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BLOG: I wish it were legal to hit your Mother, and I understand why Daddy wanted to Kill Her!

I'm mid-way into my 4th decade with her and honestly I can only remember the first decade being a happy one. When I was 10 and under she loved me, she was nice to me, we were a "we". Then she married Ralph and that turmoil began. It ended in 2001 when he died, and I naively thought she would be kind to me again. But, in fact, she is just as vicious has she has been since I turned 11.

Take yesterday, for example. The day started out innocently enough. I called her around 10am and we had a nice, good-morning chat. Neither of us had decided what we were going to do with our beautiful Fall Sunday, so she ended our conversation with "If I do something I'll let you know.". Then about an hour later I had decided that with such a beautiful day I would like to get out in it and go for a hike, so I took a chance and called Mom. Typically, she refuses my invitations to do much of anything except see a movie, or, on occasion, meet for lunch or dinner. We don't have much in common, and usually she finds a way to ruin any event - like a golf outing, for example. So, I called her and told her I was going to "take a chance" and ask her to do something with me. By all miracles we were able to find a compromise and she agreed to come over and we would walk through the Arboretum - it's not a country drive, which she hates and I love; it's paved so she won't get her feet dirty; there aren't any big hills to maneuver; and I get to see some trees and beautiful nature (which heals my soul like nothing else can). Ironically, (there's that word again) I called (platonic best friend who is now gay) Eric to tell (his voice machine) the good news: that although it took an act from the UN General Assembly, I negotiated an outing with my Mom for the day!!!

The getting her over here (a 20-minute drive she seems to find difficult) went smoothly enough. She arrived on time, then we took off for the Arboretum. I was driving her car, and she always makes me feel tense, but she can't see, nor does she know her way around, so we have gotten to the point where I take over once she gets to town. She still tries to break from the passenger side, and looks for cars when I am passing, etc. It's very annoying considering I've driven cross-country twice, but I've learned to ignore it. I try to laugh about her insanity - her fear of losing control, etc.

We arrived at the Arboretum and she is still trying to control the way I drive by telling me of a parking space I missed in lieu of the one I chose. I got out of the car and said a silent prayer, "PLEASE don't let me REGRET this." Famous last words.

As we walked on the paved path, I noticed other "couples" (friends, etc.) walking next to each other and talking, and a few lovers holding hands, then there was me and mom - several steps apart, in absolute silence. It continued on this way for about 1/4th of a mile, then I decided to try and interject a conversation starter: "What do you and Aunt Jo talk about when you take walks together?" "Nothing." And then we manage a bit of small talk about how they take a lot of breaks to sit down, etc. Then it goes basically silent again, so I begin to talk to the birds - a large Peregrine Falcon to be exact - who was being run off by a smaller bird and they both were squeaking it up. Amazing, though.

We get to the top of a "hill" (that most people jogged up). I looked at her pained face and asked if she wanted to sit down. She grumbled that there was no place to sit, and I corrected her and showed her the upcoming bench. (To this point she has made a few negative grumbles already, that I chose to ignore). We both sat down and I stretched out my back a little, while the other nice people chatted and walked past us. Then, she began to speak ... "I'll tell you what Aunt Jo and I talk about ... we talk about how you [uh-oh, here we go again] ... how you don't want to be with "the family" - that you never want it to be the three of us, you want it to be just me and you." [UGH - and on such a pretty day, too.] So I said, do you want me to answer this? I'll tell you why I don't want to be around you and Aunt Jo together - you two get together and it's as though I don't exist. You completely ignore me and go on chatting about the people you know, that I don't, and no one ever tries to bring me into the conversation. It's like that with the other part of the family, as well. Why would I want to be around people who so obviously don't want me there? I'm too old for this." And on and on it went.

We got up and began walking again. Then I found a caterpillar walking on the path who was sure to get squished, so I picked up a leaf and moved it on to the grass to give it a fighting chance. I hear mom's voice a few steps ahead of me: "You're weird." That just sent me over the edge. You know, I didn't ask you here to insult me - to take beautiful moments and use them to tell me, yet again, how much you hate me; how I'm not good enough; whatever. This was, "supposed to be" (she LOVES using "supposed to" phrases all the time) ... this was supposed to be a nice Fall outing with my Mom - not your chance to berate me yet again. And the fight began. I was so upset - here we were surrounded by all these nice people, enjoying a peaceful Sunday together, and I am practically yelling at my mother for being such a vicious bitch. I had no alternative than to walk away.

I walked up to where the flowers were, and with cold chills running through my cells, tried to restore my day. She finally came up there and when I got her attention I said, "I'm ready to go." and began walking to the car. She had the key so I had to wait for her. She got in the car and asked, "Do you want to get something to eat?" I said, "No." and began the drive home. Then part two of the fight came. "I wish you were normal." she said to me! She repeats the same shit she always does when we fight. To prove some point of how I "have fits", she recalls an episode, gosh, maybe ten years ago, when I was swimming in my cousin's pool and the young kids were playing and splashing. Well, one of them started splashing me (an adult) and I asked him not to - that I was wearing contacts and the chlorine hurt my eyes. He kept on and on. I couldn't get him to stop, so I yelled for his parents or someone to stop this mean kid. But Mom's version is that "everybody saw you having a fit when the kids were only playing in the pool". and then she begins to argue with me when I remind her that this kid was hurting me and no one would jump in to help me. "You should have gotten out of the pool." was her defense this time.

It's like this all the time, when she's not drunk, she finds a way to start a fight and loads on me with such viciousness that I seriously want to hit her. Or when she is drunk and we have to have someone help us pull her out of a dinner somewhere - you know like my last birthday at a 4-star restaurant. Lovely mom.

I began my day with her, realizing that she is such a miserable person. My friend says she is selfish. I think she's fucking insane. I remember something she told me once a few years ago, that daddy didn't want to have children "with her". I so wish he was alive so I could find out who was more to blame in their relationship. According to her, he was the crazy one. But I've lived with her for 44 years and I know how mean she can be. It's like she enjoys pushing the people she "loves" over the edge. She lives for this. And I told her exactly that during our walk yesterday, "You live for this stuff - you can't have a peaceful hour!"

You know, it's not just the one incident that causes a problem - it's the build up over the years, brick by brick until you just can't take the pressure anymore.

We were at a "pastoral counselor" once when I was a child and he starts "therapy" by asking me "if I hate my mother". At the time I answered honestly, "No." (and I thought he was crazy to even ask). But over the course of the past three decades, with all the hurtful things she has said to me, how she still treats me cruelly when I am only trying to be nice to her, I have to change my answer to "Yes" I do hate my mother. I can't wait for the day when my life isn't infected with her misery. For the day when I can live an entire week without being emotionally upset by something cruel she has said to me. To not be berated by anyone, because if she were a husband, I would have left her YEARS ago - "Irreconcilable Differences."

The good news is that I did pull myself out of her spider's web and recovered my beautiful Fall day. After a vodka, and a call to my Aunt's voice machine to clarify my answer - knowing what a spin mom would put on it when she told her ... I can hear it now, (*not my real name) "Amanda doesn't want to be with us because she's not the center of attention." and then she'd go on about what "a fit" I threw at the park, etc. She enjoys driving a wedge between people, she's done it with me and the other members of my family, and even with her second deceased husband, my step-father, who I could get along with just fine when she wasn't there, but get them together and it was pick on "Amanda" day. But, I digress. After all of this, I drove back to the Arboretum and took my camera so I could take pictures of the beautiful flowers, and as I was beginning my walk, a nice lady and I started up a conversation. She offered to walk with me and tell me all about the flowers we were seeing. That one moment changed my day. We strolled and chatted (well she chatted, I mostly listened) for the next thirty minutes. There was such an ease. An ease I wish I had with my mother. An ease I had with my grandmother, who I miss terribly. We even got onto the subject of men. "Marry a friend.", she said. It was nice. Then I asked her a question: "If you saw a caterpillar on a path would you move it so it wouldn't get squished? Is that weird?" Her answer: "Yes, I would. It's not weird at all."


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My mother has resented me since I was born, for various reasons. We've played "nice" for several of my adult years, but earlier this year I decided to stop playing because she wanted me to keep rescuing her from consequences of addictive behavior and I refused to do it anymore. I'm still being "punished" for it with silence, but that's okay because at least she's getting her own life. I admire you for having the energy to still try to have some kind of connection with your mom. You probably are reaching her and making a difference to her on some level that she's not letting you see. Not that it's any consolation to you, necessarily. I don't think I could do it.

How beautiful that that woman showed up later on and gave you a little bit of what you wanted with your mom. And what a perfect reply to your caterpillar question. Smiler I'm going to think about it whenever I see a caterpillar. And for what it's worth...I don't think it's weird at all, either. Big Grin

Thank you for sharing this with us!
Hi SpaGirl,

I'm gonna reiterate a lot of what the girls above said but I really am sorry that you had to endure the negativity and anger of your mother.

I can relate to the being around a close relative full of negativity, anger and hostility and, my god, is it difficult. I'm only realizing how much it has built up in me over the years and I've only had to put up with it for a fraction of the time you have and I'm not even sure to the same degree. So I really wish you all the best and like the others, really admire you for trying despite all she does to discourage you. I think you must be a very strong woman. I'm happy I'm living away from home and only have to go home every so often. And even then it's difficult. I don't wand to sound ungrateful but I can't help but snap these days, there's so much anger there.

And yet when my Dad talks to me on the phone he keeps asking when I'll be home, hoping that it won't be long. I feel bad sometimes about not being home as much. He's housebound, he must be lonely and I feel so angry at him.

Mrs. P
I don't know that it's because I'm "strong". The thing is, you never know when she is going to be nice and when she is going to strike. Some times we can go see a movie, and even have dinner, and all is well, other times what starts innocently ends in disaster.

I'll have to look back over last year's posts, but I think it was around this time that she upset me to the point of reaching out for help (again). At that time I came to the conclusion that she is borderline. I described our relationship as being on a sliding scale of 1-10, with 5 being neutral. We hover around 5 - not exciting, but not hurtful. It's very boring at the best of times. There aren't any deep, loving or nurturing moments one would want from a mother. Usually, on a good day, we talk about her day and I interject some small talk, maybe what tv show is on that night, or what I'm having for dinner - not much beyond that.

One of the things she spewed out at me on the drive home was that she just wished I was "happy". I am happy, but I'm not happy with the words she uses. To call me weird was uncalled for. I told her, "Why did you even have to say that?" You might think it, but why not just keep it to yourself? And why bring up stuff from a decade ago? And why say things like, "I wish you were normal?" Normal, like YOU??? Thank GOD I'm not!

It boils down to her inability to accept me as I am - not as some version of a Barbie doll/Stepford Wife vision of what she thinks a daughter is "supposed" to be. OH! I know ... "normal" as in just like my cousin's wife and their friends. I get it now. All the people in the small town where she lives are by and large, Christian, White, Conservative, Country Music Loving ... you get the picture. And, POLITE. Very polite. But since they are all the SAME, they never have to deal with the issues that have been presented to me in my life. My cousin has never had a friend "go gay" and no one in that town has probably ever met a Muslim, so fucking a 20-year old one, is "weird". (I'm referring to my best friend, Eric, who has challenged my beliefs to the hilt with his new found "love" interest.) So, yes, to them and their kind, I probably am weird. I don't kill deer, doves, or other beautiful animals; I don't go to church on Sunday; I don't pretend the world is just like the 10-mile radius of my home town.

It's the pain that is hard to rid oneself of. I don't see how she can "love" me while being so cruel to me. It's just not possible. Bonus points here - she may "love" me (a selfish love all based around her perceived obligations as a mother) but she certainly does not LIKE me. None of them do, or they would treat me differently.

I planned and executed an epic trip to France last year - all by myself - and not once during a family dinner did anyone inquire about the adventure. And they wonder why I don't want to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas with them.


As I told her, it was such a shame that here she was, just minutes away from me (I used to live thousands of miles from home), alive and well enough to get out and enjoy life, and now that she is widowed, you would think that she would CHERISH these moments together, instead of using them to create more tension and separation between us.

All I asked for was a nice walk in a beautiful park on a sunny and crisp Fall day - shared with my Mom while she's still alive.

Hi SpaGirl,

I can’t tell you why your mom acts this way, but I can tell you what I’ve learned about why my mom resents me. I don’t know if any of it will help but I will put it out here just in case it might. It is long, so you might want to grab a cup of coffee first.

The short answer is, my mom never grew up, never dealt with her own issues, and she is envious of me because she sees me as someone who has. I am a reminder of what she couldn’t do, for whatever reason. I am an affront to her pride.

Now for the long answer.

First of all, my mother got her heart broken by her first love and she took it really hard (funny how those things repeat, isn’t it?). When she was engaged to my dad, but he was away, she had one last roll in the hay with her ex-BF and became pregnant with yours truly. She and my dad still got married, but she didn’t really love him, and I was a reminder of the one who broke her heart. So she was never affectionate with me, always avoided me, neglected me, didn’t treat me nicely, and especially when she would get drunk (she’s an alcoholic), she would direct her anger at me. So I always felt like she hated me.

(She actually told me all this when I was 12 as a way to explain why she always took her anger out on me. This was supposed to be an apology. When I started crying, she said oh, come on, it’s not that big of a deal. She’s consistent like that.) mother also resented the attention my father would give me. His attention was mainly two kinds, intellectual and emotional. Intellectually, he gave me a love of books and a tendency to dream big (or maybe that’s grandiosity...I guess it depends on how you look at it). Anyway, more recently I learned from my aunt (who knows all the intimate dynamics of my childhood because she was our babysitter since I was five years old) that my dad considered me more of an intellectual equal than he did my mother, and actually would put her down by comparing her to me. So naturally she resented that. Emotionally he would try to comfort me when they would fight and I would get scared, or when she would take her anger out on me. When I would cry, she would tell him not to comfort me, that I was just looking for attention. I have no idea why she had a problem with that.

Next...My mother also resented the attention I got from my aunt. I think my mom wanted to be friends with her, because she was lonely being away from where she grew up and being married to a man she really didn’t love. But what happened is my aunt basically became a surrogate mother/sister figure for me, because I really needed one. And I suppose that insulted my mom’s pride. She was the only one I got positive mothering attention from (and she came from her own childhood of horrors – worse than mine). My mom would say things like, “Are you going to see your hero today?” stressing the word “hero” in a mean tone of voice. To this day she still doesn’t like her.

My mother also envied the attention of my first BF (the one I’m having a hard time getting over). She quit drinking when I was 12 when we went to family therapy for alcoholism. It was there that I met the BF. At first she acted happy for me, but over time she grew resentful that I was happy, and even told me that a couple of times. She even told me she had a crush on my BF once. Eventually she divorced my dad and shacked up with the father of my BF (weird, I know).

My mom was actually happy for a while with him, the happiest she’s ever been in her life. She had someone taking care of her and loving her. It wasn’t the healthiest of relationships, but they were both sober, and when I look at pictures of her back then, it really hurts to see how happy she was. Because he was killed in a car accident 6.5 years later, in 1991. This almost destroyed her completely.

For a while she seemed to recover from losing him. She bought a house and got a job. She and I communicated, but it was hard because she still kept in touch with my old BF as a way of keeping the memory of his dad alive. My old BF got married and had kids, so my mom saw herself as kind of a grama to them and put pictures of them up in her house. She would tell me when she saw him, when they had a new kid, and how nice his wife was. This always felt like more resentment to me – I mean she knew how much it broke my heart when he left me, how clueless can the woman be? But I always bit my tongue because I didn’t want her to have the satisfaction of seeing me hurt. And it always confused me how it gave her satisfaction. I’m a mom to two girls now and I just can’t understand it.

Over time things went downhill. She has struggled with one addiction after another. Money, gambling, credit cards, gambling on credit cards, pain pills, and finally alcohol again. Up until this year I have tried to help numerous times. I understand addiction, having sobered up myself in 1991. I’ve helped to the point of enabling, knowing I’m enabling, but hey, she’s my mom. I’ve got to try.

Predictably, the trying took time and resources away from my own family and they started to suffer. Not only that, but she began to develop a sense of entitlement regarding our house, our car, our money, and she was even getting weird about my husband in the things she would say to him and the way she'd say them.

There was a little incident earlier this year when I realized, this woman isn't getting it. So I had to stop, because it was plain to see my help wasn’t helping. And obviously I have some issues of my own to work out. She’s been sober all year, I think. But she hasn’t been talking to me at all these last few months so I’m not sure. If she was out drinking again, I probably would have heard from her by now. Last I heard she was making some friends which is a very good thing. She tried a little guilt trip on me a couple of months ago, but it didn't work.

Writing this, I can really feel strong compassion for my mom. I don’t know where her sadness comes from exactly. Her childhood wasn’t extraordinarily hard as far as I know. Her parents were (are – her mom is still alive, but her father passed away this year) decent enough parents, no abuse that I know of, and no neglect that I know of either.

But triggers that have come along in the last two years have shown me it’s time to go back and reparent that little girl that was me, not only for my own benefit, but so I can parent my little girls better too. It is either do that, or sink back into addiction myself. And I don’t want to go back to addiction. It’s sad to say but my mom’s example has steered me clear of that.

I’m going to stop now because this has really become a novel. I have no idea if any of this helps you but I hope there’s something good you can take from it.

Of course it helps. It's amazing what pain is inflicted by other people's "issues" that have nothing to do with us.

UPDATE: I'm feeling good tonight so I decided to call her, since she is my Mother (and my only living relative who, at least, gives a damn), and guess what??? It's as though nothing happened. She's cheery (probably had a wine or two) and we had our usual small talk. I don't bring up yesterday and neither does she and all tension is magically evaporated. See what I mean about not knowing what to expect?



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