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Hi all-

I have been gone yet again.. I have to say it has been REALLY a challenge for me to deal with emails and my communities. I love to read and write but sometimes I just go into spaces where I just can't seem to do it, respond or write even when I have a desire someplace to do so. I do read in general to see what's going on most times but thats about it.

Life is okay i guess as best as it can given my difficult circumstances. I'm feeling a lot more anxious about studying the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). I really need to start preparing myself for this arduous exam in order to proceed to my graduate school goals. I'm terrible with math and it's a major part of the exam so it's very stressful.

Therapy has been challenging lately because it has taken so darn long for me to warm up to Adrine. I still miss Holly a whole lot and now Im trusting Adrine a lot more but its just slow. We have been doing a lot of work on core beliefs, cognitive distortions, some work mostly with my mood and some abit with handeling the PTSD symptoms. My psychiatrist recently said something about my PTSD being a chronic thing not going away and I was just completely taken aback by this as I have always looked at PTSD as something treatable. I can still have my own feelings about it but still.... I guess I never conceptualized it as it could just stay and that sorta just sucks.

My health is the same. Still in pain despite being on morphine. It helps a whole lot though so I can function but still it's worrisiome. I take like 9 medications which frustrates me and I'm chronically tired. A lot of my friends seem to rely on me as the listening ear because they find me easy to talk to I guess but it's hard to find support in the reverse. Than again, Im quite guarded of a lot of myself so... lol..

I've cut down some of my emails by leaving some communities that were getting on my nerves and it helped because I have had some people that hurt me a lot since im incredibly sensitive to being/feeling abandoned... something else im working on in therapy.. and it sucks.. lol.

My goals are still in tact. just slow going due to major financial/economic, inefficient medical coverage and things like that. I really need much more medical care than Im getting and so its really putting a major obstacle in front of mine.

guess thats all for now

ps, I deleted one of my poems on dissociation... im not sure why.. i guess it was just there and i suddenly felt weird about it being there and doesnt seem like anyone was interested in it so i deleted it. I haven't been writing much poetry lately...
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Good to see you posting again! I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Good luck in your exam... we have one this coming weekend too.

"My psychiatrist recently said something about my PTSD being a chronic thing not going away and I was just completely taken aback by this as I have always looked at PTSD as something treatable. "

This is quite interesting i think... treatable and curable aren't the same thinga re they! I believe PTSD is 'treatable' but not 'curable'. Make sense?

Butterfly Warrior:

I am sorry to hear of your pain, and that morphine is not as effective as you would like or need. I send healing thoughts your way....I am also sorry to hear that you deleted your poem "Dissociation". I read it several times and was was deeply enlightened!!

Good luck with your exam...

I wish I were taking the exam... I'm not yet.. i want and need to... it's pivotal to getting accepted into graduate programs.... so it's just difficult not being able to prepare really right now due to economic issues

sarah- thanks for your comments about the poem.. if i had known anyone was interested, i probably would have left it... i dont know why.. i get really vulnerable, insecure and paranoid when I leave my poetry someplace and no one says anything or really anything... it worries me so than i just have to do something about it like.. delete it.. lol...

the pain meds are helping to a degree... just pain is difficult to manage I guess when it becomes very severe... I'm not really sure how things will go but I think at least its manageable...

in terms of the PTSD ... yes... i know what you mean about curable vs treatable however, I guess I'm trying to get at the thought that I never considered my PTSD as something that was chronic. THe fact that it came and went away and came back didnt clue me in... I sorta just shrugged it off as some remnants of the fact that I haven't had efficient therapy for the traumas and that once I did, these 'side effects" would cease to exist...

Good fortune on your exam ...

Hopefully I will be able to get the materials I need to study for the GRE and than work on getting the chance to take it eventually... so on... so fourth....


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