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I've been discussing the way I struggle to trust him. That led to my telling him I was worried he was angry, frustrated, or disgusted with me (I've told him that before). Which eventually led to me admitting that one of the things that bothered me was him always keeping a 4 foot distance between us at all times. I've been seeing him for three years and for most of that time I haven't wanted him to come any closer but in the last couple of months when we've been talking about my painful memories from childhood I've wished he would move closer or pat my shoulder/arm or even a handshake.

After the first session we talked about physical proximity I sent him an email telling him that I wasn't asking for a hug but a handshake or some similar level of contact. Yesterday we had a session where we chatted about small things going on in my life for the first half. Then he talked about how he understood that I didn't just trust what he said because in the session before he told me his distance was not a sign he was disgusted by me or trying to avoid me and my stories but he understood why I might feel that way. He said again that I just had to wait and see how he was instead of expecting that I would trust his verbal statements. He didn't mention handshakes at all and then he changed the subject. I told him I wasn't happy he changed the subject because I wanted to talk more about it and he just evaded. I didn't ask him directly in person like I did in the email but I'm still angry he didn't address it.

I hate that he won't tell me where he stands on the issue of touch/handshakes. I know sometimes he thinks that it is more important that I talk about how I feel about things but I think that is so difficult when he doesn't admit how he feels. I think it would be easier for me to talk about why I think I want to shake his hand and why I want to now but not 6 months ago or why it seems so important right now that I can't talk about anything else if I knew how he felt or I believed he would tell me how he felt but I don't think he will. I think he will continue to avoid the topic.

I'm so frustrated today he sent me an email saying that he thought there weren't direct answer to many of the issues I was struggling with and we could keep discussing them in my session tomorrow. I composed a pretty honest email telling him that I thought that there were direct answers to questions like "would you shake my hand? why or why not?" but he wouldn't answer me. I also told him that I thought this was an example of the way we failed at working together because his response or avoidant response just completely shuts down my exploration of the issue and why it is important to me. I haven't sent the email. I don't know whether to send it and never go back, send it and go to my session, not send it and quit. In the past when I felt like we were stuck like this I'd tell myself it didn't matter what he thought of me and try and focus on a specific topic to discuss that was very different than our relationship. I don't think I can do that anymore.
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Hello Incognito

Going to encourage you to send the email AND go to the session (do you really want to walk after all this time? I get how you would feel like it's just too much hassle and grief to keep pushing, but maybe that's when it's most useful to keep going...)

I actually don't understand why he isn't giving you a straight answer about the handshake - I would have thought that's part of this thing called 'boundaries' - and if you ask directly about it and he avoids answering that would make me feel very confused about where his boundaries lie. On the other hand, it sounds like he feels that giving you a straight answer at this point might not be the most useful thing to do - if that makes sense.

Also the impression I'm getting from the way you've described his responses, is that he doesn't have a strict no physical contact boundary and that it might be dependent on the circumstances when and if he makes physical contact - which is something that could be very difficult to explain without creating more confusion.

I have to say I like his comment about your having to wait and see how he is, that he doesn't expect you to trust his verbal statements - I'm reading that as meaning that you will learn how he feels about you, in a much more direct and meaningful way than if he were to simply to say things (that you might be likely to dismiss as just 'T talk' anyway.)

I hope you do go to the session and are able to talk about this stuff that is making you so frustrated and hurt. If it's any help maybe you could post your email (or parts of it) here and see what others think?

Thanks for the encouragement LL. I did send the email. Now I just have to get up the courage to go to my session tonight. You are right that I don't want to walk to start with someone new but I frequently feel unhelpable and that I an just torturing myself with no hope of improvement.

BG, I wish I could make a joke and laugh but it all seems so important and deadly serious right now that when T tries to joke around it just falls flat and frustrates me.

To be fair I've never asked him to shake my hand in person and directly but I've talked about it generally in person and directly by email and he hasn't responded. I haven't had the guts to force the discussion in person.

I think the part that is making me feel so broken is that I've been seeing my T for 3 years most of the last 1.5 years twice a week. I seem stuck at the trust stage unable to take in and really get the ways he is caring and consistent so I don't make progress. It is frustrating for me and I can only imagine also for T.

thanks for listening,
Early on, the lack of physical contact made me feel very leper-ish. Now I welcome that our relationship is completely emotional and spiritual, and want to protect that in every way. I can get a hug from the neighbor, my husband, a friend I run into at a grocery store...but I cannot find this level of genuine emotional intimacy anywhere else. And I need it to heal.

Beautifully put, BG.
I'm so frustrated today he sent me an email saying that he thought there weren't direct answer to many of the issues I was struggling with and we could keep discussing them in my session tomorrow. I composed a pretty honest email telling him that I thought that there were direct answers to questions like "would you shake my hand? why or why not?" but he wouldn't answer me. I also told him that I thought this was an example of the way we failed at working together because his response or avoidant response just completely shuts down my exploration of the issue and why it is important to me. I haven't sent the email. I don't know whether to send it and never go back, send it and go to my session, not send it and quit. In the past when I felt like we were stuck like this I'd tell myself it didn't matter what he thought of me and try and focus on a specific topic to discuss that was very different than our relationship. I don't think I can do that anymore.

WOWWW incognito... what amazing growth and strength you show right here. You are growing and changing so much in the past few months. Look at you... confronting your T about difficult issues. Bravo! You are asking for what you need and you want an explanation and discussion if you are denied it. That is amazing. I hope your T has the good sense to be very proud of you. And you should be proud of yourself.

I'm sorry I was away all day but I would agree with LL and the others and tell you to go to the session and sent the email (I see that you did send it). I hope your T comes through for you and is willing to "go there" and explore what this all means.

Let is know how it goes. I'll be thinking of you.

I just wanted to tell you all about my session. I did go to it and it was akward and difficult for the first half. T was talking about the parts of my email that we've already discussed. I was frustrated because I thought he was avoiding the touch conversation but I couldn't say anything about it.

Eventually he asked me how affectionate my parents were when I was child which broached the topic of touch. He told me that he never assumed that a handshake was okay with a client but that he was okay with it if it was. We discussed a lot of the reasons he was careful around touch and physical distance and he assured me it wasn't because he was repulsed by me or trying to keep me at a distance. I actually felt pretty good about the conversation. The session was almost over and he encouraged me to email him my thoughts about the conversation today and he told me we would continue the conversation next week and get to my other questions in my email. I asked him about other things like sitting closer to each other and hugs.

The odd thing is that even though the conversation went well I got up and left like usual and never even thought of shaking his hand. It was like the conversation was enough for me. Or it was like the part of me that wants to shake his hand had completely left and the part of me that his fine with the distance was there.

Thanks for all you support and advice. I feel like I'm making some progress with talking about what I need even though I didn't do it the "right" but I'm less angry with myself for how I do things.

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