I am a divorced woman. It feels like I brought shame upon my family.

On a good kids seem to be doing well and adjusting even though their dad just got married and the kids now have 4 step siblings and a new step mother to get used to. Also, I'm working part time and I'm in school full time training to be a therapist!! I'm doing really well and in the honor society. Smiler

Anyone have any thoughts, reactions, support, questions, similarities?
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Firstly I'm glad your T said you should just enjoy the moment - have dinner and don't put any pressure on yourself. Once you remove the pressure (society, family or your own) you will be able to see the moment for what it is instead of worrying about what it might or might not turn out to be.

Athenacus I think our fears and ideologies (those that others have imposed on us and those that we have imposed on ourselves because of our need to belong and be accepted) are so deeply embedded in our history, culture, religion, society etc that living without them not only seems wrong, but scary. Not meeting outside expectations leads us to believe that we are inadequate / a failure / wrong / don't belong etc. The truth is not all of those ideologies are right. Try looking at all of the examples where they have failed people and caused them great distress and you might learn to free yourself. I'm not saying be reckless I'm simply saying some things are out of date. Divorce for example can be a form of freedom and equality. Marriage can be a sentence if you let it. Divorce doesn't always have to be seen in the negative and nor should marriage always be seen in the positive. Society taught woman (from the dark ages onward) that their value was attached to men. It was an ideal - today it is an outdated ideal. Truth is attached to time and so one should see truth as being fluid. Your mothers and your grandmothers truth is not your truth and your truth will not necessarily be your children's truth. I know you are religious (so am I) but I want to give you an example. If we go back 500 years I know I for one would be burnt at the stake for living the way I currently do, however today's truth allows me to act and say the things I do without condemning me to hell.

Enjoy your date Athenacus - be who YOU are comfortable being and enjoy your evening!

Hi Athenacus,

My paternal grandmother and my MIL are obsessive and chronic worriers imagining every possible thing that might go wrong. It drives me NUTS!!!

It sounds like your mom was making you feel guilty for putting your needs front and centre and maybe you felt ashamed for having needs or putting them high on the priority list. That's really unfair because we all have needs. Kids are hard work and mom's need a break to relax in a way that works for them.

I often find people who are a bit nosy and highly anxious are extremely controlling, paranoid and mistrusting of others. They need others to feel good about themselves and to help them hold onto their sense of self so I suspect any moves by you to individuate and be your own person are going to be undermined and thwarted. Its important to remember that the way your mom and sister behave - its about them, its not about you, and probably their concern for you holding onto your kids isn't a pure motive. Its about them keeping you where they want you to be.

You of course can stand up, shake your head and decide to live your life anyway you please.

Hugs xxx GE
I often find people who are a bit nosy and highly anxious are extremely controlling, paranoid and mistrusting of others. They need others to feel good about themselves and to help them hold onto their sense of self

Wise words, GE. I have experienced this a lot in my family.

Athenacus, I hope you were able to enjoy your date. I think as a society we place an awful lot of pressure on women and mothers about sexuality and needs and we also socialise women to behave in an undemanding way.

Ever notice with children how when people see a determined little boy and the comment is "Aw, he knows what he wants" and with girls it's "She's a demanding little madam". I know I am using extreme examples but I do see it a lot. Little girls are taught from an early age to be compliant, calm and undemanding. And then we wonder why there are so few women in the boardroom. The same can hold true for women trying to forge an identity for themselves, while also being a wife and/or mother.

I risk going off on my own personal rant here, when this is about you. I guess I recognise society's influence in your story but also the influence of family. It is really hard to break free from constraints placed on you when they are presented as concern for your wellbeing or the welfare of your children.

I think often people's 'concern' is often a front for them feeling anxious about the possibility of you moving out of the role you have been assigned, even if they don't consciously recognise that fact.

Take care - hope T school is going well.

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