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If you could change one thing about your T's office, what would it be? Does the shade of the carpet nag at you? Would you like better lighting? More windows? "Art-ier" wall art?

When I was out T shopping awhile back, I visited one T who had a mini refrigerator in her waiting room stocked with bottled water, soft drinks, and juice. She told me to feel free to get something to drink. It gave her office a very hospital and homey kind of feel.

Another T I went to see had bottled water and even a little coffee pot going in a corner of the room. Now that was sweet! It kind of helped ease me into the session and contributed to an atmosphere that was comfortable and relaxed. Since I'm way prone to anxiety in therapy, anything that does that is good in my book, lol.

So I was thinking the other day, hmmm, T has the prettiest office and she is herself of course wonderful, but if I could change one thing, (in a hypothetical world) I'd add a coffee bar to the waiting room. Big Grin

Lol, now that I'm typing this it strikes me that SD's post probably partly prompted this inspired thought in me. Smiler How we all influence each other around here.

But anyway, tell me your dreams, peoples. What would you fix, alter, add, adapt, or change?
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The only thing that I would change about my new T's office is the level of privacy that I feel I have. I've been in the waiting room and been able to hear clients in there and everything they are saying. Her office is right by the front door and waiting room where everyone comes/goes and it isn't very soundproof. So, I feel a little exposed. Otherwise I really like her office.

OldT's office was very private which I liked. The building was largely empty so there weren't people around often and she didn't share her office. If I could have permanently changed anything about her office it would be the way the furniture was arranged. She sat directly across from me and I frequently mentioned that was triggering as it felt confrontational and I felt really exposed and "on the spot". It would have been helpful if I didn't have to continuously ask not to be seated directly across.

New T has more of an angular set up and there is also a table between our two chairs so it feels less threatening.
Well, I see T in two different offices, one about 10 minutes away and one about 45 minutes away.

I'm assuming that transportation into my own home on a permanent basis, so he is accessible any time I'd like is off limits.

So, I would definitely have him have a private office, not a suite with other Ts. Luckily, the further one, there is almost never any other T around at the times I've ever gone, but I still hear doors from other suites and sometimes get really triggered into a weird "somebody's coming!" thing. Also, like STRM, the privacy issue.

In the closer office, I would replace the glass coffee table with a wood one. I can't stand the glass one.

In the one that's farther away, I would replace the leather couch we usually sit on (it is actually a double-recliner loveseat or something, which only know, because he said I was welcome to use the recline when we were trying a relaxation technique) with something softer.

Hahahaha, that's too many one things, huh?

But, there are two offices, so I can have two things, right? So, if I can't move him in-home and obviously, it's impractical for him to keep two separate completely alone all by himself offices, I'd do the table in one and the couch in the other. In general, I'd like if it felt more homey. We met in a different room at the farther office for a while and it felt much more enclosing and safe for some reason, just the way it was furnished. But, as long as my T is there, I guess that's all that really matters. My head is buried like 90% of the time anyway. Roll Eyes
T's office is always really warm. And I tend to flush when I am embarrassed or uncomfortable so as soon as I bring up something I don't really want to talk about it feels like a million degrees in there! She is good about it though and will open the window for me if I feel too warm. I would make the office cooler. Then I could go wearing a sweatshirt and feel less exposed and more secure anyway. Smiler
T1 (1 office): Comfier waiting room (she doesn't have the space to do it but I'd love a couch in there.

T2 (2 offices): First office I wish the art was hers or stuff she liked rather than the same paintings from my office building. Second office I would make entombed in soundproof padding so I didn't hear every little thing and worry I could be heard.

I really like all the offices I see my Ts. Smiler
Nothing like the sound and sight of rain against a window when you are trying to access emotion.

Oh, I hear you on that one. First time I ever went to see T was last summer, and that first session happened to be during one of those spontaneous summer afternoon thunderstorms. It was perfect. I even took it as something of a sign, lol.

Hmm, maybe a perpetual rainstorm would be even better than a coffee bar. I may have to change my one wish. Smiler

Btw, everybody, I'm loving all these responses! You all are so creative and fun. Big Grin
Oooh, I would definitely put a friggin' window in his closer office. As long as there are good blinds. The natural light is so much better!

As for blankets, T has them. Either he has two of the same kind or he actually carts it with him to both offices so I can use it. Embarrassed He was doing that with the glove panda I made for him, bringing it to his Monday/Tuesday office, then to his Wednesday office, then home and back again the next week. It went everywhere with him. I told him just to leave it in office #1 after a while, because I was embarrassed. I think he did the same with the blanket (it was in a paper bag) just for me too. Humiliating. Most of his other clients M-W are marital therapy or guys with sex addiction. Thursday is anger groups. I'm pretty sure I'm his only client needing a blanky from time to time right now. I think I end up being the only of a lot of things with him.

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