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Fun (I hope) thread, just for the heck of it.

1. If you were a flower, which one would it be (and why?)

2. If you were an animal, which one would it be (and why?)

3. If you wrote a book, what would be its title?

4. If you ruled the world Cool what’s one thing that you would do/change?

5. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be?

6. If you suddenly won a load of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?

7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you choose (and why)?

Hm now I’ve thought up the questions, suppose I should think about my own answers. Back later.


p.s. feel free to add any additional ‘if’ questions if you can think of them.
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Love this idea! I like fun stuff! Smiler

1. If you were a flower, which one would it be (and why?)
I would be a sunflower because I love how bright and yellow they are. They are beautiful, and always cheer me up.

2. If you were an animal, which one would it be (and why?)
I would be a cat. Cats are SO borderline it's not even funny. LOL! So the personality would definitely suite me, dontcha think? But, in all honesty, I love cats. They are my favorite animal--and I would like to sleep most of the day.

3. If you wrote a book, what would be its title?
"Goin' Nowhere and Gettin' there Fast." I always am in a rush to do everything...and really there is no reason for rushing through life. I am trying to learn to calm down.

4. If you ruled the world Cool what’s one thing that you would do/change?
Oh, so many things. I would make sure that everyone had adequate health care--and demand better mental health care for everyone. Medical and Mental Health Care would definitely be my priority. I hate that people suffer so much and it's not necessary. I also hate the stigma applied to getting medical attention for a mental health disorder.

5. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be?
I'd change this attachment I feel towards my T. It's much too intense and it only causes me pain.

6. If you suddenly won a load of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?
I'd quit my job, buy a house in the country(a farm with horses), and spend my life retired traveling the world.

7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you choose (and why)?
I'd be Kate Winslet. She's gorgeous, so I'd just stand naked in the mirror all day admiring myself. LOL!

1. If you were a flower, which one would it be (and why?)
A sunflower because it is big, bright and happy : )

2. If you were an animal, which one would it be (and why?)
A lion because it does what I believe in, that is to work hard, play hard and rest well.

3. If you wrote a book, what would be its title?
Best fun and practical jokes ever! lol

4. If you ruled the world Cool what’s one thing that you would do/change?
Find a new ruler and go and have tea.

5. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be?
I would like longer legs because I am quite short and big people always stand in front of me.

6. If you suddenly won a load of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?

7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you choose (and why)?
David Attenborough or any geographer/geologist so I could know a lot about what I was enjoying at the coast or inland. Doreen Massey from the Open University, she does human geography and I love her.
1. If you were a flower, which one would it be (and why?) - Forgetmenot. The explanation is in the name! Ha Smiler

2. If you were an animal, which one would it be (and why?) - An eagle. Spread my wings and fly the world. The natural world is such a beautiful place and freedom is in the sky.

3. If you wrote a book, what would be its title?
'Moving forward: From depression to freedom. A journey' - I think I'd write about my therapy experience and diarize the feelings I had each session and note the improvements.

4. If you ruled the world what’s one thing that you would do/change?
Hmmm...Get rid of celebrity magazines. Any media that is of no use to the sanity of being human. Lots of other things too but I can't think of them!

5. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be?
Peace of mind I guess.

6. If you suddenly won a load of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?
Probably indulge in one of my many escapist fantasies. I'd do some globe trotting. I know I'd be avoiding myself, but travelling is just so wonderful too!

7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you choose (and why)?

None. Well, I wouldn't mind being in Susan Sarandon's shoes for a little while. For curiousity. She seems down to earth. Who knows..
1. If you were a flower, which one would it be (and why?)
I'd be a little wild flower in a natural meadow. On my own, I might not be anything particularly special but with all the other wild flowers, we'd make a beautiful sea of dancing colour.

2. If you were an animal, which one would it be (and why?)
Something cuddly and cute so I got lots of cuddles.

3. If you wrote a book, what would be its title?
I'm not saying! One day I hope to write a novel and I already have my title and don't want to jinx it...

4. If you ruled the world Cool what’s one thing that you would do/change?
Hmm. Something about making therapy more easily available and affordable but can't quite work out how to make it fair on therapists and not affect the therapeutic relationship. More policy development required here!

5. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be?
No anxiety unless it's the normal, useful kind.

6. If you suddenly won a load of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?
Give up work!!! And then only ever work at something that I loved and had the flexibility to choose when I did it.

7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you choose (and why)?
I don't think I'd like to be. I wouldn't enjoy the attention from the media and I'd feel a fraud getting praise for someone else's talents.
Hey, some pretty interesting replies here!

Finally got my own answers done.

1. If you were a flower, which one would it be (and why?)
Sweet pea - smells nice (I wear lots of perfume) and needs lots of support to grow well.

2. If you were an animal, which one would it be (and why?)
A sloth, doesn’t do much exercise, sleeps a lot

3. If you wrote a book, what would be its title?
There Are No Saviours. (I cheated here, this was already a working title for something I once wrote – and the m.s. ended up down the garbage chute where it belonged.)

4. If you ruled the world Cool what’s one thing that you would do/change?
Eradicate all NOISE grrrr

5. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be?
My age (oh if only I were 25 years younger and knew what I know today...)

6. If you suddenly won a load of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?
Go into shock

7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you choose (and why)?
The queen of England, just to see what it’s like to have lived a life where the whole world treated you with courtesy and respect

IF you could ask T ONE question and get an honest response--what would that question be?

What thoughts, if any, do you have about me in between sessions?

I'm not so much curious about what she thinks of me *in* session, because I either guess, project, or ask in a round about way, but what I'd love to know is if she ever wonders how I'm doing or thinks of me when she's off duty. The thought that she might makes my little heart pitter patter. Big Grin I'd be too shy to ask about this, though. . .
Glad you liked the question, feel free to use it if you ever get the chance. Big Grin

I did ask my T that question and got a swift and very reassuring "yes." He told me that these relationships were real and deep and so of course his patients would come to mind. He has a LOT of gifts from patients in his office (including a few from me Big Grin) and he gestured and said "how could I not think of my patients when I look around this room?" Anything I have ever seen written by a T has said that they think of their patients outside of sessions. Probably not as much as we think of them mind you Wink but I do think they think of us. It would really be ok to ask your T about that.

FOT, wow, really good question!
Ok - I'll try.

1. A Gardenia - I just love the smell. It is so peaceful. I love the look of the beautiful white flower against the deep dark green leaves.

2. I've always said I would be a bird but I really think I'd like to me a wild mustang running free through the wild west.

3. My book, Hmmm... Finally free

4, If I ruled the world, there would be stronger punishments for criminals. The money in this country, would stay in this country. Perhaps then we would be able to care for our own needs.

5. I could go all deep and answer this but the truth is I'd like to be the size of a super model with the body of one too!

6. Scream! and then have a blast!
7. I honestly can't think of anyone. I don't think I'm the celebrity type.

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