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Ha, ha, Cowboy- I win! You aren't as reliable and consistent as I thought you were. But it's kind of a pyrrhic victory.

You know...guys, he's been so consistent, so available, and once or twice when he forgot to schedule a session, he was apologetic, and more than made up for it by scheduling me really far out. He's been, oddly, very careful about that. almost like a mind reader. All of this strange availability and willingness to schedule weekly sessions has kept things somehow really safe for me. It's an odd thing, but there it is, it seems to be the most important part of therapy, that I...actually have a very consistent therapy time, and that all I have to do is say "yes, please, or "do we have an appointment scheduled?" It's also totally held transference at bay for me, probably because I've never really experienced someone purposefully make time for me so willingly in their schedule, as if it is something I can just expect from him. It's felt nice, totally safe, and also the relationship (although often, not the therapy) is lacking in any emotional intensity that total unavailability when I'm in need seems to trigger. I think that this is good for me, though. It's not like I can't see what the problem is in me, it's just that I don't have to re-experience it through transference like I did with Guru.

So last week, Cowboy didn't schedule something when I left the way he usually does, and I forgot to mention it. He actually emailed me the next day, informing me that we didn't have anything scheduled and asking how I'd like to proceed, that I could let him know if I like Wednesdays or something else. I wrote back, stating something to the effect of I prefer Wednesday evenings, but that if someone else needs that time, I could come any day in the late afternoons. He never wrote back. And he never scheduled an appointment, either, and it looks like I don't have one for tonight. I could just write and ask for one, which is probably what I should do- but even though I know I must care, I can't really feel that I care...which is wonderful, in a way, not to have the agonizing intensity that this kind of thing used to trigger with Guru T- and yet- it is triggering some kind of underlying thingy relating back to him, or I guess I wouldn't even be asking for input! It's just that I really feel like I'd rather walk away than contact Cowboy T *again* ( I had to do the same thing a few other times) and if he doesn't write back to me, I suspect that is when I will end up walking, or...just drifting away from therapy..simply because... if Cowboy is going to start playing the same game Guru played, than...I fold. I will not beg, plead, and boot lick to get an appointment. That is final. If I get regular appointments, fine, dude- I really appreciate it, but if I have to beg, borrow, plead and remind repeatedly...then I am done. y'know?

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I love you and certainly understand the difficulty of not getting a response to a request for an appointment even if it isn't the same intense response guru T caused but I think you should give Cowboy T a call. Emails do occasionally go missing in cyberspace. or something might have happened to him in his personal life that meant he hasn't been at work etc. So don't beg, plead, and bootlick instead just call and say I responded to your email with my appointment preferences and I didn't hear back from you. Can we book? or is there a problem? or something. Don't walk away or drift away it isn't satisfying.


if Cowboy is going to start playing the same game Guru played, than...I fold. I will not beg, plead, and boot lick to get an appointment. That is final. If I get regular appointments, fine, dude- I really appreciate it, but if I have to beg, borrow, plead and remind repeatedly...then I am done. y'know?

I hope Cowboy T makes it safe for you to need him.

Ahhh... Beebs... another very creative excuse to run from Cowboy and therapy. After all, it's HIS fault for not replying to your email right?

But, Beebs, you don't win. You actually lose... a great relationship that is helping you. No it's not easy to do therapy nor to ask for that appointment but it's very important that you do so. I am always looking for a reason to run from my T (much more than I did with oldT... but that is the nature of the additional trauma of losing oldT) yet I know it's just my stupid hamster amygdala telling me to run and I think I have learned enough not to listen to it and so... back I go.

I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a sit on the floor, really tough session.

I hope you got an appointment and saw Cowboy tonight. Let us know.

Thank you for all the feedback, you guys- what great friends you all are. I had a feeling you guys were going to say that I shouldn't quit, haha, how did I guess?

well, I'm a bit gobsmacked. For some reason I just assumed that if I didn't contact him and ask what happened, I could just slink away quietly and the cowboy wouldn't even notice I had stopped coming. That how it would've gone down with old T.

But no. He actually called me- at my home(!) to tell me he wasn't able to find an appointment time. He offered me one for tomorrow, but then retracted it, which was kinda weird, but oh well. Then he proceeded to book me out every single Wednesday until he leaves in June for a few weeks, and plus two appointments when he gets back at the end of June!! He said I could cancel them if I needed to, but he wanted to make sure that he booked them in advance for me since his Wednesday evening fills up so quickly. sheesh.

So confused...why would he do that for me? Is there a creepiness factor in that, that just normal T behavior?


I have to admit that I'm...touched. It feels weird to not be forgotten. I don't particularly like it. It's just so...obvious a lack of forgetting. He even remembered something from my last session and wished me luck on it! What is that all about? I think he must be trying really hard to make sure he doesn't play hard-to-get with me, even accidentally, so that he doesn't have to deal with...Clingy Client! bwahahaha!!!

Curse you, Transference! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, and may your mother grow warts on the soles of her feet! And may the consequences of violating the restraining order I have put upon you be multiplied a hundred-fold, and unto the third generation! May your corrupting influence never enter into my life again, thou spawn of iniquity and chaos!

And just to make sure, I will now spontaneously combust.


You are so funny. You made me
Laugh. He's letting you know you are important to him. You matter.

Funny how niceness and caring can raise red flags. I've often thought that if I went To a more accessible t I would have thought they were gross and I would have left a long time ago. So screwy. I Think these t's
Have to find a balance between being accessible and not being accessible at least for me


Glad he cares but somehow I never doubted it.

ewwww. really? there is this whole ickiness factor to thinking that he "cares." I *wanted* Guru to care and he always insisted he cared, even though he consistently forgot about me, appointment times, was late, other things came up, forgot to bill me, forgot to cash my checks, either responded over-the-top kindly to my emails or, completely ignored them-told me my anger was very unpleasant after encouraging me to express it to him, and so on..hinted that every week was far too often for me to come, hooked me into learning to be dependent on him, and then when it worked, left me high and dry to suffer alone...of course-

Cowboy says he cares, but he is clear that it is not in a "lovey-dovey way." But when he goes and does what he is probably just supposed to do as a responsible T, as in, respond to requests for appointments- it makes me feel as if it actually *is* "lovey-dovey" and then I get the whole "ick factor" going down. I mean- if Guru T had ever called me at home of his own volition to inform me that he wasn't able to find appointment time for me, and schedule a bunch of other ones- I would have probably died and gone to heaven. Now it just feels ick, but...touching. sheesh.

WTF?? Must. Walk. Away. Therapy is weird.
Aww, BB, I keep liking your cowboy T more and more. He kind of reminds me of my own T, in that he seems to be very steady and patient.

I think though...there is only one kind of caring, and it IS a kind of love. Otherwise it's just fake caring. But it's OK you know, it won't bite!

Easy for me to say to you, though! My T told me she cared about me yesterday (well, indirectly, she said she cares about her clients), along with a lot of related stuff that was so very hard to take in. Now it feels like my attachment to her grew overnight and I'm trying to figure out how to deal with it. Eeek!
Hi Beebs... there is no ick factor or red flags here. Cowboy is caring for you and that is what you need, although I know how scary that feels. But it's not dangerous with Cowboy. And I know it feels good to you and that can scare the pants off of you because you are not accustomed to anyone behaving towards you like that. But it's okay Beebs. Just work on taking it in and allowing yourself to feel the care. And yes, I totally get that if this was oldGuru you would have been walking ten feet off the ground for months.

Today my T was trying to convince me that he is protective of me and that he would never allow anyone to hurt me. I just have so much trouble with this. I told him I don't even know what protection looks like or feels like so I cannot understand when he is doing it.

And lastly, it the times when my T is his most kind, caring, and thoughtful that are the hardest to accept and take in. It makes me cry with a weird kind of pain. Kindness can do that to you when you had a lifetime of deprivation.

Lots of hugs Beebs and I'm SO glad he called you.

Lol Beebs you make it sound like you’re in a kind of sparring duel with Cowboy (I love your funny asides) BUT of course it’s deadly serious really isn’t it?

I am really glad he got back to you (and pulled the rug from your pyrrhic victory) though it’s obviously created all sorts of conflict and fears in you.

I haven’t a lot of time right now or I’d be giving a much more in depth LL reply (read, waffly Roll Eyes ) as a lot of what you’re struggling with sparks deep stuff in me – the refusal to get hooked into feeling cared about or given to because that would just allow all these needy crap dependent type feelings to surface and put me into a shameful self abasing experience of self, stuff like that, such as you are describing happened with GuruT.

So I’ll just leave it at saying, I have high hopes for you with CowboyT and that the way he is strikes me that you can be as cagey and distant and disconnected and defensive as you like, he’s neither going to push you nor run away. That’s got to be a good thing Cool.

Hugs to you ((((((( Beebs )))))))

I have a big smile on my face reading this Beebs.

Shock horror, T actually cares for you. eeeek.

My T has said it to me a number of times over the past few weeks trying to convince me and she has written it a few times.

So much easier to NOT believe it. Because that feels so much easier (and safer) and fits into our patterns of thinking of being rejected. But OMG they care - how are we supposed to react to THAT.

So happy Cowboy T did what he did. Love it.
Thank you- all of you- for your support. I guess I'll see Cowboy again next Week, it'll be three week break. the kinda thing that would've totally floored me with Guru t, but doesn't seem to matter at all with Cowboy. we'll see how it goes. I dunno what I'm doing- why am I there?

However- I appreciate your support. I'm trying to care about it, as best I well, dears,


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